Class RemoteDevice

  extended by javax.bluetooth.RemoteDevice

public class RemoteDevice
extends java.lang.Object

The RemoteDevice class represents a remote Bluetooth device. It provides basic information about a remote device including the device's Bluetooth address and its friendly name.

Constructor Summary
protected RemoteDevice(java.lang.String address)
          Creates a Bluetooth device based upon its address.
Method Summary
 boolean authenticate()
          Attempts to authenticate this RemoteDevice.
 boolean authorize(Connection conn)
          Determines if this RemoteDevice should be allowed to continue to access the local service provided by the Connection.
 boolean encrypt(Connection conn, boolean on)
          Attempts to turn encryption on or off for an existing connection.
 boolean equals(java.lang.Object obj)
          Determines if two RemoteDevices are equal.
 java.lang.String getBluetoothAddress()
          Retrieves the Bluetooth address of this device.
 java.lang.String getFriendlyName(boolean alwaysAsk)
          Returns the name of this device.
static RemoteDevice getRemoteDevice(Connection conn)
          Retrieves the Bluetooth device that is at the other end of the Bluetooth Serial Port Profile connection, L2CAP connection, or OBEX over RFCOMM connection provided.
 int hashCode()
          Computes the hash code for this object.
 boolean isAuthenticated()
          Determines if this RemoteDevice has been authenticated.
 boolean isAuthorized(Connection conn)
          Determines if this RemoteDevice has been authorized previously by the BCC of the local device to exchange data related to the service associated with the connection.
 boolean isEncrypted()
          Determines if data exchanges with this RemoteDevice are currently being encrypted.
 boolean isTrustedDevice()
          Determines if this is a trusted device according to the BCC.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, finalize, getClass, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


protected RemoteDevice(java.lang.String address)
Creates a Bluetooth device based upon its address. The Bluetooth address must be 12 hex characters long. Valid characters are 0-9, a-f, and A-F. There is no preceding "0x" in the string. For example, valid Bluetooth addresses include but are not limited to:

address - the address of the Bluetooth device as a 12 character hex string
java.lang.NullPointerException - if address is null
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if address is the address of the local device or is not a valid Bluetooth address
Method Detail


public boolean isTrustedDevice()
Determines if this is a trusted device according to the BCC.

true if the device is a trusted device, otherwise false


public java.lang.String getFriendlyName(boolean alwaysAsk)
Returns the name of this device. The Bluetooth specification calls this name the "Bluetooth device name" or the "user-friendly name". This method will only contact the remote device if the name is not known or alwaysAsk is true.

alwaysAsk - if true then the device will be contacted for its name, otherwise, if there exists a known name for this device, the name will be returned without contacting the remote device
the name of the device, or null if the Bluetooth system does not support this feature; if the local device is able to contact the remote device, the result will never be null; if the remote device does not have a name then an empty string will be returned
Throws: - if the remote device can not be contacted or the remote device could not provide its name


public final java.lang.String getBluetoothAddress()
Retrieves the Bluetooth address of this device. The Bluetooth address will be 12 characters long. Valid characters are 0-9 and A-F. This method will never return null.

the Bluetooth address of the remote device


public boolean equals(java.lang.Object obj)
Determines if two RemoteDevices are equal. Two devices are equal if they have the same Bluetooth device address.

equals in class java.lang.Object
obj - the object to compare to
true if both devices have the same Bluetooth address; false if both devices do not have the same address; false if obj is null; false if obj is not a RemoteDevice


public int hashCode()
Computes the hash code for this object. This method will return the same value when it is called multiple times on the same object.

hashCode in class java.lang.Object
the hash code for this object


public static RemoteDevice getRemoteDevice(Connection conn)
Retrieves the Bluetooth device that is at the other end of the Bluetooth Serial Port Profile connection, L2CAP connection, or OBEX over RFCOMM connection provided. This method will never return null.

conn - the Bluetooth Serial Port connection, L2CAP connection, or OBEX over RFCOMM connection whose remote Bluetooth device is needed
the remote device involved in the connection
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if conn is not a Bluetooth Serial Port Profile connection, L2CAP connection, or OBEX over RFCOMM connection; if conn is a L2CAPConnectionNotifier, StreamConnectionNotifier, or SessionNotifier - if the connection is closed
java.lang.NullPointerException - if conn is null


public boolean authenticate()
Attempts to authenticate this RemoteDevice. Authentication is a means of verifying the identity of a remote device. Authentication involves a device-to-device challenge and response scheme that requires a 128-bit common secret link key derived from a PIN code shared by both devices. If either side's PIN code does not match, the authentication process fails and the method returns false. The method will also return false if authentication is incompatible with the current security settings of the local device established by the BCC, if the stack does not support authentication at all, or if the stack does not support authentication subsequent to connection establishment.

If this RemoteDevice has previously been authenticated, then this method returns true without attempting to re-authenticate this RemoteDevice.

true if authentication is successful; otherwise false
Throws: - if there are no open connections between the local device and this RemoteDevice


public boolean authorize(Connection conn)
Determines if this RemoteDevice should be allowed to continue to access the local service provided by the Connection. In Bluetooth, authorization is defined as the process of deciding if device X is allowed to access service Y. The implementation of the authorize(Connection conn) method asks the Bluetooth Control Center (BCC) to decide if it is acceptable for RemoteDevice to continue to access a local service over the connection conn. In devices with a user interface, the BCC is expected to consult with the user to obtain approval.

Some Bluetooth systems may allow the user to permanently authorize a remote device for all local services. When a device is authorized in this way, it is known as a "trusted device" -- see isTrustedDevice().

The authorize() method will also check that the identity of the RemoteDevice can be verified through authentication. If this RemoteDevice has been authorized for conn previously, then this method returns true without attempting to re-authorize this RemoteDevice.

conn - the connection that this RemoteDevice is using to access a local service
true if this RemoteDevice is successfully authenticated and authorized, otherwise false if authentication or authorization fails
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if conn is not a connection to this RemoteDevice, or if the local device initiated the connection, i.e., the local device is the client rather than the server. This exception is also thrown if conn was created by RemoteDevice using a scheme other than btspp, btl2cap, or btgoep. This exception is thrown if conn is a notifier used by a server to wait for a client connection, since the notifier is not a connection to this RemoteDevice. - if conn is closed
See Also:


public boolean encrypt(Connection conn,
                       boolean on)
Attempts to turn encryption on or off for an existing connection. In the case where the parameter on is true, this method will first authenticate this RemoteDevice if it has not already been authenticated. Then it will attempt to turn on encryption. If the connection is already encrypted then this method returns true. Otherwise, when the parameter on is true, either:

In the case where the parameter on is false, there are again two possible outcomes:

Encryption may be left on following encrypt(conn, false) for a variety of reasons. The user's current security settings for the device may require encryption or the stack may not have a mechanism to turn off encryption. Also, the BCC may have determined that encryption will be kept on for the physical link to this RemoteDevice. The details of the BCC are implementation dependent, but encryption might be left on because other connections to the same device need encryption. (All of the connections over the same physical link must be encrypted if any of them are encrypted.)

While attempting to turn encryption off may not succeed immediately because other connections need encryption on, there may be a delayed effect. At some point, all of the connections over this physical link needing encryption could be closed or also have had the method encrypt(conn, false) invoked for them. In this case, the BCC may turn off encryption for all connections over this physical link. (The policy used by the BCC is implementation dependent.) It is recommended that applications do encrypt(conn, false) once they no longer need encryption to allow the BCC to determine if it can reduce the overhead on connections to this RemoteDevice.

The fact that encrypt(conn, false) may not succeed in turning off encryption has very few consequences for applications. The stack handles encryption and decryption, so the application does not have to do anything different depending on whether the connection is still encrypted or not.

conn - the connection whose need for encryption has changed
on - true attempts to turn on encryption; false attempts to turn off encryption
true if the change succeeded, otherwise false if it failed
Throws: - if conn is closed
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if conn is not a connection to this RemoteDevice; if conn was created by the client side of the connection using a scheme other than btspp, btl2cap, or btgoep (for example, this exception will be thrown if conn was created using the file or http schemes.); if conn is a notifier used by a server to wait for a client connection, since the notifier is not a connection to this RemoteDevice


public boolean isAuthenticated()
Determines if this RemoteDevice has been authenticated.

A device may have been authenticated by this application or another application. Authentication applies to an ACL link between devices and not on a specific L2CAP, RFCOMM, or OBEX connection. Therefore, if authenticate() is performed when an L2CAP connection is made to device A, then isAuthenticated() may return true when tested as part of making an RFCOMM connection to device A.

true if this RemoteDevice has previously been authenticated; false if it has not been authenticated or there are no open connections between the local device and this RemoteDevice


public boolean isAuthorized(Connection conn)
Determines if this RemoteDevice has been authorized previously by the BCC of the local device to exchange data related to the service associated with the connection. Both clients and servers can call this method. However, for clients this method returns false for all legal values of the conn argument.

conn - a connection that this RemoteDevice is using to access a service or provide a service
true if conn is a server-side connection and this RemoteDevice has been authorized; false if conn is a client-side connection, or a server-side connection that has not been authorized
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if conn is not a connection to this RemoteDevice; if conn was not created using one of the schemes btspp, btl2cap, or btgoep; or if conn is a notifier used by a server to wait for a client connection, since the notifier is not a connection to this RemoteDevice. - if conn is closed


public boolean isEncrypted()
Determines if data exchanges with this RemoteDevice are currently being encrypted.

Encryption may have been previously turned on by this or another application. Encryption applies to an ACL link between devices and not on a specific L2CAP, RFCOMM, or OBEX connection. Therefore, if encrypt() is performed with the on parameter set to true when an L2CAP connection is made to device A, then isEncrypted() may return true when tested as part of making an RFCOMM connection to device A.

true if data exchanges with this RemoteDevice are being encrypted; false if they are not being encrypted, or there are no open connections between the local device and this RemoteDevice