Class BluetoothConnectionException


public class BluetoothConnectionException

This BluetoothConnectionException is thrown when a Bluetooth connection (L2CAP, RFCOMM, or OBEX over RFCOMM) cannot be established successfully. The fields in this exception class indicate the cause of the exception. For example, an L2CAP connection may fail due to a security problem. This reason is passed on to the application through this class.

Field Summary
static int FAILED_NOINFO
          Indicates the connection to the server failed due to unknown reasons.
static int NO_RESOURCES
          Indicates the connection failed due to a lack of resources either on the local device or on the remote device.
          Indicates the connection failed because the security settings on the local device or the remote device were incompatible with the request.
static int TIMEOUT
          Indicates the connection to the server failed due to a timeout.
          Indicates the connection failed because the configuration parameters provided were not acceptable to either the remote device or the local device.
static int UNKNOWN_PSM
          Indicates the connection to the server failed because no service for the given PSM was registered.
Constructor Summary
BluetoothConnectionException(int error)
          Creates a new BluetoothConnectionException with the error indicator specified.
BluetoothConnectionException(int error, java.lang.String msg)
          Creates a new BluetoothConnectionException with the error indicator and message specified.
Method Summary
 int getStatus()
          Gets the status set in the constructor that will indicate the reason for the exception.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Throwable
getMessage, printStackTrace, toString
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final int UNKNOWN_PSM
Indicates the connection to the server failed because no service for the given PSM was registered.

The value for UNKNOWN_PSM is 0x0001 (1).


public static final int SECURITY_BLOCK
Indicates the connection failed because the security settings on the local device or the remote device were incompatible with the request.

The value for SECURITY_BLOCK is 0x0002 (2).


public static final int NO_RESOURCES
Indicates the connection failed due to a lack of resources either on the local device or on the remote device.

The value for NO_RESOURCES is 0x0003 (3).


public static final int FAILED_NOINFO
Indicates the connection to the server failed due to unknown reasons.

The value for FAILED_NOINFO is 0x0004 (4).


public static final int TIMEOUT
Indicates the connection to the server failed due to a timeout.

The value for TIMEOUT is 0x0005 (5).


public static final int UNACCEPTABLE_PARAMS
Indicates the connection failed because the configuration parameters provided were not acceptable to either the remote device or the local device.

The value for UNACCEPTABLE_PARAMS is 0x0006 (6).

Constructor Detail


public BluetoothConnectionException(int error)
Creates a new BluetoothConnectionException with the error indicator specified.
error - indicates the exception condition; must be one of the constants described in this class
IllegalArgumentException - if the input value is not one of the constants in this class


public BluetoothConnectionException(int error,
                                    java.lang.String msg)
Creates a new BluetoothConnectionException with the error indicator and message specified.
error - indicates the exception condition; must be one of the constants described in this class
msg - a description of the exception; may by null
IllegalArgumentException - if the input value is not one of the constants in this class
Method Detail


public int getStatus()
Gets the status set in the constructor that will indicate the reason for the exception.
cause for the exception; will be one of the constants defined in this class