Class GroupLayout

  extended by com.sun.lwuit.layouts.Layout
      extended by com.sun.lwuit.layouts.GroupLayout

public class GroupLayout
extends Layout

GroupLayout is a LayoutManager that hierarchically groups components to achieve common, and not so common, layouts. Grouping is done by instances of the Group class. GroupLayout supports two types of groups:

Sequential:A sequential group positions its child elements sequentially, one after another.
Parallel:A parallel group positions its child elements in the same space on top of each other. Parallel groups can also align the child elements along their baseline.
Each Group can contain any number of child groups, Components or gaps. GroupLayout treats each axis independently. That is, there is a group representing the horizontal axis, and a separate group representing the vertical axis. The horizontal group is responsible for setting the x and width of its contents, where as the vertical group is responsible for setting the y and height of its contents.

The following code builds a simple layout consisting of two labels in one column, followed by two textfields in the next column:

   JComponent panel = ...;
   GroupLayout layout = new GroupLayout(panel);
   GroupLayout.SequentialGroup hGroup = layout.createSequentialGroup();
   GroupLayout.SequentialGroup vGroup = layout.createSequentialGroup();

This layout consists of the following:

There are a couple of things to notice in this code: GroupLayout offer the ability to automatically insert the appropriate gap between components. This can be turned on using the setAutocreateGaps() method. Similarly you can use the setAutocreateContainerGaps() method to insert gaps between the components and the container.

Nested Class Summary
 class GroupLayout.Group
          Group provides for commonality between the two types of operations supported by GroupLayout: laying out components one after another (SequentialGroup) or layout on top of each other (ParallelGroup).
 class GroupLayout.ParallelGroup
          A Group that lays out its elements on top of each other.
 class GroupLayout.SequentialGroup
          A Group that lays out its elements sequentially, one after another.
Field Summary
static int BASELINE
          Possible alignment type.
static int CENTER
          Possible alignment type.
static int DEFAULT_SIZE
          Possible value for the add methods that takes a Component.
static int EAST
          Compass-direction east (right).
static int HORIZONTAL
          Possible argument when linking sizes of components.
static int LEADING
          Possible alignment type.
static int NORTH
          Compass-direction North (up).
          Possible value for the add methods that takes a Component.
static int SOUTH
          Compass-direction south (down).
static int TRAILING
          Possible alignment type.
static int VERTICAL
          Possible argument when linking sizes of components.
static int WEST
          Compass-direction west (left).
Constructor Summary
GroupLayout(Container host)
          Creates a GroupLayout for the specified JComponent.
Method Summary
 GroupLayout.ParallelGroup createBaselineGroup(boolean resizable, boolean anchorBaselineToTop)
          Creates and returns a ParallelGroup that aligns it's elements along the baseline.
 GroupLayout.ParallelGroup createParallelGroup()
          Creates and returns a ParallelGroup with a LEADING alignment.
 GroupLayout.ParallelGroup createParallelGroup(int alignment)
          Creates and returns an ParallelGroup.
 GroupLayout.ParallelGroup createParallelGroup(int alignment, boolean resizable)
          Creates and returns an ParallelGroup.
 GroupLayout.SequentialGroup createSequentialGroup()
          Creates and returns a SequentialGroup.
 boolean getAutocreateContainerGaps()
          Returns whether or not gaps between the container and the first/last components should automatically be created.
 boolean getAutocreateGaps()
          Returns true if gaps between components are automatically be created.
 boolean getHonorsVisibility()
          Returns whether component visibility is considered when sizing and positioning components.
 GroupLayout.Group getHorizontalGroup()
          Returns the Group that is responsible for layout along the horizontal axis.
 LayoutStyle getLayoutStyle()
          Returns the LayoutStyle instance to use
 Dimension getPreferredSize(Container parent)
          Returns the preferred size for the specified container.
 GroupLayout.Group getVerticalGroup()
          Returns the ParallelGroup that is responsible for layout along the vertical axis.
 void layoutContainer(Container parent)
          Lays out the specified container.
 void linkSize(Component[] components)
          Forces the set of components to have the same size.
 void linkSize(Component[] components, int axis)
          Forces the set of components to have the same size.
 void removeLayoutComponent(Component component)
          Notification that a Component has been removed from the parent container.
 void replace(Component existingComponent, Component newComponent)
          Removes an existing component replacing it with the specified component.
 void setAutocreateContainerGaps(boolean autocreatePadding)
          Sets whether or not gaps between the container and the first/last components should automatically be created.
 void setAutocreateGaps(boolean autocreatePadding)
          Sets whether or not a gap between components should automatically be created.
 void setHonorsVisibility(boolean honorsVisibility)
          Sets whether component visibility is considered when sizing and positioning components.
 void setHonorsVisibility(Component component, java.lang.Boolean honorsVisibility)
          Sets whether the component's visibility is considered for sizing and positioning.
 void setHorizontalGroup(GroupLayout.Group group)
          Sets the Group that is responsible for layout along the horizontal axis.
 void setLayoutStyle(LayoutStyle layoutStyle)
          Sets the LayoutStyle this GroupLayout is to use.
 void setVerticalGroup(GroupLayout.Group group)
          Sets the Group that is responsible for layout along the vertical axis.
 java.lang.String toString()
          Returns a textual description of this GroupLayout.
Methods inherited from class com.sun.lwuit.layouts.Layout
addLayoutComponent, equals, getComponentConstraint, hashCode, isOverlapSupported
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
getClass, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final int NORTH
Compass-direction North (up).

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int EAST
Compass-direction east (right).

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int SOUTH
Compass-direction south (down).

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int WEST
Compass-direction west (left).

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int HORIZONTAL
Possible argument when linking sizes of components. Specifies the the two component should share the same size along the horizontal axis.

See Also:
linkSize(Component[], int), Constant Field Values


public static final int VERTICAL
Possible argument when linking sizes of components. Specifies the the two component should share the same size along the vertical axis.

See Also:
linkSize(Component[],int), Constant Field Values


public static final int LEADING
Possible alignment type. Indicates the elements should be aligned to the origin. For the horizontal axis with a left to right orientation this means aligned to the left.

See Also:
createParallelGroup(int), Constant Field Values


public static final int TRAILING
Possible alignment type. Indicates the elements should be aligned to the end. For the horizontal axis with a left to right orientation this means aligned to the right.

See Also:
createParallelGroup(int), Constant Field Values


public static final int CENTER
Possible alignment type. Indicates the elements should centered in the spaced provided.

See Also:
createParallelGroup(int), Constant Field Values


public static final int BASELINE
Possible alignment type. Indicates the elements should aligned along their baseline.

See Also:
createParallelGroup(int), Constant Field Values


public static final int DEFAULT_SIZE
Possible value for the add methods that takes a Component. Indicates the size from the component should be used.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int PREFERRED_SIZE
Possible value for the add methods that takes a Component. Indicates the preferred size should be used.

See Also:
Constant Field Values
Constructor Detail


public GroupLayout(Container host)
Creates a GroupLayout for the specified JComponent.

host - the Container to layout
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if host is null
Method Detail


public void setHonorsVisibility(boolean honorsVisibility)
Sets whether component visibility is considered when sizing and positioning components. A value of true indicates that non-visible components should not be treated as part of the layout. A value of false indicates that components should be positioned and sized regardless of visibility.

A value of false is useful when the visibility of components is dynamically adjusted and you don't want surrounding components and the sizing to change.

The specified value is used for components that do not have an explicit visibility specified.

The default is true.

honorsVisibility - whether component visibility is considered when sizing and positioning components
See Also:


public boolean getHonorsVisibility()
Returns whether component visibility is considered when sizing and positioning components.

whether component visibility is considered when sizing and positioning components


public void setHonorsVisibility(Component component,
                                java.lang.Boolean honorsVisibility)
Sets whether the component's visibility is considered for sizing and positioning. A value of Boolean.TRUE indicates that if component is not visible it should not be treated as part of the layout. A value of false indicates that component is positioned and sized regardless of it's visibility. A value of null indicates the value specified by the single argument method setHonorsVisibility should be used.

If component is not a child of the Container this GroupLayout is managing, it will be added to the Container.

component - the component
honorsVisibility - whether component's visibility should be considered for sizing and positioning
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if component is null
See Also:


public java.lang.String toString()
Returns a textual description of this GroupLayout. The return value is intended for debugging purposes only.

toString in class java.lang.Object
textual description of this GroupLayout


public void setAutocreateGaps(boolean autocreatePadding)
Sets whether or not a gap between components should automatically be created. For example, if this is true and you add two components to a SequentialGroup a gap between the two will automatically be created. The default is false.

autocreatePadding - whether or not to automatically created a gap between components and the container


public boolean getAutocreateGaps()
Returns true if gaps between components are automatically be created.

true if gaps between components should automatically be created


public void setAutocreateContainerGaps(boolean autocreatePadding)
Sets whether or not gaps between the container and the first/last components should automatically be created. The default is false.

autocreatePadding - whether or not to automatically create gaps between the container and first/last components.


public boolean getAutocreateContainerGaps()
Returns whether or not gaps between the container and the first/last components should automatically be created. The default is false.

whether or not the gaps between the container and the first/last components should automatically be created


public void setHorizontalGroup(GroupLayout.Group group)
Sets the Group that is responsible for layout along the horizontal axis.

group - Group responsible for layout along the horizontal axis
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if group is null


public GroupLayout.Group getHorizontalGroup()
Returns the Group that is responsible for layout along the horizontal axis.

ParallelGroup responsible for layout along the horizontal axis.


public void setVerticalGroup(GroupLayout.Group group)
Sets the Group that is responsible for layout along the vertical axis.

group - Group responsible for layout along the vertical axis.
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if group is null.


public GroupLayout.Group getVerticalGroup()
Returns the ParallelGroup that is responsible for layout along the vertical axis.

ParallelGroup responsible for layout along the vertical axis.


public GroupLayout.SequentialGroup createSequentialGroup()
Creates and returns a SequentialGroup.

a new SequentialGroup


public GroupLayout.ParallelGroup createParallelGroup()
Creates and returns a ParallelGroup with a LEADING alignment. This is a cover method for the more general createParallelGroup(int) method.

a new ParallelGroup
See Also:


public GroupLayout.ParallelGroup createParallelGroup(int alignment)
Creates and returns an ParallelGroup. The alignment specifies how children elements should be positioned when the the parallel group is given more space than necessary. For example, if a ParallelGroup with an alignment of TRAILING is given 100 pixels and a child only needs 50 pixels, the child will be positioned at the position 50.

alignment - alignment for the elements of the Group, one of LEADING, TRAILING, CENTER or BASELINE.
a new ParallelGroup
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if alignment is not one of LEADING, TRAILING, CENTER or BASELINE


public GroupLayout.ParallelGroup createParallelGroup(int alignment,
                                                     boolean resizable)
Creates and returns an ParallelGroup. The alignment specifies how children elements should be positioned when the the parallel group is given more space than necessary. For example, if a ParallelGroup with an alignment of TRAILING is given 100 pixels and a child only needs 50 pixels, the child will be positioned at the position 50.

alignment - alignment for the elements of the Group, one of LEADING, TRAILING, CENTER or BASELINE.
resizable - whether or not the group is resizable. If the group is not resizable the min/max size will be the same as the preferred.
a new ParallelGroup
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if alignment is not one of LEADING, TRAILING, CENTER or BASELINE


public GroupLayout.ParallelGroup createBaselineGroup(boolean resizable,
                                                     boolean anchorBaselineToTop)
Creates and returns a ParallelGroup that aligns it's elements along the baseline.

resizable - whether the group is resizable
anchorBaselineToTop - whether the baseline is anchored to the top or bottom of the group
parallel group
See Also:
createBaselineGroup(boolean, boolean), GroupLayout.ParallelGroup


public void linkSize(Component[] components)
Forces the set of components to have the same size. This can be used multiple times to force any number of components to share the same size.

Linked Components are not be resizable.

components - Components to force to have same size.
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if components is null, or contains null.


public void linkSize(Component[] components,
                     int axis)
Forces the set of components to have the same size. This can be used multiple times to force any number of components to share the same size.

Linked Components are not be resizable.

components - Components to force to have same size.
axis - Axis to bind size, one of HORIZONTAL, VERTICAL or HORIZONTAL | VERTICAL
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if components is null, or contains null.
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if axis does not contain HORIZONTAL or VERTICAL


public void replace(Component existingComponent,
                    Component newComponent)
Removes an existing component replacing it with the specified component.

existingComponent - the Component that should be removed and replaced with newComponent
newComponent - the Component to put in existingComponents place
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - is either of the Components are null or if existingComponent is not being managed by this layout manager


public void setLayoutStyle(LayoutStyle layoutStyle)
Sets the LayoutStyle this GroupLayout is to use. A value of null can be used to indicate the shared instance of LayoutStyle should be used.

layoutStyle - the LayoutStyle to use


public LayoutStyle getLayoutStyle()
Returns the LayoutStyle instance to use

the LayoutStyle instance to use


public void removeLayoutComponent(Component component)
Notification that a Component has been removed from the parent container. You should not invoke this method directly, instead invoke removeComponent on the parent Container.

removeLayoutComponent in class Layout
component - the component to be removed
See Also:


public Dimension getPreferredSize(Container parent)
Returns the preferred size for the specified container.

Specified by:
getPreferredSize in class Layout
parent - the container to return size for
the container preferred size
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if parent is not the same Container that this was created with
java.lang.IllegalStateException - if any of the components added to this layout are not in both a horizontal and vertical group
See Also:


public void layoutContainer(Container parent)
Lays out the specified container.

Specified by:
layoutContainer in class Layout
parent - the container to be laid out
java.lang.IllegalStateException - if any of the components added to this layout are not in both a horizontal and vertical group