Uses of Class

Packages that use Button
com.sun.lwuit Main widget package containing the component/container "composite" similar both in terminology and design to Swing/AWT. 
com.sun.lwuit.list Lists are highly customizable and serve as the basis for ComboBox and other components (such as carousels etc) they employ a similar MVC approach to Swing including the renderer pattern. 
com.sun.lwuit.plaf Look of the application can be fully customized via this package, it represents a rendering layer that can be plugged in separately in runtime and themed to provide any custom look. 
com.sun.lwuit.tree Tree component for displaying hierarchy based information and its related classes  

Uses of Button in com.sun.lwuit

Subclasses of Button in com.sun.lwuit
 class CheckBox
          Checkbox is a button that can be selected or deselected, and which displays its state to the user.
 class RadioButton
          RadioButton is a Button that maintains a selection state exclusively within a specific ButtonGroup

Methods in com.sun.lwuit that return Button
protected  Button Calendar.createDay()
          This method creates the Day Button Component for the Month View
protected  Button MenuBar.createSoftButton(java.lang.String uiid)
          Creates a soft button Component
protected  Button MenuBar.createTouchCommandButton(Command c)
          Creates a touch command for use as a touch menu item
 Button Form.getSoftButton(int offset)
          Returns the button representing the softbutton, this allows modifying softbutton attributes and behavior programmatically rather than by using the command API.

Methods in com.sun.lwuit with parameters of type Button
 void Tabs.addTab(Button tab, Component component)
          Adds a component represented by a button.
 void Tabs.insertTab(Button tab, Component component, int index)
          Inserts a component, at index, represented by a button Uses java.util.Vector internally, see insertElementAt for details of insertion conventions.
protected  void Calendar.updateButtonDayDate(Button dayButton, int currentMonth, int day)
          This method updates the Button day.

Uses of Button in com.sun.lwuit.list

Methods in com.sun.lwuit.list that return Button
 Button GenericListCellRenderer.extractLastClickedComponent()
          Allows partitioning the renderer into "areas" that can be clicked.

Uses of Button in com.sun.lwuit.plaf

Methods in com.sun.lwuit.plaf with parameters of type Button
abstract  void LookAndFeel.drawButton(Graphics g, Button b)
          Invoked for drawing a button widget
 void DefaultLookAndFeel.drawButton(Graphics g, Button b)
abstract  void LookAndFeel.drawCheckBox(Graphics g, Button cb)
          Invoked for drawing a checkbox widget
 void DefaultLookAndFeel.drawCheckBox(Graphics g, Button cb)
abstract  void LookAndFeel.drawRadioButton(Graphics g, Button rb)
          Invoked for drawing the radio button widget
 void DefaultLookAndFeel.drawRadioButton(Graphics g, Button rb)
abstract  Dimension LookAndFeel.getButtonPreferredSize(Button b)
          Calculate the preferred size of the component
 Dimension DefaultLookAndFeel.getButtonPreferredSize(Button b)
abstract  Dimension LookAndFeel.getCheckBoxPreferredSize(Button cb)
          Calculate the preferred size of the component
 Dimension DefaultLookAndFeel.getCheckBoxPreferredSize(Button cb)
abstract  Dimension LookAndFeel.getRadioButtonPreferredSize(Button rb)
          Calculate the preferred size of the component
 Dimension DefaultLookAndFeel.getRadioButtonPreferredSize(Button rb)

Uses of Button in com.sun.lwuit.tree

Methods in com.sun.lwuit.tree that return Button
protected  Button Tree.createNodeComponent(java.lang.Object node, int depth)
          Creates a node within the tree, this method is protected allowing tree to be subclassed to replace the rendering logic of individual tree buttons.