Interface APDUConnection

All Superinterfaces:

public interface APDUConnection
extends Connection

This interface defines the APDU (Application Protocol Data Unit) connection. J2ME applications can use this connection to communicate with applications on a smart card using APDU protocol. ISO 7816-4 defines the APDU protocol as an application-level protocol between a smart card and an application on the device. There are two types of APDU messages: command APDUs and response APDUs. Command APDUs are sent to the smart card by J2ME applications. Response APDUs are the messages received from the smart cards. For more information on APDU protocol see the ISO 7816-4 specifications.

Also J2ME applications can use getATR method in this interface to obtain information regarding an Answer To Reset (ATR) returned by the smart card on card reset and use the enterPin method to ask the user to enter PIN which is sent to the smart card for verification.

The methods of APDUConnection are not synchronized. The only method that can be called safely in another thread is close. When close is invoked on a connection that is executing in another thread, any pending I/O method MUST throw an InterruptedIOException. If an application terminates without calling close on the open connection, the implementation SHOULD perform the close operation automatically in order to recover resources, such as the logical channel.

Creating an APDU Connection

An APDU connection is created by passing a generic connection URI string with a card application identifier (AID) and optionally the slot in which the card is inserted, to the method. For example, the connection string:


indicates that the connection is to be established with a target application having AID A0., which resides in the smart card inserted in the default slot; that is, slot number 0. If the slot number is not specified, then the default slot is assumed.

Each APDU connection has a logical channel reserved exclusively for it. That is, the channel is dedicated to the J2ME application and the selected smart card application until the connection is closed. A smart card supporting logical channels allows the host device to open multiple logical channels to communicate with on-card applications. Logical channels other than the basic channel may be closed when the connection is closed. Basic channel or channel 0 has to remain open while the card is powered on.

Since the basic channel or channel 0 cannot be closed, the terminal should maintain its availability status. When a J2ME application asks for a new connection, the implementation would find out if channel 0 is in use by any application (native or J2ME application). If channel 0 is not in use, the implementation would acquire the channel 0 for communicating with the card application by setting the state of channel 0 to "IN USE". It would then select the desired application on channel 0. If the selection is successful, the newly created connection object would be returned to the J2ME application which can then use it to communicate with the card application. If the card application selection fails or the J2ME application calls close on the connection object, the availability state of the basic channel will be set back to "AVAILABLE" meaning that the basic channel is available for use.

When a J2ME application requests a connection to the card and channel 0 is in use by some other application (native or J2ME application), the implementation sends a MANAGE CHANNEL command to the card requesting a logical channel for the new connection. If there is a logical channel available, the card returns with the logical channel number which will be used by the new connection. The implementation would select the desired application on the newly allocated logical channel. If the selection is successful, the implementation returns the newly created connection object to the J2ME application which can then use it for communicating with the card application. If application selection fails or the J2ME application calls close() method to close the connection with the card application, the implementation will send a MANAGE CHANNEL command to the card to close the channel. The channel will then be available for use by other applications.

In the case when there are no logical channels available or the card does not support logical channels, the card will return an error. An IOException will be thrown and no connection object will be returned to the J2ME application.

Communicating With Smart Card Applications

Once an APDU connection is created, the J2ME application can use the exchangeAPDU method to send command APDUs and receive response APDUs to and from the card. J2ME applications cannot use exchangeAPDU to send card application selection APDUs or channel management APDUs. Card application selection is allowed only by calling method with the URI string described above and logical channels management is defined by API functionality.

There may be several APDU connections open at the same time using different logical channels with the same card. However, since APDU protocol is synchronous, there can be no interleaving of command and their response APDUs across logical channels. Between the receipt of the command APDU and the sending of the response APDU to that command, only one logical channel is active. For T=0 protocol, for case 4 and case 2 command APDUs the card may respond with '61 XX' or '6C XX'. These special cases MUST be handled by the implementation in the following manner:

In both the cases discussed above, the implementation MUST make sure that between sending the command APDU, receiving status word '61 XX' or '6C XX', and sending GET RESPONSE or resending the command APDU with Le set to XX respectively, there MUST not be any other APDU exchange on any logical channel with the card. In case the status word '61 XX' is received multiple times successively from the card, the implementation must accumulate all the response data received from the card before returning it to the J2ME application. J2ME applications MUST remain oblivious of the exchanges mentioned above and should only get the response received as a result of the above operations.

Communicating With Multiple Smart Card Applications

A J2ME application may connect and communicate with multiple smart card applications interchangeably or have multiple connections with the same card application, if the card application is multi-selectable. To achieve this the J2ME application can repeat the procedure mentioned above to create corresponding connection objects.

Closing an APDUConnection

J2ME application can call on an APDU connection to close the connection. If the connection was established on channel other than channel 0, this action closes the channel consequently deselecting the card application and making the channel available for use by other applications. In case of channel 0, the channel is marked as available for use by other applications. The application selected on channel 0 is not deselected at the time the connection is closed but remains selected until a new connection is established on channel 0.

Exceptions that can be Thrown During Connection Establishment

A ConnectionNotFoundException is thrown in any of the following situations:

If the card application selection fails because the J2ME application is not allowed to access the application with the specified application identifier a SecurityException is thrown.

In cases such as when there is no logical channel available to establish a connection, an IOException will be thrown and a connection object will not be returned to the J2ME application.

If a card is removed after the connection is established and then re-inserted, the J2ME application will have to re-establish the connection and get a new connection object. Any attempts to exchange APDUs using the connection object created before removal of the card will result in InterruptedIOException being thrown.

BNF Format for string

The URI MUST conform to the BNF syntax specified below. If the URI does not conform to this syntax, an IllegalArgumentException is thrown.

<APDU_connection_string> ::= "apdu:"<targetAddress>
<targetAddress> ::= [slot];target
<slot> ::= smart card slot number. (optional. Hexadecimal number identifying the smart card slot. Default slot assumed if left empty)
<target> ::= "target="<AID>|"SAT"
<AID> ::= < 5 - 16 bytes >
An AID (Application Identifier) uniquely identifies a smart card application. It is represented by 5 to 16 hexadecimal bytes where each byte value is seperated by a ".".

Smart Card Slot Discovery Mechanism

J2ME devices may support a variable number of security elements (usually smart card slots). Some security elements are permanently attached to the device (e.g. a soldered chip), others are removable. The removable security elements may be cold-swappable, requiring the battery to be removed before the security element can be exchanged (e.g. a MiniSIM slot hidden behind the battery). Other removable security elements can be inserted and removed while the system is running. (e.g. a hot-swappable smart card reader).

A system property is defined to indicate the names of the smart card slots. The property can be queried through the System.getProperty() method using the key microedition.smartcardslots. The value returned is a comma-separated list of the smart card slots which can be used in the string to identify the specific smart card slot.

If the platform includes a (U)SIM card, it MUST be in slot 0.

The logical slot names include the slot number and a descriptor indicating the type of the slot. For cold-swappable slots the letter 'C' is appended to the slot number. For hot-swappable slots the letter 'H' is appended to the slot number. The slot descriptors (the letter 'C' and 'H' appended to the slot number) cannot be passed as part of the URI to open a connection to the smart card application. The J2ME application MUST remove the descriptor from the logical slot name and only use the slot number in URI to identify the specific smart card slot.

A typical configuration for a cold-swappable SIM card and a hot-swappable removable card would be:

microedition.smartcardslots: 0C,1H

Support for (U)SIM Application Toolkit

If an implementation allows J2ME applications to communicate with (U)SAT, support for communication with (U)SAT should be implemented as specified below.

The APDUConnection can be used to communicate with (U)SAT applications on channel 0. The following sections describe the constraints and methods in supporting communicating with (U)SAT applications.

Technical Constraints

Open Connection with (U)SIM, invoke, Close Connection

To communicate using (U)SAT commands, a J2ME application performs these steps:

APDUConnection Example

The following example shows how an APDUConnection can be used to access a smart card application.

 APDUConnection acn = null;
     // Create an APDUConnection object
     acn = (APDUConnection)
     // Send a command APDU and receive response APDU
     responseAPDU = acn.exchangeAPDU(commandAPDU);
 } catch (IOException e) {
 } finally {
   if(acn != null) {
      // Close connection

Note regarding PIN-related methods

A platform should implement the PIN entry UI in such a way that:

Method Summary
 byte[] changePin(int pinID)
          This is a high-level method that lets the J2ME application ask the user for PIN values for changing the PIN and sending these values to the card.
 byte[] disablePin(int pinID)
          This is a high-level method that lets the J2ME application ask for the user PIN value for the PIN that is to be disabled and send it to the card.
 byte[] enablePin(int pinID)
          This is a high-level method that lets the J2ME application ask for the user to enter the value for the PIN that is to be enabled and send it to the card.
 byte[] enterPin(int pinID)
          This is a high-level method that lets the J2ME application ask for the user PIN value for PIN verification purposes and send it to the card.
 byte[] exchangeAPDU(byte[] commandAPDU)
          Exchanges an APDU command with a smart card application.
 byte[] getATR()
          Returns the Answer To Reset (ATR) message sent by the smart card in response to the reset operation.
 byte[] unblockPin(int blockedPinID, int unblockingPinID)
          This is a high-level method that lets the J2ME application ask the user to enter the value for an unblocking PIN, and the new value for the blocked PIN and send these to the card.
Methods inherited from interface

Method Detail


public byte[] exchangeAPDU(byte[] commandAPDU)
Exchanges an APDU command with a smart card application. This method will put the channel number of the associated channel in the CLA byte of the command APDU. Communication with a smart card device is synchronous. This method blocks until the response has been received from the smart card application, or is interrupted. The interruption could be due to the card being removed from the slot or operation timeout.

commandAPDU - a byte encoded command for the smart card application
a byte encoded response to the requested operation
IllegalArgumentException - if:
  • commandAPDU parameter is null
  • commandAPDU contains a card application selection APDU
  • commandAPDU contains a MANAGE CHANNEL command APDU
  • if the channel associated with the connection object is non-zero and the CLA byte has a value other than 0x0X, 0x8X, 0x9X or 0xAX
  • commandAPDU parameter contains a malformed APDU - can be thrown in any of these situations:
  • if this Connection object is closed during the exchange operation
  • if the card is removed after connection is established and then reinserted, and an APDU exchange is attempted without re-establishing the connection - is thrown if the operation was not successful because of problems communicating with the card, or if the connection was already closed
SecurityException - if commandAPDU byte array contains an APDU that the J2ME application is not allowed to send to the card application.


public byte[] getATR()
Returns the Answer To Reset (ATR) message sent by the smart card in response to the reset operation. ATR is received from the card when the card is powered up or when it is reset. The implementation MUST detect the presence of the card when this method is called and return the value of ATR if the card is present and null if the card has been removed.

the ATR message if the card is inserted, or null if the card has been removed or the connection has been closed.


public byte[] enterPin(int pinID)
This is a high-level method that lets the J2ME application ask for the user PIN value for PIN verification purposes and send it to the card. A call to enterPin method pops up a UI that requests the PIN from the user. The pinID field indicates which PIN must be requested from the user. The user can either cancel the request or continue. If the user enters the PIN and chooses to continue the implementation is responsible for presenting the PIN value to the card for verification. If padding is required for the PIN, the implementation is responsible for providing appropriate padding.

pinID - the type of PIN the implementation is supposed to prompt the user to enter.
result of PIN verification which is the status word received from the smart card in the form of a byte array. This method would return null if the user cancels the request.
Throws: - is thrown if the PIN could not be communicated with the card because the connection was closed before this method was called or because of communication problems. - can be thrown in any of these situations:
  • if this Connection object is closed during the exchange operation
  • if the card is removed after connection is established and then reinserted, and PIN entry is attempted without re-establishing the connection
SecurityException - is thrown if the J2ME application does not have appropriate rights to ask for PIN verification.
UnsupportedOperationException - is thrown if the implementation does not support this method.


public byte[] changePin(int pinID)
This is a high-level method that lets the J2ME application ask the user for PIN values for changing the PIN and sending these values to the card. A call to changePin method pops up a UI that requests the user for an old or existing PIN value and the new PIN value to change the value of the PIN. The pinID field indicates which PIN is to be changed. The user can either cancel the request or continue. If the user enters the PIN values and chooses to continue the implementation is responsible for presenting the PIN value to the card. If padding is required for the PIN, the implementation is responsible for providing appropriate padding.

pinID - the type of PIN the implementation is supposed to prompt the user to change.
result of changing the PIN value which is the status word received from the smart card in the form of a byte array. This method would return null if the user cancels the request.
Throws: - is thrown if the PIN could not be communicated with the card because the connection was closed before this method was called or because of communication problems. - can be thrown in any of these situations:
  • if this Connection object is closed during the exchange operation
  • if the card is removed after connection is established and then reinserted, and attempt is made to change PIN without re-establishing the connection
SecurityException - is thrown if the J2ME application does not have appropriate rights to ask for changing the PIN value.
UnsupportedOperationException - is thrown if the implementation does not support this method.


public byte[] disablePin(int pinID)
This is a high-level method that lets the J2ME application ask for the user PIN value for the PIN that is to be disabled and send it to the card. A call to disablePin method pops up a UI that requests the user to enter the value for the PIN that is to be disabled. The pinID field indicates which PIN is to be disabled. The user can either cancel the request or continue. If the user enters the PIN and chooses to continue the implementation is responsible for presenting the PIN value to the card to disable PIN. If padding is required for the PIN, the implementation is responsible for providing appropriate padding.

pinID - the type of PIN the implementation is required to prompt the user to enter.
result of disabling the PIN value which is the status word received from the smart card in the form of a byte array. This method would return null if the user cancels the request.
Throws: - is thrown if the PIN could not be communicated with the card because the connection was closed before this method was called or because of communication problems. - can be thrown in any of these situations:
  • if this Connection object is closed during the exchange operation
  • if the card is removed after connection is established and then reinserted, and attempt is made to disable PIN without re-establishing the connection
SecurityException - is thrown if the J2ME application does not have appropriate rights to ask for disabling the PIN.
UnsupportedOperationException - is thrown if the implementation does not support this method.


public byte[] enablePin(int pinID)
This is a high-level method that lets the J2ME application ask for the user to enter the value for the PIN that is to be enabled and send it to the card. A call to enablePin method pops up a UI that requests the user to enter the value for the PIN that is to be enabled. The pinID field indicates which PIN is to be enabled. The user can either cancel the request or continue. If the user enters the PIN and chooses to continue the implementation is responsible for presenting the PIN value to the card for enabling the PIN. If padding is required for the PIN, the implementation is responsible for providing appropriate padding.

pinID - the type of PIN the implementation is required to prompt the user to enter.
result of enabling the PIN value which is the status word received from the smart card in the form of a byte array. This method would return null if the user cancels the request.
Throws: - is thrown if the PIN could not be communicated with the card because the connection was closed before this method was called or because of communication problems. - can be thrown in any of these situations:
  • if this Connection object is closed during the exchange operation
  • if the card is removed after connection is established and then reinserted, and attempt is made to enable PIN without re-establishing the connection
SecurityException - is thrown if the J2ME application does not have appropriate rights to ask for enabling the PIN.
UnsupportedOperationException - is thrown if the implementation does not support this method.


public byte[] unblockPin(int blockedPinID,
                         int unblockingPinID)
This is a high-level method that lets the J2ME application ask the user to enter the value for an unblocking PIN, and the new value for the blocked PIN and send these to the card. A call to unblockPin method pops up a UI that requests the user to enter the value for the unblocking PIN and the new value for the blocked PIN. The unblockingPinID field indicates which unblocking PIN is to be used to unblock the blocked PIN which is indicated by the field blockedPinID. The user can either cancel the request or continue. If the user enters the PIN values and chooses to continue, the implementation is responsible for presenting the PIN values to the card for unblocking the blocked PIN. If padding is required for either of the PIN values, the implementation is responsible for providing appropriate padding.

blockedPinID - the ID of PIN that is to be unblocked.
unblockingPinID - the ID of unblocking PIN.
result of unblocking the PIN value which is the status word received from the smart card in the form of a byte array. This method would return null if the user cancels the request.
Throws: - is thrown if the PIN could not be communicated with the card because the connection was closed before this method was called or because of communication problems. - can be thrown in any of these situations:
  • if this Connection object is closed during the exchange operation
  • if the card is removed after connection is established and then reinserted, and attempt is made to unblock PIN without re-establishing the connection
SecurityException - is thrown if the J2ME application does not have appropriate rights to ask for unblocking the PIN.
UnsupportedOperationException - is thrown if the implementation does not support this method.


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