1.0: Final Release

Interface SnapshotControl

All Superinterfaces:

public interface SnapshotControl
extends javax.microedition.media.Control

SnapshotControl controls burst shooting with the camera. With this Control, it is possible to shoot multiple pictures with one method call in an efficient way.

SnapshotControl stores the captured pictures in the file system. Initially, before any setDirectory method calls the storage directory is pointing to the default image store location of the implementing platform. That directory can be queried by getDirectory before setting a new directory.

Images will be stored in the files system only if the application has rights to create files to the given directory. Rights are checked when the setDirectory method is called but it is possible that the rights are changed after that. In that case, a STORAGE_ERROR event will be posted if the application has no file creation rights when an attempt is made to store the captured image in the file system.

The structure of the generated file name is <prefix><auto generated string><suffix>


File name generation runs through the lifetime of the Player. In other words, it is not necessary to set the prefix before each call of the start method. Notice that it is likely that the naming method defined here differs from the naming system of the native imaging applications of the device.

If the directory, where the files are stored, contains a file with the same name as the generated image file, the generated image file will not be written anywhere. A STORAGE_ERROR message with a the name of the file, whose writing failed, will be sent and capturing of the images will stop.

Field Summary
static int FREEZE
          Takes one snapshot, freezes the viewfinder, and unfreezes it again after some time.
          Freezes the viewfinder and keeps it frozen until unfreeze is called.
static java.lang.String SHOOTING_STOPPED
          Posted to PlayerListener when the burst shooting stops and the files have been stored into the file system.
static java.lang.String STORAGE_ERROR
          Posted to PlayerListener when there has been an error while storing the files into the file system.
static java.lang.String WAITING_UNFREEZE
          Posted to PlayerListener when shooting has been started as FREEZE_AND_CONFIRM.
Method Summary
 java.lang.String getDirectory()
          Gets the storage directory.
 java.lang.String getFilePrefix()
          Gets the filename prefix.
 java.lang.String getFileSuffix()
          Gets the filename suffix.
 void setDirectory(java.lang.String directory)
          Sets the file directory where the images will be stored.
 void setFilePrefix(java.lang.String prefix)
          Sets the filename prefix.
 void setFileSuffix(java.lang.String suffix)
          Sets the filename suffix.
 void start(int maxShots)
          Starts burst shooting.
 void stop()
          Stops burst shooting.
 void unfreeze(boolean save)
          Unfreezes the viewfinder and saves the snapshot depending on the parameter.

Field Detail


public static final java.lang.String SHOOTING_STOPPED
Posted to PlayerListener when the burst shooting stops and the files have been stored into the file system. When this event is received, the eventData parameter is a String containing the name of the last generated file.


See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String STORAGE_ERROR
Posted to PlayerListener when there has been an error while storing the files into the file system. Shooting of the images is stopped but SHOOTING_STOPPED event will not be posted. When this event is received, the eventData parameter is a String containing the name of the file whose writing failed.


See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String WAITING_UNFREEZE
Posted to PlayerListener when shooting has been started as FREEZE_AND_CONFIRM. At this point, the implementation is waiting that unfreeze will be called. If the application is waiting for the user to choose whether the picture should be saved or not, the query should be done in a separate thread and this method should return as quickly as possible.

When this event is received, the eventData parameter will be null.


See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int FREEZE
Takes one snapshot, freezes the viewfinder, and unfreezes it again after some time. The time the viewfinder is frozen is in the range of seconds and the exact time is implementation specific.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int FREEZE_AND_CONFIRM
Freezes the viewfinder and keeps it frozen until unfreeze is called. Takes a snapshot depending on the parameter of the unfreeze method.

See Also:
unfreeze(boolean), Constant Field Values
Method Detail


public void setDirectory(java.lang.String directory)
Sets the file directory where the images will be stored.

The directory name is given as a String which can contain the trailing slash "/" in the directory name but it is not required.

For example, both "/SDCard/" and "/SDCard" set the directory to the root of the SDCard in a platform implementing FileConnection of JSR-75. In case of FileConnection of JSR-75 the return value of FileConnection.getPath() can be used as it is as a parameter for this method.

directory - the storage directory
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if the given directory does not exist or it is null
java.lang.SecurityException - if the creation of files to the given location is not allowed


public java.lang.String getDirectory()
Gets the storage directory. If setDirectory has not been called the directory points to the default image storing location.

the current storage directory with the trailing slash "/"


public void setFilePrefix(java.lang.String prefix)
Sets the filename prefix.

prefix - the prefix String for the files to be created
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if the given prefix cannot be set or if it is null


public java.lang.String getFilePrefix()
Gets the filename prefix.

the filename prefix


public void setFileSuffix(java.lang.String suffix)
Sets the filename suffix.

java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if the given suffix cannot be set or if it is null


public java.lang.String getFileSuffix()
Gets the filename suffix.

the filename suffix


public void start(int maxShots)
           throws java.lang.SecurityException
Starts burst shooting.

maxShots - the maximum number of shots that are going to be taken or FREEZE or FREEZE_AND_CONFIRM. Integer.MAX_VALUE will take as many shots as possible.
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if maxShots is less than one
java.lang.IllegalStateException - if prefix and suffix have not been set
java.lang.SecurityException - if the application does not have permission to take snapshots


public void stop()
Stops burst shooting.


public void unfreeze(boolean save)
Unfreezes the viewfinder and saves the snapshot depending on the parameter. The method does not do anything if start(FREEZE_AND_CONFIRM) has not been called.

save - true to save the snapshot, false not to save the snapshot

1.0: Final Release

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