Class PainterChain

  extended by com.sun.lwuit.painter.PainterChain
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class PainterChain
extends java.lang.Object
implements Painter

A painter chain allows us to chain together several painters to provide a "layer" effect where each painter only draws one element.

Constructor Summary
PainterChain(Painter painter)
          Create a new painter chain which will paint all of the elements in the chain in sequence from 0 to the last element
PainterChain(Painter[] chain)
          Create a new painter chain which will paint all of the elements in the chain in sequence from 0 to the last element
Method Summary
 PainterChain addPainter(Painter p)
          Creates a new chain based on the existing chain with the new element added at the end
 Painter[] getChain()
          Allows us to traverse the painter chain
static void installGlassPane(Form f, Painter p)
          Installs a glass pane on the given form making sure to make it a painter chain only if required by existing painter
 void paint(Graphics g, Rectangle rect)
          Draws inside the given rectangle clipping area.
 PainterChain prependPainter(Painter p)
          Creates a new chain based on the existing chain with the new element added at the beginning
static void removeGlassPane(Form f, Painter p)
          Removes a glass pane from the given form, this is the opposite operation for the install glass pane
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public PainterChain(Painter[] chain)
Create a new painter chain which will paint all of the elements in the chain in sequence from 0 to the last element

chain - the chain of components in the painter


public PainterChain(Painter painter)
Create a new painter chain which will paint all of the elements in the chain in sequence from 0 to the last element

painter - the chain first Painter
Method Detail


public PainterChain addPainter(Painter p)
Creates a new chain based on the existing chain with the new element added at the end

p - new painter
new chain element


public PainterChain prependPainter(Painter p)
Creates a new chain based on the existing chain with the new element added at the beginning

p - new painter
new chain element


public void paint(Graphics g,
                  Rectangle rect)
Description copied from interface: Painter
Draws inside the given rectangle clipping area.

Specified by:
paint in interface Painter
g - the Graphics object
rect - the given rectangle cliping area


public static void installGlassPane(Form f,
                                    Painter p)
Installs a glass pane on the given form making sure to make it a painter chain only if required by existing painter

f - form on which to install the chain
p - painter to install


public Painter[] getChain()
Allows us to traverse the painter chain

the internal painter chain


public static void removeGlassPane(Form f,
                                   Painter p)
Removes a glass pane from the given form, this is the opposite operation for the install glass pane

f - form from which to remove the chain
p - painter to remove