Class RowData

  extended byorg.eclipse.swt.layout.RowData

public final class RowData
extends java.lang.Object

Each control controlled by a RowLayout can have its initial width and height specified by setting a RowData object into the control.

The following code uses a RowData object to change the initial size of a Button in a Shell:

 		Display display = new Display();
 		Shell shell = new Shell(display);
 		shell.setLayout(new RowLayout());
 		Button button1 = new Button(shell, SWT.PUSH);
 		button1.setText("Button 1");
 		button1.setLayoutData(new RowData(50, 40));

See Also:

Field Summary
 boolean exclude
          exclude informs the layout to ignore this control when sizing and positioning controls.
 int height
          height specifies the preferred height in pixels.
 int width
          width specifies the desired width in pixels.
Constructor Summary
          Constructs a new instance of RowData using default values.
RowData(int width, int height)
          Constructs a new instance of RowData according to the parameters.
RowData(Point point)
          Constructs a new instance of RowData according to the parameter.
Method Summary
 java.lang.String toString()
          Returns a string containing a concise, human-readable description of the receiver.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public int width
width specifies the desired width in pixels. This value is the wHint passed into Control.computeSize(int, int, boolean) to determine the preferred size of the control. The default value is SWT.DEFAULT.

See Also:
Control.computeSize(int, int, boolean)


public int height
height specifies the preferred height in pixels. This value is the hHint passed into Control.computeSize(int, int, boolean) to determine the preferred size of the control. The default value is SWT.DEFAULT.

See Also:
Control.computeSize(int, int, boolean)


public boolean exclude
exclude informs the layout to ignore this control when sizing and positioning controls. If this value is true, the size and position of the control will not be managed by the layout. If this value is false, the size and position of the control will be computed and assigned. The default value is false.

Constructor Detail


public RowData()
Constructs a new instance of RowData using default values.


public RowData(int width,
               int height)
Constructs a new instance of RowData according to the parameters. A value of SWT.DEFAULT indicates that no minimum width or no minumum height is specified.

width - a minimum width for the control
height - a minimum height for the control


public RowData(Point point)
Constructs a new instance of RowData according to the parameter. A value of SWT.DEFAULT indicates that no minimum width or no minumum height is specified.

point - a point whose x coordinate specifies a minimum width for the control and y coordinate specifies a minimum height for the control
Method Detail


public java.lang.String toString()
Returns a string containing a concise, human-readable description of the receiver.

a string representation of the data