TMceActionSet Class Reference
Public Member Functions |
| TMceActionSet(CMceSipSession &) |
HBufC8 * | BodyToTextL() |
void | CheckContactIsSecureL(CSIPTransactionBase &) |
void | ClientErrorOccured(TInt) |
void | ClientMediaStateChangedL(TMceMccComEvent *, TMceMediaEventCode) |
void | ClientStateChanged(TMceIds &, CMceSession::TState, TInt) |
void | ClientStateChangedL(CMceSession::TState, TInt) |
void | ClientStateChangedL(CMceSession::TState, CSIPClientTransaction &, TInt) |
void | ClientStateChangedL(CMceSession::TState, CSIPServerTransaction &) |
void | ClientStateChangedL(CMceSession::TState, CMceComSession &, CSIPClientTransaction &, TInt) |
void | ClientStateChangedL(CMceSession::TState, CMceComSession &, TInt) |
void | ClientUpdateIncomingSessionL(CSIPServerTransaction &) |
void | ClientUpdateSessionL(CSIPServerTransaction &, TUint32) |
HBufC8 * | ControlMediaL(TMceIds &, TMceItcFunctions) |
void | ControlMediaL(TMceIds &, TMceItcFunctions, const TDesC8 &) |
void | ControlMediaL(TMceIds &, TMceItcFunctions, TPtr8 &) |
void | CreateBodyCandidateL(CMceComSession::TType) |
| CreateSDP(CSIPTransactionBase &) |
| Decode() |
| DecodeL() |
void | EncodeL() |
| InterruptConfirming() |
| IsExtensionRequest(RStringF) |
| NeedToProcessL(TMceStateTransitionEvent &) |
| ProcessReliableResponse(const CSIPResponseElements &) |
void | ProcessSessionTimerClientL(CSIPClientTransaction &) |
void | ProcessSessionTimerServerL(CSIPServerTransaction &) |
void | ReceiveExtensionError(CSIPTransactionBase &, TInt) |
void | ReceiveExtensionRequestL(TMceStateTransitionEvent &) |
void | ReceiveExtensionResponseL(CSIPClientTransaction &, CMceComSession &) |
| ReservationNeeded() |
| ReserveL() |
void | ResetSessionTimerL() |
void | Send200OKL(CSIPServerTransaction &) |
void | SendACKL(CSIPClientTransaction &) |
void | SendAnswerL(CSIPServerTransaction &, CMceMsgBase &) |
void | SendAnswerL(CSIPServerTransaction &) |
void | SendBYEL() |
void | SendBYEL(CMceMsgBase &) |
| SendCancelL() |
void | SendDeclineL(CSIPServerTransaction &, CMceMsgBase &) |
void | SendExtensionRequestL(CMceMsgBase &, TMceIds &) |
void | SendExtensionResponseL(CMceMsgBase &, TMceIds &) |
void | SendInviteL() |
void | SendInviteL(CMceComSession &) |
void | SendPrackL(TBool) |
void | SendRejectOfferWithWarningL(TMceSipWarningCode, CSIPServerTransaction &) |
void | SendResponseL(CSIPServerTransaction &, TUint32, TInt) |
| SendRingL(CSIPServerTransaction &, CMceMsgBase &) |
void | SendSessionRefreshL() |
| SendSipQueuedL(CSIPServerTransaction &, CMceMsgBase &) |
void | SendUpdateRequestL() |
void | StateChanged(TMceStateIndex) |
void | StopMedia() |
void | StopPendingTimer() |
void | StopUpdatingMedia() |
| Update() |
void | UpdateBodyL(TMceIds &, CMceMsgBase &) |
void | UpdateFailed() |
| UpdateL() |
void | UpdateSucceed() |
Protected Member Functions |
CMceComSession & | ActiveBody() |
| AddExtensionHeadersL(RPointerArray< CSIPHeaderBase > &, TInt, TBool, TBool, TUint) |
void | AddHeadersL(CSIPMessageElements &, CDesC8Array *, TInt) |
void | AddHeadersL(RPointerArray< CSIPHeaderBase > &, CDesC8Array *, TInt) |
void | AddSessionTimerFieldsClientL(RPointerArray< CSIPHeaderBase > &) |
void | AddSessionTimerFieldsServerL(RPointerArray< CSIPHeaderBase > &) |
HBufC8 * | CreateMultipartContentLC(CSdpDocument &, const TDesC8 &, const TDesC8 &) |
HBufC8 * | CreateSDPContentLC(CSdpDocument &) |
const CSIPMessageElements * | ProcessInviteL(CMceComSession &, CSIPServerTransaction &) |
void | ProcessSessionTimerServerL(const CSIPMessageElements &) |
const CSIPMessageElements * | RequestDataL(CMceComSession &, CSIPServerTransaction &) |
const CSIPMessageElements * | RequestDataL(CMceMsgSIPData &, CSIPServerTransaction &) |
const CSIPMessageElements * | ResponseDataL(CMceMsgSIPReply &, CSIPClientTransaction &, CMceComSession &) |
void | SendBodyToClientL(TMceIds &, CMceComSession &, HBufC8 *) |
void | SendRequestL(TInt, CMceComSession *, TBool) |
| SendResponseL(CSIPServerTransaction &, CMceMsgSIPReply &) |
void | SendSIPDataToClientL(TMceIds &, CMceMsgBase &, HBufC8 *) |
void | SendWarningResponseL(const TUint, const TUint, CSIPServerTransaction &) |
Constructor & Destructor Documentation
TMceActionSet(CMceSipSession &)
Member Functions Documentation
Find active body for sip session.
AddExtensionHeadersL(RPointerArray< CSIPHeaderBase > &, TInt, TBool, TBool, TUint)
Adds the SIP extension headers according to support of the extensions.
RPointerArray< CSIPHeaderBase > & aHeaders | SIP headers container |
TInt aTransactionType | the transaction type as SIP string constant |
TBool aIsBody | ETrue, if request/response will contain a body |
TBool aIsResponse = EFalse | ETrue, if the headers are for response |
TUint aResponseCode =
| the response code |
AddHeadersL(CSIPMessageElements &, CDesC8Array *, TInt)
Adds SIP headers to SIP request/response. If no headers, adds default headers
AddHeadersL(RPointerArray< CSIPHeaderBase > &, CDesC8Array *, TInt)
Adds SIP headers to SIP request/response. If no headers, adds default headers
AddSessionTimerFieldsClientL(RPointerArray< CSIPHeaderBase > &)
Adds session timer headers, when session is acting as client, to request
AddSessionTimerFieldsServerL(RPointerArray< CSIPHeaderBase > &)
Adds session timer headers, when session is acting as server, to response
CheckContactIsSecureL(CSIPTransactionBase &)
Check if session response contact header has sips uri or tls parameters
void | ClientErrorOccured | ( | TInt | aError | ) | |
informs client of occured severe error
TInt aError | a reason of error |
ClientMediaStateChangedL(TMceMccComEvent *, TMceMediaEventCode)
Informs client about new incoming session update
ClientStateChanged(TMceIds &, CMceSession::TState, TInt)
Changes client state synchronously as a response to client's ITC call
ClientStateChangedL(CMceSession::TState, TInt)
Changes client state. This is called when there is no SIP data for client explaining the reason of state change. This happens, for example, when client is establishing session and there is no response, but media manager fails in offer creation.
ClientStateChangedL(CMceSession::TState, CSIPClientTransaction &, TInt)
Changes client state. This is called when there is SIP response explaining the reason of state change. If handling of response fails (error) reason is used for identifying the problem.
ClientStateChangedL(CMceSession::TState, CSIPServerTransaction &)
Changes client state. This is called when there is SIP request explaining the reason of state change. Only BYE is supported. This method should not be used when handling INVITE request, becauseINVITE causes always new incoming session creation and thus state change is always EIncoming.
ClientStateChangedL(CMceSession::TState, CMceComSession &, CSIPClientTransaction &, TInt)
Changes client state. Used in session update. This is called when there is SIP response explaining the reason of state change and client session (body) must be updated because of it. If handling of response has been failed (error) reason is used for identifying the problem. If reason is other than KErrNone, EMceItcUpdateFailed is used in callback.
ClientStateChangedL(CMceSession::TState, CMceComSession &, TInt)
Changes client state. Used in session update. This is called when client session (body) must be updated. This happens, for example, when client is updating session, but media manager fails in update creation and rollback is needed. EMceItcUpdateFailed call back is used always used in callback.
ClientUpdateIncomingSessionL(CSIPServerTransaction &)
Informs client about new incoming session
ClientUpdateSessionL(CSIPServerTransaction &, TUint32)
Informs client about new incoming session update
ControlMediaL(TMceIds &, TMceItcFunctions)
Handles ITC function, which controls media
ControlMediaL(TMceIds &, TMceItcFunctions, const TDesC8 &)
Handles ITC function, which controls media
ControlMediaL(TMceIds &, TMceItcFunctions, TPtr8 &)
Handles ITC function, which controls media
Create body candidate for session update.
CreateMultipartContentLC(CSdpDocument &, const TDesC8 &, const TDesC8 &)
Creates multipart-mixed content
CSdpDocument & aDocument | SDP document |
const TDesC8 & aUserContentType | user defined content type to be mixed in |
const TDesC8 & aUserContent | user content to be mixed in |
CreateSDP(CSIPTransactionBase &)
Creates SDP document based on client/server transaction
CreateSDPContentLC(CSdpDocument &)
Converts SDP document to text
Decode body from SDP, which is created with method CreateSDP() and stored as session offer.
Decode body from SDP, which is created with method CreateSDP() and stored as session offer.
Encode body to SDP. Encoded body can me obtained with Offer() method.
| InterruptConfirming | ( | ) | |
Seize re-sending UPDATE/PRACK.
Finds if the Request is Extenssion Request
NeedToProcessL(TMceStateTransitionEvent &)
ProcessInviteL(CMceComSession &, CSIPServerTransaction &)
ProcessReliableResponse(const CSIPResponseElements &)
Process the ReliableResponse
ProcessSessionTimerClientL(CSIPClientTransaction &)
Process session timer data in received response
ProcessSessionTimerServerL(CSIPServerTransaction &)
Process session timer data in received INVITE
ProcessSessionTimerServerL(const CSIPMessageElements &)
Process session timer data in received INVITE
ReceiveExtensionError(CSIPTransactionBase &, TInt)
Receive Error for an Extension Request sent. Error Can be anything like ICMP, SIP Timeout.
ReceiveExtensionRequestL(TMceStateTransitionEvent &)
Receive Response to the Extension Requests sent.
ReceiveExtensionResponseL(CSIPClientTransaction &, CMceComSession &)
Receive Responses to the Extnesion request sent.
RequestDataL(CMceComSession &, CSIPServerTransaction &)
Fills session body from SIP request
RequestDataL(CMceMsgSIPData &, CSIPServerTransaction &)
Fills client (request) data from SIP request
| ReservationNeeded | ( | ) | |
Returns truth value, reservation needed.
ResponseDataL(CMceMsgSIPReply &, CSIPClientTransaction &, CMceComSession &)
Fills client reply from SIP response
Send200OKL(CSIPServerTransaction &)
Sends 200OK reponse (to BYE)
SendACKL(CSIPClientTransaction &)
Sends ACK to response (2XX)
SendAnswerL(CSIPServerTransaction &, CMceMsgBase &)
Sends answer to offer carried by INVITE This is called when client accepts (EMceItcAcceptSession)
SendAnswerL(CSIPServerTransaction &)
Sends answer to offer carried by re-INVITE
Sends BYE with default headers
SendBYEL(CMceMsgBase &)
Sends BYE with client defined headers and content This is called when client terminates (EMceItcTerminateSession)
SendBodyToClientL(TMceIds &, CMceComSession &, HBufC8 *)
Sends session body via callback mechanism to client (session)
SendDeclineL(CSIPServerTransaction &, CMceMsgBase &)
Sends 603 Decline or user response to request (INVITE)
SendExtensionRequestL(CMceMsgBase &, TMceIds &)
SendExtensionResponseL(CMceMsgBase &, TMceIds &)
Sends a response to the extension requests received
SendInviteL(CMceComSession &)
void | SendPrackL | ( | TBool | aContent = ETrue | ) | |
TBool aContent = ETrue | if ETrue, use content in PRACK |
SendRejectOfferWithWarningL(TMceSipWarningCode, CSIPServerTransaction &)
Sends rejection 488 Not Acceptable Here to offer with warning, if warning is assigned to one of 3xx warnings. If warning is assigned to 4xx, 5xx or 6xx it is been interpretet as response code.
SendRequestL(TInt, CMceComSession *, TBool)
Sends specified request. Supports INVITE, PRACK and UPDATE.
SendResponseL(CSIPServerTransaction &, TUint32, TInt)
Sends a response to request (INVITE). For responses sent automatically by state machine, not for those coming from client.
SendResponseL(CSIPServerTransaction &, CMceMsgSIPReply &)
Sends response to request.
SendRingL(CSIPServerTransaction &, CMceMsgBase &)
Sends 180 Ringing to request (INVITE)
SendSIPDataToClientL(TMceIds &, CMceMsgBase &, HBufC8 *)
Sends SIP data via callback mechanism to client (session)
void | SendSessionRefreshL | ( | ) | |
Sends re-invite indicating session refresh
SendSipQueuedL(CSIPServerTransaction &, CMceMsgBase &)
Sends 182 SipQueued message to request (INVITE)
SendWarningResponseL(const TUint, const TUint, CSIPServerTransaction &)
Sends warning response to request.
Update media manager according to body
UpdateBodyL(TMceIds &, CMceMsgBase &)
Update clients parameters in body
Called when update has been failed
Update media manager according to body
Called when update has been succeed
Member Data Documentation
CMceSipSession & iSession
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