Class PeerComponent

  extended by com.sun.lwuit.Component
      extended by com.sun.lwuit.PeerComponent
All Implemented Interfaces:
Animation, StyleListener
Direct Known Subclasses:

public class PeerComponent
extends Component

A peer component is essentially a "dummy" LWUIT component used to calculate the position of the actual native platform specific component. The behavior of a peer component is very platform specific, it is meant for platforms where a native component can be integrated with a LWUIT component. LWUIT features such as glass pane, z-ordering, dialogs & menus might not work as expected in all situations where peer components are involved. E.g. a peer component might hide itself when a menu/dialog is shown and recreate itself when it is hidden/disposed.

Field Summary
Fields inherited from class com.sun.lwuit.Component
Constructor Summary
protected PeerComponent(java.lang.Object nativePeer)
          This constructor is used by the platform implementation to create instances of this class use the static create method.
Method Summary
 boolean animate()
          Allows the animation to reduce "repaint" calls when it returns false.
protected  Dimension calcPreferredSize()
          Calculates the preferred size based on component content.
protected  Dimension calcScrollSize()
          Method that can be overriden to represent the actual size of the component when it differs from the desireable size for the viewport
static PeerComponent create(java.lang.Object nativePeer)
          Use this method to encapsulate a native UI object
protected  void deinitialize()
          Invoked to indicate that the component initialization is being reversed since the component was detached from the container hierarchy.
protected  void fireClicked()
          When working in 3 softbutton mode "fire" key (center softbutton) is sent to this method in order to allow 3 button devices to work properly.
protected  void focusGained()
          Callback allowing a developer to track wheh the component gains focus
protected  void focusLost()
          Callback allowing a developer to track wheh the component loses focus
 java.lang.Object getNativePeer()
          Returns the native peer instance
 boolean handlesInput()
          Prevents key events from being grabbed for focus traversal.
protected  void initComponent()
          Allows subclasses to bind functionality that relies on fully initialized and "ready for action" component state
 void invalidate()
          Updates the size of the component from the native widget
 boolean isBorderPainted()
 void keyPressed(int keyCode)
          If this Component is focused, the key pressed event will call this method
 void keyReleased(int keyCode)
          If this Component is focused, the key released event will call this method
 void keyRepeated(int keyCode)
          If this Component is focused, the key repeat event will call this method.
protected  void onPositionSizeChange()
          Callback useful for sublclasses that need to track the change in size/position of the component (notice that this might be invoked too many times for a single change)!
 void paint(Graphics g)
          This method paints the Component on the screen, it should be overriden by subclasses to perform custom drawing or invoke the UI API's to let the PLAF perform the rendering.
protected  void paintBackground(Graphics g)
          Paints the background of the component, invoked with the clipping region and appropriate scroll translation.
 void paintBackgrounds(Graphics g)
          This method paints all the parents Components Background.
protected  void paintBorder(Graphics g)
          Draws the component border if such a border exists.
protected  void paintScrollbars(Graphics g)
          Paints the UI for the scrollbars on the component, this will be invoked only for scrollable components.
protected  void paintScrollbarX(Graphics g)
          Paints the UI for the scrollbar on the X axis, this method allows component subclasses to customize the look of a scrollbar
protected  void paintScrollbarY(Graphics g)
          Paints the UI for the scrollbar on the Y axis, this method allows component subclasses to customize the look of a scrollbar
 void pointerDragged(int[] x, int[] y)
          If this Component is focused, the pointer dragged event will call this method
 void pointerDragged(int x, int y)
          If this Component is focused, the pointer dragged event will call this method
 void pointerHover(int[] x, int[] y)
          Invoked for devices where the pointer can hover without actually clicking the display.
 void pointerHoverReleased(int[] x, int[] y)
          Invoked for devices where the pointer can hover without actually clicking the display.
 void pointerPressed(int[] x, int[] y)
          If this Component is focused, the pointer pressed event will call this method
 void pointerPressed(int x, int y)
          If this Component is focused, the pointer pressed event will call this method
 void pointerReleased(int[] x, int[] y)
          If this Component is focused, the pointer released event will call this method
 void pointerReleased(int x, int y)
          If this Component is focused, the pointer released event will call this method
Methods inherited from class com.sun.lwuit.Component
addFocusListener, contains, deinitializeCustomStyle, dragEnter, dragExit, draggingOver, dragInitiated, drawDraggedImage, drop, getAbsoluteX, getAbsoluteY, getBaseline, getBaselineResizeBehavior, getBorder, getBottomGap, getBounds, getClientProperty, getComponentForm, getDirtyRegion, getDisabledStyle, getDragImage, getGridPosX, getGridPosY, getHeight, getLabelForComponent, getName, getNextFocusDown, getNextFocusLeft, getNextFocusRight, getNextFocusUp, getParent, getPreferredH, getPreferredSize, getPreferredW, getPressedStyle, getPropertyNames, getPropertyTypes, getPropertyValue, getScrollAnimationSpeed, getScrollDimension, getScrollOpacity, getScrollOpacityChangeSpeed, getScrollX, getScrollY, getSelectCommandText, getSelectedRect, getSelectedStyle, getSideGap, getStyle, getTensileLength, getUIID, getUnselectedStyle, getWidth, getVisibleBounds, getX, getY, growShrink, hasFocus, initCustomStyle, installDefaultPainter, isAlwaysTensile, isDragActivated, isDragAndDropOperation, isDraggable, isDropTarget, isEnabled, isFlatten, isFocusable, isGrabsPointerEvents, isHideInPortrait, isInitialized, isRTL, isScrollable, isScrollableX, isScrollableY, isScrollVisible, isSelectableInteraction, isSmoothScrolling, isSnapToGrid, isTactileTouch, isTactileTouch, isTensileDragEnabled, isVisible, laidOut, longKeyPress, longPointerPress, paintComponent, paintComponent, paintLock, paintLockRelease, paramString, pointerHoverPressed, putClientProperty, refreshTheme, refreshTheme, removeFocusListener, repaint, repaint, requestFocus, scrollRectToVisible, scrollRectToVisible, setAlwaysTensile, setCellRenderer, setDirtyRegion, setDisabledStyle, setDraggable, setDropTarget, setEnabled, setFlatten, setFocus, setFocusable, setGrabsPointerEvents, setHandlesInput, setHeight, setHideInPortrait, setInitialized, setIsScrollVisible, setLabelForComponent, setName, setNextFocusDown, setNextFocusLeft, setNextFocusRight, setNextFocusUp, setPreferredH, setPreferredSize, setPreferredW, setPressedStyle, setPropertyValue, setRTL, setScrollAnimationSpeed, setScrollOpacityChangeSpeed, setScrollSize, setScrollVisible, setScrollX, setScrollY, setSelectCommandText, setSelectedStyle, setShouldCalcPreferredSize, setSize, setSmoothScrolling, setSnapToGrid, setTactileTouch, setTensileDragEnabled, setTensileLength, setUIID, setUnselectedStyle, setWidth, setVisible, setX, setY, styleChanged, toString
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


protected PeerComponent(java.lang.Object nativePeer)
This constructor is used by the platform implementation to create instances of this class use the static create method.

nativePeer - the native platform specific peer component.
Method Detail


public static PeerComponent create(java.lang.Object nativePeer)
Use this method to encapsulate a native UI object

nativePeer - the native platform specific peer component.


public java.lang.Object getNativePeer()
Returns the native peer instance

the native peer


public boolean animate()
Description copied from interface: Animation
Allows the animation to reduce "repaint" calls when it returns false. It is called once for every frame. Frames are defined by the Display class.

Specified by:
animate in interface Animation
animate in class Component
true if a repaint is desired or false if no repaint is necessary


protected Dimension calcPreferredSize()
Description copied from class: Component
Calculates the preferred size based on component content. This method is invoked lazily by getPreferred size.

calcPreferredSize in class Component
the calculated preferred size based on component content


protected Dimension calcScrollSize()
Description copied from class: Component
Method that can be overriden to represent the actual size of the component when it differs from the desireable size for the viewport

calcScrollSize in class Component
scroll size, by default this is the same as the preferred size


protected void deinitialize()
Description copied from class: Component
Invoked to indicate that the component initialization is being reversed since the component was detached from the container hierarchy. This allows the component to deregister animators and cleanup after itself. This method is the opposite of the initComponent() method.

deinitialize in class Component


protected void fireClicked()
Description copied from class: Component
When working in 3 softbutton mode "fire" key (center softbutton) is sent to this method in order to allow 3 button devices to work properly. When overriding this method you should also override isSelectableInteraction to indicate that a command is placed appropriately on top of the fire key for 3 soft button phones.

fireClicked in class Component


protected void focusGained()
Description copied from class: Component
Callback allowing a developer to track wheh the component gains focus

focusGained in class Component


protected void focusLost()
Description copied from class: Component
Callback allowing a developer to track wheh the component loses focus

focusLost in class Component


public boolean handlesInput()
Description copied from class: Component
Prevents key events from being grabbed for focus traversal. E.g. a list component might use the arrow keys for internal navigation so it will switch this flag to true in order to prevent the focus manager from moving to the next component.

handlesInput in class Component
true if key events are being used for focus traversal ; otherwise false


protected void initComponent()
Description copied from class: Component
Allows subclasses to bind functionality that relies on fully initialized and "ready for action" component state

initComponent in class Component


public boolean isBorderPainted()


public void keyPressed(int keyCode)
Description copied from class: Component
If this Component is focused, the key pressed event will call this method

keyPressed in class Component
keyCode - the key code value to indicate a physical key.


public void keyReleased(int keyCode)
Description copied from class: Component
If this Component is focused, the key released event will call this method

keyReleased in class Component
keyCode - the key code value to indicate a physical key.


public void keyRepeated(int keyCode)
Description copied from class: Component
If this Component is focused, the key repeat event will call this method.

keyRepeated in class Component
keyCode - the key code value to indicate a physical key.


public void paint(Graphics g)
Description copied from class: Component
This method paints the Component on the screen, it should be overriden by subclasses to perform custom drawing or invoke the UI API's to let the PLAF perform the rendering.

Specified by:
paint in interface Animation
paint in class Component
g - the component graphics


protected void paintBackground(Graphics g)
Description copied from class: Component
Paints the background of the component, invoked with the clipping region and appropriate scroll translation.

paintBackground in class Component
g - the component graphics


public void paintBackgrounds(Graphics g)
Description copied from class: Component
This method paints all the parents Components Background.

paintBackgrounds in class Component
g - the graphics object


protected void paintBorder(Graphics g)
Description copied from class: Component
Draws the component border if such a border exists. The border unlike the content of the component will not be affected by scrolling for a scrollable component.

paintBorder in class Component
g - graphics context on which the border is painted


protected void paintScrollbarX(Graphics g)
Description copied from class: Component
Paints the UI for the scrollbar on the X axis, this method allows component subclasses to customize the look of a scrollbar

paintScrollbarX in class Component
g - the component graphics


protected void paintScrollbarY(Graphics g)
Description copied from class: Component
Paints the UI for the scrollbar on the Y axis, this method allows component subclasses to customize the look of a scrollbar

paintScrollbarY in class Component
g - the component graphics


protected void paintScrollbars(Graphics g)
Description copied from class: Component
Paints the UI for the scrollbars on the component, this will be invoked only for scrollable components. This method invokes the appropriate X/Y versions to do all the work.

paintScrollbars in class Component
g - the component graphics


public void pointerDragged(int[] x,
                           int[] y)
Description copied from class: Component
If this Component is focused, the pointer dragged event will call this method

pointerDragged in class Component
x - the pointer x coordinate
y - the pointer y coordinate


public void pointerDragged(int x,
                           int y)
Description copied from class: Component
If this Component is focused, the pointer dragged event will call this method

pointerDragged in class Component
x - the pointer x coordinate
y - the pointer y coordinate


public void pointerHover(int[] x,
                         int[] y)
Description copied from class: Component
Invoked for devices where the pointer can hover without actually clicking the display. This is true for PC mouse pointer as well as some devices such as the BB storm.

pointerHover in class Component
x - the pointer x coordinate
y - the pointer y coordinate


public void pointerHoverReleased(int[] x,
                                 int[] y)
Description copied from class: Component
Invoked for devices where the pointer can hover without actually clicking the display. This is true for PC mouse pointer as well as some devices such as the BB storm.

pointerHoverReleased in class Component
x - the pointer x coordinate
y - the pointer y coordinate


public void pointerPressed(int[] x,
                           int[] y)
Description copied from class: Component
If this Component is focused, the pointer pressed event will call this method

pointerPressed in class Component
x - the pointer x coordinate
y - the pointer y coordinate


public void pointerPressed(int x,
                           int y)
Description copied from class: Component
If this Component is focused, the pointer pressed event will call this method

pointerPressed in class Component
x - the pointer x coordinate
y - the pointer y coordinate


public void pointerReleased(int[] x,
                            int[] y)
Description copied from class: Component
If this Component is focused, the pointer released event will call this method

pointerReleased in class Component
x - the pointer x coordinate
y - the pointer y coordinate


public void pointerReleased(int x,
                            int y)
Description copied from class: Component
If this Component is focused, the pointer released event will call this method

pointerReleased in class Component
x - the pointer x coordinate
y - the pointer y coordinate


public void invalidate()
Updates the size of the component from the native widget


protected void onPositionSizeChange()
Callback useful for sublclasses that need to track the change in size/position of the component (notice that this might be invoked too many times for a single change)!