PIM Optional Package 1.0
Final Release

Class PIM


public abstract class PIM
extends java.lang.Object

Class for accessing PIM lists on a device and performing PIM wide functions. This class is a collection of static methods for getting the names of the existing PIM lists, opening the lists, and converting raw data streams to and from PIM items for importing and exporting into those lists.


Importing a Contact from a Stream

This example assumes that the InputStream contains a valid vCard 3.0 entry with the following characteristics:
     Content-Type: text/directory; charset="UTF-8"; profile="vCard"
     Content-Transfer-Encoding: Quoted-Printable
The content of the vCard looks like the following:
     source:ldap://cn=3Dbjorn%20Jensen, o=3Duniversity%20of%20Michigan, c=3DUS
     name:Bjorn Jensen
     fn:Bj=C3=B8rn Jensen
     email;type=3Dinternet:[email protected]
     tel;type=3Dwork,voice,msg:+1 313 747-4454
The following method assumes that the input stream is positioned at the first character of the vCard (i.e. the start of the "begin:" tag). For simplicity in this example, the method also hardcodes the transfer encoding of Quoted Printable and the data in the character set UTF-8.
 void importVCard(InputStream is) {
      // Using application defined class QuotedPrintableInputStream ...
      QuotedPrintableInputStream qpis = new QuotedPrintableInputStream(is);
      try {
          PIMItem[] items = PIM.getInstance().fromSerialFormat(qpis, "UTF-8");
          Contact c = (Contact) (items[0]);
          ContactList cl = (ContactList) PIM.getInstance().openPIMList(PIM.CONTACT_LIST, PIM.READ_WRITE);
      catch(PIMException pe) {
      catch(IOException ioe) {

Exporting a Contact to a Stream

This example exports a Contact to the provided output stream. The data format used is the first data format returned from supportedSerialFormats(int). Note that any transfer encoding, such as applying Quoted Printable, is the responsibility of the application outside of this method.
 void exportVCard(Contact c, OutputStream os) {
      String[] data_formats = PIM.getInstance().supportedSerialFormats(PIM.CONTACT_LIST);
      try {
          PIM.getInstance().toSerialFormat(c, os, "UTF-8", data_formats[0]);
      catch (PIMException pe){
      catch (IOException ioe){

PIM 1.0

Field Summary
static int CONTACT_LIST
          Constant representing a Contact List.
static int EVENT_LIST
          Constant representing an Event List.
static int READ_ONLY
          Constant representing opening a list in read only mode.
static int READ_WRITE
          Constant representing opening a list in read/write mode.
static int TODO_LIST
          Constant representing a ToDo List.
static int WRITE_ONLY
          Constant representing opening a list in write only mode.
Constructor Summary
protected PIM()
          Constructor for subclasses.
Method Summary
abstract  PIMItem[] fromSerialFormat(java.io.InputStream is, java.lang.String enc)
          Creates and fills one or more PIM items from data provided in the given InputStream object where the data is expressed in a valid data format supported by this platform.
static PIM getInstance()
          Factory method to get an instance of the PIM class.
abstract  java.lang.String[] listPIMLists(int pimListType)
          Returns a list of all PIM List names for the given PIM list type.
abstract  PIMList openPIMList(int pimListType, int mode)
          Open the default list for the indicated PIM list type.
abstract  PIMList openPIMList(int pimListType, int mode, java.lang.String name)
          Open a named PIM List.
abstract  java.lang.String[] supportedSerialFormats(int pimListType)
          This method returns the supported data formats for items used when converting a PIMItem's data to and from data streams.
abstract  void toSerialFormat(PIMItem item, java.io.OutputStream os, java.lang.String enc, java.lang.String dataFormat)
          Writes the data from the given item to the given OutputStream object as Unicode characters in a format indicated by the String parameter.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final int CONTACT_LIST
Constant representing a Contact List.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int EVENT_LIST
Constant representing an Event List.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int TODO_LIST
Constant representing a ToDo List.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int READ_ONLY
Constant representing opening a list in read only mode.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int WRITE_ONLY
Constant representing opening a list in write only mode.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int READ_WRITE
Constant representing opening a list in read/write mode.

See Also:
Constant Field Values
Constructor Detail


protected PIM()
Constructor for subclasses. PIM class objects are not instantiated directly. To access a PIM object, getInstance() should be used.

Method Detail


public static PIM getInstance()
Factory method to get an instance of the PIM class.

an instance of the PIM class.


public abstract PIMList openPIMList(int pimListType,
                                    int mode)
                             throws PIMException
Open the default list for the indicated PIM list type.

pimListType - int representing the PIM list type to open, either CONTACT_LIST, EVENT_LIST, or TODO_LIST.
mode - in which the List is opened, either READ_ONLY, READ_WRITE, or WRITE_ONLY.
the default PIM list for the indicated PIM list type.
PIMException - If the operation is unsupported or an error occurs.
java.lang.SecurityException - if the application is not given permission that matches the requested mode.
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - If an invalid mode is provided as a parameter or if pimListType is not a valid PIM list type.


public abstract PIMList openPIMList(int pimListType,
                                    int mode,
                                    java.lang.String name)
                             throws PIMException
Open a named PIM List. Only string names returned by listPIMLists(int) can be used to open a list.

pimListType - int representing the PIM list type to open, either CONTACT_LIST, EVENT_LIST, or TODO_LIST.
mode - in which the List is opened, either READ_ONLY, READ_WRITE, or WRITE_ONLY.
name - the named List to open
the named List.
PIMException - If the list is not available, the operation is unsupported or an error occurs.
java.lang.SecurityException - if the application is not given permission that matches the requested mode.
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - If an invalid mode is provided as a parameter or if pimListType is not a valid PIM list type.
java.lang.NullPointerException - If name is null.


public abstract java.lang.String[] listPIMLists(int pimListType)
Returns a list of all PIM List names for the given PIM list type. If there are no Lists for that list type, a zero length String array is returned. The first name in the list is the name of the default List for a type.

pimListType - int representing the PIM list type to list, either CONTACT_LIST, EVENT_LIST, or TODO_LIST.
a list of named Lists
java.lang.SecurityException - if the application is not given permission to read PIM lists.
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if pimListType is not a valid PIM list type.


public abstract PIMItem[] fromSerialFormat(java.io.InputStream is,
                                           java.lang.String enc)
                                    throws PIMException,
Creates and fills one or more PIM items from data provided in the given InputStream object where the data is expressed in a valid data format supported by this platform. The character stream starting from the InputStream's current character position must respresent a complete entry as specified by the supported data format or else a PIMException is thrown. Data representing unsupported data entries and/or data fields is ignored as long as a valid entry of a supported entry type is contained in the stream.

This method reads only one complete data entry from the InputStream, leaving the InputStream object open and its character position on the character after the end of the entry, or at a position in the stream where an error is detected if the data stream is in an invalid or incomplete format. A single valid data entry in an InputStream results in the creation of one or more PIMItems (in some data formats more than one PIMItem may be in a single entry).

The format of the data in the InputStream determines what type of PIM items are created (see supportedSerialFormats(int) to see what data formats are supported by this implementation).

It is the responsibility of the application to perform any transfer character decoding (such as Content-Transfer-Encoding for MIME or Transfer-Encoding for HTTP) prior to providing the InputStream object with the entry data to this method.

In creating PIM items, data from the input stream is taken and mapped to appropriate corresponding PIM item fields. If there is no appropriate corresponding PIM item field for a particular piece of data in the input stream, that data may be either silently discarded by this method or retained in the PIM item as an extended field value (the action taken is implementation specific). If the data from the input stream does not contain values for all of the fields required by the item, the VM may provide default values so that the information can still be received and PIMItems can still be created.

Also note that creation of the PIM items does not add the item to any list; the import method for a list capable of containing the specific PIM item must be used to add the item to a list. For example, should a Contact item be created, then the method ContactList.importContact should be invoked from an existing list to import that contact into the target list.

is - an input stream containing PIM information in a well-known data format supported by this method.
enc - the character encoding of the characters in the input stream. If null, the default character encoding of UTF-8 is used.
an array of newly created PIM items created from the OutputStream. In some cases, more than one PIM item may be created from a complete entry (for example, a single vCalendar entry may produce two PIM items, both an Event and a ToDo).
PIMException - If the data is incorrect, does not contain enough information to form a complete entry, or a stream error occurs.
java.lang.NullPointerException - if is is null.
java.io.UnsupportedEncodingException - if enc is not a encoding method supported on this platform.
See Also:


public abstract void toSerialFormat(PIMItem item,
                                    java.io.OutputStream os,
                                    java.lang.String enc,
                                    java.lang.String dataFormat)
                             throws PIMException,
Writes the data from the given item to the given OutputStream object as Unicode characters in a format indicated by the String parameter. The character encoding for those characters written to the OutputStream is in the provided character encoding. The data format specified must be supported by the PIM implementation (see supportedSerialFormats(int)) or else an IllegalArgumentException is thrown. After this method is invoked, the OutputStream contains the contact as a data stream in the given data format. The output produced is a single complete entry and suitable for exchange with other programs supporting that data format. The OutputStream is left open and any writes to that stream occurs at the position immediately after the entry just written.

All data fields contained in the provided PIMItem are written out to the output stream in the specified format. Fields that do not have specific corresponding fields in the data format specified are written as extended fields if the data format supports extended fields.

It is the responsibility of the application to perform any further character encoding needed for transportation of the vCard entry (such as Content-Transfer-Encoding for MIME or Transfer-Encoding for HTTP).

item - the item to export to the OutputStream object
os - the OutputStream object that this item is written to as a character stream.
enc - the character encoding used to write the PIMItem to the OutputStream. If null, the default character encoding of UTF-8 is used.
dataFormat - the requested PIM data format to use (i.e. the well-known structure of the data prior to character encoding)
PIMException - if an error occurs when coverting the item's data or if a stream error occurs, preventing the data from being written in a complete and valid form. There is no guarantee that the OutputStream is unmodified or contain incomplete information if this exception is thrown.
java.lang.NullPointerException - if os is null, dataFormat is null, or item is null.
java.io.UnsupportedEncodingException - if enc is not a encoding method supported on this platform.
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if the dataFormat is not a valid format listed in supportedSerialFormats.
See Also:


public abstract java.lang.String[] supportedSerialFormats(int pimListType)
This method returns the supported data formats for items used when converting a PIMItem's data to and from data streams. The return value is suitable for use as the data format parameter in toSerialFormat(javax.microedition.pim.PIMItem, java.io.OutputStream, java.lang.String, java.lang.String). The naming convention for the strings returned is the common name of the data format in all capital letters, followed by a slash ("/"), and then followed by the version number of the data format. For example "VCARD/2.1" or "VCALENDAR/1.0".

pimListType - int representing the PIM list type, either CONTACT_LIST, EVENT_LIST, or TODO_LIST.
String array of data formats supported for converting items to and from data streams.
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if pimListType is not a valid PIM list type.

Final Release
Rev. 1.00

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