Configuring the security settings affect how the device interacts with the end user when the application is accessing sensitive operations. For example, the end user may allow a certified application to establish network connections without prompting.
When an application is installed, its security settings (permissions
granted to it) are set to their defaults based on the protection domain
the application is bound to. Nokia devices provide a settings view,
with which the security settings are configured by the end user after
installation. In Symbian the devices settings view is found from Application Manager
. In Series 40 Application
Access Settings
are used. Select the MIDlet and then select Options –> App. Access menu
. This has Communication,
Phone Access, and Auto start
sub menus where the settings
can be changed as desired.
The Security warnings
setting can be changed
to User defined mode
in the Symbian device N8
in the following way: Settings
—> Application
—> Installed apps.
-> scroll
to MIDlet suite
and long tap -> choose Suite settings
-> tap Security warnings (User
defined mode)
Figure: Changing security settings in N8
When an application is upgraded in Symbian, the settings configured by the user are retained. In Series 40 settings are reset to their defaults.
Series 40 behaves according to the User defined
mode. The Default
mode found in Java Runtime 2.1
for Symbian is not implemented.
Figure: Changing application access settings in a Series 40 device