Uses of Class

Packages that use RGB SWT graphics classes. 
org.eclipse.swt.widgets Optional Expanded eSWT Widgets 

Uses of RGB in

Fields in declared as RGB
 RGB[] PaletteData.colors
          the RGB values for an indexed palette, where the indices of the array correspond to pixel values

Methods in that return RGB
 RGB Color.getRGB()
          Returns an RGB representing the receiver.
 RGB PaletteData.getRGB(int pixel)
          Returns an RGB corresponding to the given pixel value.
 RGB[] PaletteData.getRGBs()
          Returns all the RGB values in the receiver if it is an indexed palette, or null if it is a direct palette.
 RGB[] ImageData.getRGBs()
          Returns an array of RGBs which comprise the indexed color table of the receiver, or null if the receiver has a direct color model.

Methods in with parameters of type RGB
 int PaletteData.getPixel(RGB rgb)
          Returns the pixel value corresponding to the given RGB.

Constructors in with parameters of type RGB
Color(Device device, RGB rgb)
          Constructs a new instance of this class given a device and an RGB describing the desired red, green and blue values.
PaletteData(RGB[] colors)
          Constructs a new indexed palette given an array of RGB values.

Uses of RGB in org.eclipse.swt.widgets

Methods in org.eclipse.swt.widgets that return RGB
 RGB FontDialog.getRGB()
          Returns the currently selected color in the receiver.
 RGB ColorDialog.getRGB()
          Returns the currently selected color in the receiver.
          Makes the receiver visible and brings it to the front of the display.

Methods in org.eclipse.swt.widgets with parameters of type RGB
 void FontDialog.setRGB(RGB rgb)
          Sets the receiver's selected color to be the argument.
 void ColorDialog.setRGB(RGB rgb)
          Sets the receiver's selected color to be the argument.