S60 devices

S60 is a feature rich software platform for smart phones with advanced data capabilities. These devices allow focused consumer-device segmentation in areas such as enterprise, entertainment, personal productivity, and games.

Devices based on the S60 platform feature:

The following figure presents an example Series 60 device:

Figure 4: S60 device: Nokia N70


The minimum requirements for a S60 device display are 176 x 208 pixel resolution (square-shaped pixels) and 256 color display (4096 colors preferred). S60 UI software is scalable from portrait to landscape display mode, in which the height and width of the display are switched. In landscape mode, some UI elements such as softkeys may change places. MIDlets designed for a certain resolution can be scaled to other resolutions supported by the mobile device.

Supported resolutions are:

  • 176 x 208

  • 208 x 176

  • 240 x 320 (QVGA)

  • 320 x 240 (QVGA)

  • 352 x 416

  • 416 x 352

For more information, see section Scalability.


The following figure points out the required input keys on an example device.

Figure 5: Keyboard example

The required input keys are:

  • Two softkeys (SK1 - left and SK2 - right)

  • Five-way navigation (four arrows and a Selection key)

  • Call creation and termination keys (Send and End keys)

  • Applications key

  • Alpha-numeric keyboard with digits from 0 to 9 and symbols * and #

  • Clear key

  • Power key

In devices with no Edit key, a short press of the Star (*) key opens the editing menu and a long press opens the special characters table.

The S60 platform also supports extra keys. These are:

  • Camera key

  • Voice key

  • Volume keys

There is also support for QWERTY-keyboards. The S60 Developer platform supports both Latin letter and non-Latin letter languages.

For more information, see document S60 UI style guide on Forum Nokia website..


The Nokia S60 devices use dynamic memory allocation, which allows the reuse of memory space once reserved and released. The shared heap size can be up to 20MB.

Many S60 devices support unlimited JAR size. For detailed information about each device, see the Device Specification section on Forum Nokia.

Note: There might also be device-specific maximum download sizes, which define the maximum size of content allowed to be downloaded to the device. In many products the maximum download size (for any content) is smaller than the maximum allowed application size. This means that it may be possible to install applications via PC suite, for example, where they could not be downloaded over the air.