Nokia Extensions for JSR-257
Class MFKey

  extended by
Direct Known Subclasses:
MFKey.KeyA, MFKey.KeyB

public abstract class MFKey
extends java.lang.Object

A class representing a Mifare Standard Card authentication key. There are two types of authentication keys: A and B. Those are represented by the subclasses MFKey.KeyA and MFKey.KeyB.

Nested Class Summary
static class MFKey.KeyA
          A class representing a Mifare Standard Card authentication key type A.
static class MFKey.KeyB
          A class representing a Mifare Standard Card authentication key type B.
Field Summary
static int KEY_LENGTH
          Defines the authentication key length in bytes.
Method Summary
 boolean equals(java.lang.Object obj)
          Compares the given object to this MFKey object.
 byte[] getKey()
          Returns the authentication key as a byte array.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final int KEY_LENGTH
Defines the authentication key length in bytes.

See Also:
Constant Field Values
Method Detail


public byte[] getKey()
Returns the authentication key as a byte array.

a byte array containing the authentication key.


public boolean equals(java.lang.Object obj)
Compares the given object to this MFKey object. Two MFKey objects are considered equal if they are of the same type and have the exact same authentication key.

equals in class java.lang.Object
true if the objects are equal and false if not.
See Also:

Nokia Extensions for JSR-257

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