Class LandmarkStore

  extended byjavax.microedition.location.LandmarkStore

public class LandmarkStore
extends java.lang.Object

The LandmarkStore class provides methods to store, delete and retrieve landmarks from a persistent landmark store. There is one default landmark store and there may be multiple other named landmark stores. The implementation may support creating and deleting landmark stores by the application. All landmark stores MUST be shared between all J2ME applications and MAY be shared with native applications in the terminal. Named landmark stores have unique names in this API. If the underlying implementation allows multiple landmark stores with the same name, it must present them with unique names in the API e.g. by adding some postfix to those names that have multiple instances in order to differentiate them.

The Landmarks have a name and may be placed in a category or several categories. The category is intended to group landmarks that are of similar type to the end user, e.g. restaurants, museums, etc. The landmark names are strings that identify the landmark to the end user. The category names describe the category to the end user. The language used in the names may be any and depends on the preferences of the end user. The names of the categories are unique within a LandmarkStore. However, the names of the landmarks are not guaranteed to be unique. Landmarks with the same name can appear in multiple categories or even several Landmarks with the same name in the same category.

The Landmark objects returned from the getLandmarks methods in this class shall guarantee that the application can read a consistent set of the landmark data valid at the time of obtaining the object instance, even if the landmark information in the store is modified subsequently by this or some other application.

The Landmark object instances can be in two states:

A Landmark object belongs to a LandmarkStore if it has been obtained from the LandmarkStore using getLandmarks or if it has been added to the LandmarkStore using addLandmark. A Landmark object is initially constructed by an application when it has been constructed using the constructor but has not been added to a LandmarkStore using addLandmark.

The landmark stores created by an application and landmarks added in landmark stores persist even if the application itself is deleted from the terminal.

Accessing the landmark store may cause a SecurityException, if the calling application does not have the required permissions. The permissions to read and write (including add and delete) landmarks are distinct. An application having e.g. a permission to read landmarks wouldn't necessarily have the permission to delete them. The permissions (names etc.) for the MIDP 2.0 security framework are defined elsewhere in this specification.

Method Summary
 void addCategory(java.lang.String categoryName)
          Adds a category to this LandmarkStore.
 void addLandmark(Landmark landmark, java.lang.String category)
          Adds a landmark to the specified group in the landmark store.
static void createLandmarkStore(java.lang.String storeName)
          Creates a new landmark store with a specified name.
 void deleteCategory(java.lang.String categoryName)
          Removes a category from this LandmarkStore.
 void deleteLandmark(Landmark lm)
          Deletes a landmark from this LandmarkStore.
static void deleteLandmarkStore(java.lang.String storeName)
          Delete a landmark store with a specified name.
 java.util.Enumeration getCategories()
          Returns the category names that are defined in this LandmarkStore.
static LandmarkStore getInstance(java.lang.String storeName)
          Gets a LandmarkStore instance for storing, deleting and retrieving landmarks.
 java.util.Enumeration getLandmarks()
          Lists all landmarks stored in the store.
 java.util.Enumeration getLandmarks(java.lang.String category, double minLatitude, double maxLatitude, double minLongitude, double maxLongitude)
          Lists all the landmarks that are within an area defined by bounding minimum and maximum latitude and longitude and belong to the defined category, if specified.
 java.util.Enumeration getLandmarks(java.lang.String category, java.lang.String name)
          Gets the Landmarks from the storage where the category and/or name matches the given parameters.
static java.lang.String[] listLandmarkStores()
          Lists the names of all the available landmark stores.
 void removeLandmarkFromCategory(Landmark lm, java.lang.String category)
          Removes the named landmark from the specified category.
 void updateLandmark(Landmark lm)
          Updates the information about a landmark.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Method Detail


public static LandmarkStore getInstance(java.lang.String storeName)
Gets a LandmarkStore instance for storing, deleting and retrieving landmarks. There must be one default landmark store and there may be other landmark stores that can be accessed by name.

storeName - the name of the landmark store to open. if null, the default landmark store will be returned
the LandmarkStore object representing the specified landmark store or null if a landmark store with the specified name does not exist.
java.lang.SecurityException - if the application does not have a permission to read landmark stores


public static void createLandmarkStore(java.lang.String storeName)
Creates a new landmark store with a specified name.

All LandmarkStores are shared between all J2ME applications and may be shared with native applications. Implementations may support creating landmark stores on a removable media. However, the Java application is not able to directly choose where the landmark store is stored, if the implementation supports several storage media. The implementation of this method may e.g. prompt the end user to make the choice if the implementation supports several storage media. If the landmark store is stored on a removable media, this media might be removed by the user possibly at any time causing it to become unavailable.

A newly created landmark store does not contain any landmarks.

storeName - the name of the landmark store to create
java.lang.NullPointerException - if the parameter is null
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if the name is too long or if a landmark store with the specified name already exists - if the landmark store couldn't be created due to an I/O error
java.lang.SecurityException - if the application does not have permissions to create a new landmark store
LandmarkException - if the implementation does not support creating new landmark stores


public static void deleteLandmarkStore(java.lang.String storeName)
Delete a landmark store with a specified name. All the landmarks and categories defined in the named landmark store are irrevocably removed.

If a landmark store with the specified name does not exist, this method returns silently without any error.

storeName - the name of the landmark store to create
java.lang.NullPointerException - if the parameter is null (the default landmark store can't be deleted) - if the landmark store couldn't be deleted due to an I/O error
java.lang.SecurityException - if the appliction does not have permissions to delete a landmark store
LandmarkException - if the implementation does not support deleting landmark stores


public static java.lang.String[] listLandmarkStores()
Lists the names of all the available landmark stores.

The default landmark store is obtained from getInstance by passing null as the parameter. The null name for the default landmark store is not included in the list returned by this method. If there are no named landmark stores, other than the default landmark store, this method returns null.

an array of landmark store names
java.lang.SecurityException - if the application does not have the permission to access landmark stores - if an I/O error occurred when trying to access the landmark stores


public void addLandmark(Landmark landmark,
                        java.lang.String category)
Adds a landmark to the specified group in the landmark store.

If some textual String field inside the landmark object is set to a value that is too long to be stored, the implementation is allowed to automatically truncate fields that are too long.

However, the name field MUST NOT be truncated. Every implementation shall be able to support name fields that are 32 characters or shorter. Implementations may support longer names but are not required to. If an application tries to add a Landmark with a longer name field than the implementation can support, IllegalArgumentException is thrown.

When the landmark store is empty, every implementation is required to be able to store a landmark where each String field is set to a 30 character long string.

If the Landmark object that is passed as a parameter is an instance that belongs to this LandmarkStore, the same landmark instance will be added to the specified category in addition to the category/categories which it already belongs to. If the landmark already belongs to the specified category, this method returns with no effect. If the landmark has been deleted after obtaining it from getLandmarks, it will be added back when this method is called.

If the Landmark object that is passed as a parameter is an instance initially constructed by the application using the constructor or an instance that belongs to a different LandmarkStore, a new landmark will be created in this LandmarkStore and it will belong initially to only the category specified in the category parameter. After this method call, the Landmark object that is passed as a parameter belongs to this LandmarkStore.

landmark - the landmark to be added
category - category where the landmark is added. null can be used to indicate that the landmark does not belong to a category
java.lang.SecurityException - if the application is not allowed to add landmarks
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if the landmark has a longer name field than the implementation can support or if the category is not null or one of the categories defined in this LandmarkStore - if an I/O error happened when accessing the landmark store or if there are no resources available to store this landmark
java.lang.NullPointerException - if the landmark parameter is null


public java.util.Enumeration getLandmarks(java.lang.String category,
                                          java.lang.String name)
Gets the Landmarks from the storage where the category and/or name matches the given parameters.

category - the category of the landmark. null implies a wildcard that matches all categories
name - the name of the desired landmark. null implies a wildcard that matches all the names within the category indicated by the category parameter
an Enumeration containing all the matching Landmarks or null if no Landmark matched the given parameters
Throws: - if an I/O error happened when accessing the landmark store


public java.util.Enumeration getLandmarks()
Lists all landmarks stored in the store.

an java.util.Enumeration object containing Landmark objects representing all the landmarks stored in this LandmarkStore or null if there are no landmarks in the store
Throws: - if an I/O error happened when accessing the landmark store


public java.util.Enumeration getLandmarks(java.lang.String category,
                                          double minLatitude,
                                          double maxLatitude,
                                          double minLongitude,
                                          double maxLongitude)
Lists all the landmarks that are within an area defined by bounding minimum and maximum latitude and longitude and belong to the defined category, if specified. The bounds are considered to belong to the area.

If minLongitude <= maxLongitude, this area covers the longitude range [minLongitude, maxLongitude].
If minLongitude > maxLongitude, this area covers the longitude range [-180.0, maxLongitude] and [minLongitude, 180.0).

For latitude, the area covers the latitude range [minLatitude, maxLatitude].

category - the category of the landmark. null implies a wildcard that matches all categories
minLatitude - minimum latitude of the area. Must be within the range [-90.0, 90.0]
maxLatitude - maximum latitude of the area. Must be within the range [minLatitude, 90.0]
minLongitude - minimum longitude of the area. Must be within the range [-180.0, 180.0)
maxLongitude - maximum longitude of the area. Must be within the range [-180.0, 180.0)
an Enumeration containing all the matching Landmarks or null if no Landmark matched the given parameters
Throws: - if an I/O error happened when accessing the landmark store
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if the minLongitude or maxLongitude is out of the range [-180.0, 180.0), or minLatitude or maxLatitude is out of the range [-90.0,90.0], or if minLatitude > maxLatitude


public void removeLandmarkFromCategory(Landmark lm,
                                       java.lang.String category)
Removes the named landmark from the specified category.

The Landmark instance passed in as the parameter must be an instance that belongs to this LandmarkStore.

If the Landmark is not found in this LandmarkStore in the specified category or if the parameter is a Landmark instance that does not belong to this LandmarkStore, then the request is silently ignored and the method call returns with no error. The request is also silently ignored if the specified category does not exist in this LandmarkStore.

The landmark is only removed from the specified category but the landmark information is retained in the store. If the landmark no longer belongs to any category, it can still be obtained from the store by passing null as the category to getLandmarks.

lm - the landmark to be removed
category - the category from which it will be removed.
java.lang.SecurityException - if the application is not allowed to delete the landmark - if an I/O error happened when accessing the landmark store
java.lang.NullPointerException - if either parameter is null


public void updateLandmark(Landmark lm)
Updates the information about a landmark. This method only updates the information about a landmark and does not modify the categories the landmark belongs to.

The Landmark instance passed in as the parameter must be an instance that belongs to this LandmarkStore.

This method can't be used to add a new landmark to the store.

lm - the landmark to be updated
java.lang.SecurityException - if the application is not allowed to update the landmark
LandmarkException - if the landmark instance passed as the parameter does not belong to this LandmarkStore or does not exist in the store any more - if an I/O error happened when accessing the landmark store
java.lang.NullPointerException - if the parameter is null


public void deleteLandmark(Landmark lm)
Deletes a landmark from this LandmarkStore. This method removes the specified landmark from all categories and deletes the information from this LandmarkStore.

The Landmark instance passed in as the parameter must be an instance that belongs to this LandmarkStore.

If the Landmark is not found in this LandmarkStore, then the request is silently ignored and the method call returns with no error.

lm - the landmark to be deleted
java.lang.SecurityException - if the application is not allowed to delete the landmark
LandmarkException - if the landmark instance passed as the parameter does not belong to this LandmarkStore - if an I/O error happened when accessing the landmark store
java.lang.NullPointerException - if the parameter is null


public java.util.Enumeration getCategories()
Returns the category names that are defined in this LandmarkStore. The language and locale used for these names depends on the implementation and end user settings. The names shall be such that they can be displayed to the end user and have a meaning to the end user.

an java.util.Enumeration containing Strings representing the category names. If there are no categories defined in this LandmarkStore, an Enumeration with no entries is returned.


public void addCategory(java.lang.String categoryName)
                 throws LandmarkException,
Adds a category to this LandmarkStore.

All implementations must support names that have length up to and including 32 characters. If the provided name is longer it may be truncated by the implementation if necessary.

categoryName - name for the category to be added
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if a category with the specified name already exists
java.lang.NullPointerException - if the parameter is null
LandmarkException - if this LandmarkStore does not support adding new categories - if an I/O error occurs or there are no resources to add a new category
java.lang.SecurityException - if the application does not have the permission to manage categories


public void deleteCategory(java.lang.String categoryName)
                    throws LandmarkException,
Removes a category from this LandmarkStore. The category will be removed from all landmarks that are in that category. However, this method will not remove any of the landmarks, only the associated category information from the landmarks. If a category with the supplied name does not exist in this LandmarkStore, the method returns silently with no error.

categoryName - name for the category to be removed
java.lang.NullPointerException - if the parameter is null
LandmarkException - if this LandmarkStore does not support deleting categories - if an I/O error occurs
java.lang.SecurityException - if the application does not have the permission to manage categories

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