Java™ 2 Platform, Micro Edition Content Handler API (Final Release, June 3, 2005)

Uses of Package

Classes in javax.microedition.content used by javax.microedition.content
          An ActionNameMap provides a mapping between actions and corresponding action names.
          A ContentHandler provides the details of a content handler registration.
          A ContentHandlerException is thrown to report errors specific to registration and invocation of content handlers.
          ContentHandlerServer provides methods to get new Invocation requests, to finish the processing of requests and to get the access control information.
          An Invocation contains the parameters that are passed from an invoking application to a content handler and the results that are returned to the application.
          The Registry provides method to invoke, register, unregister, and query information about content handlers.
          A RequestListener interface to be notified when an Invocation request is available.
          A ResponseListener interface to be notified when an Invocation response is available.

Java™ 2 Platform, Micro Edition Content Handler API (Final Release, June 3, 2005)

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