
TextBox is a text editor that takes up the whole main pane, operating effectively in full screen mode. Contents are automatically wrapped around from one row to the next.

A TextBox can have input constraints, such as PASSWORD, which obscures the actual characters that are being typed.

A TextBox turns automatically active, when it becomes the foreground Displayable or when it resumes input focus. TextBox supports copy and paste functionality.

Figure 22: Example of a TextBox

Source code for the example

import javax.microedition.midlet.*;
import javax.microedition.lcdui.*;

public class ExampleTextbox extends MIDlet {    
   Display display = Display.getDisplay(this);    
   public void startApp()     
    // TextBox(title, text, size, contrains)        
    TextBox textbox = new TextBox("TextBox Example", "This is an example of a TextBox.\n"
            +"It has several lines of text.\n"
            +"Lines that do not fit on the screen will be divided into two or more lines.", 255, 0);
   public void pauseApp() {
   public void destroyApp(boolean unconditional) {

For more information about S60-specific TextBox features, see TextBox implementation notes.