Class DiscoveryAgent


public class DiscoveryAgent
extends java.lang.Object

The DiscoveryAgent class provides methods to perform device and service discovery. A local device must have only one DiscoveryAgent object. This object must be retrieved by a call to getDiscoveryAgent() on the LocalDevice object.

Device Discovery

There are two ways to discover devices. First, an application may use startInquiry() to start an inquiry to find devices in proximity to the local device. Discovered devices are returned via the deviceDiscovered() method of the interface DiscoveryListener. The second way to discover devices is via the retrieveDevices() method. This method will return devices that have been discovered via a previous inquiry or devices that are classified as pre-known. (Pre-known devices are those devices that are defined in the Bluetooth Control Center as devices this device frequently contacts.) The retrieveDevices() method does not perform an inquiry, but provides a quick way to get a list of devices that may be in the area.

Service Discovery

The DiscoveryAgent class also encapsulates the functionality provided by the service discovery application profile. The class provides an interface for an application to search and retrieve attributes for a particular service. There are two ways to search for services. To search for a service on a single device, the searchServices() method should be used. On the other hand, if you don't care which device a service is on, the selectService() method does a service search on a set of remote devices.

Field Summary
static int CACHED
          Used with the retrieveDevices() method to return those devices that were found via a previous inquiry.
static int GIAC
          The inquiry access code for General/Unlimited Inquiry Access Code (GIAC).
static int LIAC
          The inquiry access code for Limited Dedicated Inquiry Access Code (LIAC).
          Takes the device out of discoverable mode.
static int PREKNOWN
          Used with the retrieveDevices() method to return those devices that are defined to be pre-known devices.
Method Summary
 boolean cancelInquiry(DiscoveryListener listener)
          Removes the device from inquiry mode.
 boolean cancelServiceSearch(int transID)
          Cancels the service search transaction that has the specified transaction ID.
 RemoteDevice[] retrieveDevices(int option)
          Returns an array of Bluetooth devices that have either been found by the local device during previous inquiry requests or been specified as a pre-known device depending on the argument.
 int searchServices(int[] attrSet, UUID[] uuidSet, RemoteDevice btDev, DiscoveryListener discListener)
          Searches for services on a remote Bluetooth device that have all the UUIDs specified in uuidSet.
 java.lang.String selectService(UUID uuid, int security, boolean master)
          Attempts to locate a service that contains uuid in the ServiceClassIDList of its service record.
 boolean startInquiry(int accessCode, DiscoveryListener listener)
          Places the device into inquiry mode.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final int NOT_DISCOVERABLE
Takes the device out of discoverable mode.

The value of NOT_DISCOVERABLE is 0x00 (0).


public static final int GIAC
The inquiry access code for General/Unlimited Inquiry Access Code (GIAC). This is used to specify the type of inquiry to complete or respond to.

The value of GIAC is 0x9E8B33 (10390323). This value is defined in the Bluetooth Assigned Numbers document.


public static final int LIAC
The inquiry access code for Limited Dedicated Inquiry Access Code (LIAC). This is used to specify the type of inquiry to complete or respond to.

The value of LIAC is 0x9E8B00 (10390272). This value is defined in the Bluetooth Assigned Numbers document.


public static final int CACHED
Used with the retrieveDevices() method to return those devices that were found via a previous inquiry. If no inquiries have been started, this will cause the method to return null.

The value of CACHED is 0x00 (0).

See Also:


public static final int PREKNOWN
Used with the retrieveDevices() method to return those devices that are defined to be pre-known devices. Pre-known devices are specified in the BCC. These are devices that are specified by the user as devices with which the local device will frequently communicate.

The value of PREKNOWN is 0x01 (1).

See Also:
Method Detail


public RemoteDevice[] retrieveDevices(int option)
Returns an array of Bluetooth devices that have either been found by the local device during previous inquiry requests or been specified as a pre-known device depending on the argument. The list of previously found devices is maintained by the implementation of this API. (In other words, maintenance of the list of previously found devices is an implementation detail.) A device can be set as a pre-known device in the Bluetooth Control Center.
option - CACHED if previously found devices should be returned; PREKNOWN if pre-known devices should be returned
an array containing the Bluetooth devices that were previously found if option is CACHED; an array of devices that are pre-known devices if option is PREKNOWN; null if no devices meet the criteria
IllegalArgumentException - if option is not CACHED or PREKNOWN


public boolean startInquiry(int accessCode,
                            DiscoveryListener listener)
                     throws BluetoothStateException
Places the device into inquiry mode. The length of the inquiry is implementation dependent. This method will search for devices with the specified inquiry access code. Devices that responded to the inquiry are returned to the application via the method deviceDiscovered() of the interface DiscoveryListener. The cancelInquiry() method is called to stop the inquiry.
accessCode - the type of inquiry to complete
listener - the event listener that will receive device discovery events
true if the inquiry was started; false if the inquiry was not started because the accessCode is not supported
IllegalArgumentException - if the access code provided is not LIAC, GIAC, or in the range 0x9E8B00 to 0x9E8B3F
NullPointerException - if listener is null
BluetoothStateException - if the Bluetooth device does not allow an inquiry to be started due to other operations that are being performed by the device
See Also:
cancelInquiry(javax.bluetooth.DiscoveryListener), GIAC, LIAC


public boolean cancelInquiry(DiscoveryListener listener)
Removes the device from inquiry mode.

An inquiryCompleted() event will occur with a type of INQUIRY_TERMINATED as a result of calling this method. After receiving this event, no further deviceDiscovered() events will occur as a result of this inquiry.

This method will only cancel the inquiry if the listener provided is the listener that started the inquiry.

listener - the listener that is receiving inquiry events
true if the inquiry was canceled; otherwise false if the inquiry was not canceled or if the inquiry was not started using listener
NullPointerException - if listener is null


public int searchServices(int[] attrSet,
                          UUID[] uuidSet,
                          RemoteDevice btDev,
                          DiscoveryListener discListener)
                   throws BluetoothStateException
Searches for services on a remote Bluetooth device that have all the UUIDs specified in uuidSet. Once the service is found, the attributes specified in attrSet and the default attributes are retrieved. The default attributes are ServiceRecordHandle (0x0000), ServiceClassIDList (0x0001), ServiceRecordState (0x0002), ServiceID (0x0003), and ProtocolDescriptorList (0x0004).If attrSet is null then only the default attributes will be retrieved. attrSet does not have to be sorted in increasing order, but must only contain values in the range [0 - (216-1)].
attrSet - indicates the attributes whose values will be retrieved on services which have the UUIDs specified in uuidSet
uuidSet - the set of UUIDs that are being searched for; all services returned will contain all the UUIDs specified here
btDev - the remote Bluetooth device to search for services on
discListener - the object that will receive events when services are discovered
the transaction ID of the service search; this number must be positive
BluetoothStateException - if the number of concurrent service search transactions exceeds the limit specified by the property obtained from the class LocalDevice or the system is unable to start one due to current conditions
IllegalArgumentException - if attrSet has an illegal service attribute ID or exceeds the property defined in the class LocalDevice; if attrSet or uuidSet is of length 0; if attrSet or uuidSet contains duplicates
NullPointerException - if uuidSet, btDev, or discListener is null; if an element in uuidSet array is null
See Also:


public boolean cancelServiceSearch(int transID)
Cancels the service search transaction that has the specified transaction ID. The ID was assigned to the transaction by the method searchServices(). A serviceSearchCompleted() event with a discovery type of SERVICE_SEARCH_TERMINATED will occur when this method is called. After receiving this event, no further servicesDiscovered() events will occur as a result of this search.
transID - the ID of the service search transaction to cancel; returned by searchServices()
true if the service search transaction is terminated, else false if the transID does not represent an active service search transaction


public java.lang.String selectService(UUID uuid,
                                      int security,
                                      boolean master)
                               throws BluetoothStateException
Attempts to locate a service that contains uuid in the ServiceClassIDList of its service record. This method will return a string that may be used in to establish a connection to the service. How the service is selected if there are multiple services with uuid and which devices to search is implementation dependent.
uuid - the UUID to search for in the ServiceClassIDList
security - specifies the security requirements for a connection to this service; must be one of ServiceRecord.NOAUTHENTICATE_NOENCRYPT, ServiceRecord.AUTHENTICATE_NOENCRYPT, or ServiceRecord.AUTHENTICATE_ENCRYPT
master - determines if this client must be the master of the connection; true if the client must be the master; false if the client can be the master or the slave
the connection string used to connect to the service with a UUID of uuid; or null if no service could be found with a UUID of uuid in the ServiceClassIDList
BluetoothStateException - if the Bluetooth system cannot start the request due to the current state of the Bluetooth system
NullPointerException - if uuid is null
IllegalArgumentException - if security is not ServiceRecord.NOAUTHENTICATE_NOENCRYPT, ServiceRecord.AUTHENTICATE_NOENCRYPT, or ServiceRecord.AUTHENTICATE_ENCRYPT
See Also: