Package org.eclipse.swt.dnd

SWT Drag and Drop support.


Class Summary
ByteArrayTransfer The class ByteArrayTransfer provides a platform specific mechanism for converting a java byte[] to a platform specific representation of the byte array and vice versa.
Clipboard The Clipboard provides a mechanism for transferring data from one application to another or within an application.
TextTransfer The class TextTransfer provides a platform specific mechanism for converting plain text represented as a java String to a platform specific representation of the data and vice versa.
Transfer Transfer provides a mechanism for converting between a java representation of data and a platform specific representation of data and vice versa.
TransferData The TransferData class is a platform specific data structure for describing the type and the contents of data being converted by a transfer agent.

Package org.eclipse.swt.dnd Description

SWT Drag and Drop support.

Package Specification

This package contains the classes which make up the public API of the SWT Clipboard support.