Uses of Package

Packages that use com.sun.lwuit.plaf
com.sun.lwuit Main widget package containing the component/container "composite" similar both in terminology and design to Swing/AWT. Observable pattern event listeners in the spirit of AWT 1.1's event dispatching architecture, all events are dispatched on the EDT (Event Dispatch Thread). 
com.sun.lwuit.html The HTML package allows rendering XHTML-MP 1.0 documents including WCSS support. 
com.sun.lwuit.plaf Look of the application can be fully customized via this package, it represents a rendering layer that can be plugged in separately in runtime and themed to provide any custom look. 
com.sun.lwuit.util Utility features that are either too domain specific or don't "fit" into any other packages. 

Classes in com.sun.lwuit.plaf used by com.sun.lwuit
          Base class that allows us to render a border for a component, a border is drawn before the component and is drawn within the padding region of the component.
          Represents the look of a given component: colors, fonts, transparency, margin and padding & images.

Classes in com.sun.lwuit.plaf used by
          Represents the look of a given component: colors, fonts, transparency, margin and padding & images.

Classes in com.sun.lwuit.plaf used by com.sun.lwuit.html
          Represents the look of a given component: colors, fonts, transparency, margin and padding & images.

Classes in com.sun.lwuit.plaf used by com.sun.lwuit.plaf
          Base class that allows us to render a border for a component, a border is drawn before the component and is drawn within the padding region of the component.
          Allows a UI developer to completely customize the look of the application by overriding drawing/sizing methods appropriately.
          Represents the look of a given component: colors, fonts, transparency, margin and padding & images.
          Central point singleton managing the look of the application, this class allows us to customize the styles (themes) as well as the look instance.

Classes in com.sun.lwuit.plaf used by com.sun.lwuit.util
          Represents the look of a given component: colors, fonts, transparency, margin and padding & images.