CMTPParserRouter::CMap Class Reference

class CMTPParserRouter::CMap : public CBase

Implements a generic, multi-parameter routing table data structure. This table implements owns EITHER:

1. A container of TMap node objects if implementing a single parameter table or the final level (n) of a multi-parameter table, OR; 2. A container of CMap branch objects if implementing an intermediate level (1 .. n-1) of a multi-parameter table.

Inherits from

  • CMTPParserRouter::CMap
Public Member Functions
TUint From()
voidGetToL(const RArray< TUint > &, RArray< TUint > &)
voidInitParamsL(RArray< TUint > &)
voidInsertL(const RArray< TUint > &, TUint)
CMap *NewLC(TUint)
TUint SubType()
Private Member Functions
CMap(TUint, TUint)
TInt BranchFind(TUint)
TUint BranchInsertL(TUint)
TInt BranchOrderFromAscending(const CMap &, const CMap &)
TInt BranchOrderFromDescending(const CMap &, const CMap &)
TInt BranchOrderFromKeyAscending(const TUint *, const CMap &)
TInt BranchOrderFromKeyDescending(const TUint *, const CMap &)
CMap *NewLC(TUint, TUint)
TInt NodeFind(TUint)
TInt NodeFind(const TMap &)
TUint NodeInsertL(const TMap &)
TInt NodeOrderFromAscending(const TMap &, const TMap &)
TInt NodeOrderFromDescending(const TMap &, const TMap &)
TInt NodeOrderFromKeyAscending(const TUint *, const TMap &)
TInt NodeOrderFromKeyDescending(const TUint *, const TMap &)
TInt NodeOrderFromToAscending(const TMap &, const TMap &)
TInt NodeOrderFromToDescending(const TMap &, const TMap &)
TUint Param(const RArray< TUint > &)
TUint ParamIdx(const RArray< TUint > &)
voidSelectTargetAllL(const RArray< TUint > &, RArray< TUint > &)
voidSelectTargetMatchingL(const RArray< TUint > &, RArray< TUint > &)
voidSelectTargetSingleL(const RArray< TUint > &, RArray< TUint > &)
Inherited Functions
CBase::Delete(CBase *)
CBase::Extension_(TUint,TAny *&,TAny *)
CBase::operator new(TUint)
CBase::operator new(TUint,TAny *)
CBase::operator new(TUint,TLeave)
CBase::operator new(TUint,TLeave,TUint)
CBase::operator new(TUint,TUint)
Private Attributes
TUint iFrom
TUint iSubType
RPointerArray< CMap >iToBranches
RArray< TMap >iToNodes

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

CMap(TUint, TUint)




TUint aFromThe map source parameter.
TUint aSubType




Member Functions Documentation


TInt BranchFind(TUintaFrom)const [private]

Locates the map branch table index of the first map table entry matching the specified source parameter, using a binary search algorithm.


TUint aFromThe map source parameter,


TUint BranchInsertL(TUintaFrom)[private]
Inserts a new map branch table with the specified source parameter.
One of the system wide error codes, if a general processing error occurs.


TUint aFromThe map source paramete.

BranchOrderFromAscending(const CMap &, const CMap &)

TInt BranchOrderFromAscending(const CMap &aL,
const CMap &aR
)[private, static]

Implements an TLinearOrder relation for CMTPParserRouter::CMap branch map objects based on ascending map source parameter order.


const CMap & aLThe first object instance.
const CMap & aRThe second object instance.

BranchOrderFromDescending(const CMap &, const CMap &)

TInt BranchOrderFromDescending(const CMap &aL,
const CMap &aR
)[private, static]

Implements an TLinearOrder relation for CMTPParserRouter::CMap branch map objects based on descending map source parameter order.


const CMap & aLThe first object instance.
const CMap & aRThe second object instance.

BranchOrderFromKeyAscending(const TUint *, const CMap &)

TInt BranchOrderFromKeyAscending(const TUint *aL,
const CMap &aR
)[private, static]

Implements a map source parameter key identity relation for CMTPParserRouter::CMap branch map objects based on ascending key order.


const TUint * aLThe first object instance.
const CMap & aRThe second object instance.

BranchOrderFromKeyDescending(const TUint *, const CMap &)

TInt BranchOrderFromKeyDescending(const TUint *aL,
const CMap &aR
)[private, static]

Implements a map source parameter key identity relation for CMTPParserRouter::CMap branch map objects based on descending key order.


const TUint * aLThe first object instance.
const CMap & aRThe second object instance.



Second-phase constructor.


TUint From()const

Provides the map source parameter.

GetToL(const RArray< TUint > &, RArray< TUint > &)

voidGetToL(const RArray< TUint > &aFrom,
RArray< TUint > &aTo
Provides the set of targets which map from the specified source parameters.
One of the system wide error codes, if a general processing error occurs.


const RArray< TUint > & aFromThe map source parameters.
RArray< TUint > & aToThe map target parameter set.

InitParamsL(RArray< TUint > &)

voidInitParamsL(RArray< TUint > &aFrom)const
Initialises a map source parameter set array.
One of the system wide error codes, if a general processing error occurs.


RArray< TUint > & aFromOn exit, the initialised map source parameter set array.

InsertL(const RArray< TUint > &, TUint)

voidInsertL(const RArray< TUint > &aFrom,
Inserts an entry into the map table with the specified source and target parameters.
One of the system wide error codes, if a general processing error occurs.


const RArray< TUint > & aFromThe map target parameter.
TUint aTo


CMap *NewLC(TUintaSubType)[static]
CMTPParserRouter::CMap factory method. CMTPParserRouter::TRoutingSubType).
One of the system wide error codes, if a general processing error occurs.


TUint aSubTypeThe map routing sub-type code (

NewLC(TUint, TUint)

CMap *NewLC(TUintaFrom,
)[private, static]
CMTPParserRouter::CMap factory method.
One of the system wide error codes, if a general processing error occurs.


TUint aFromThe map source parameter.
TUint aSubType


TInt NodeFind(TUintaFrom)const [private]

Locates the map node table index of the first map table entry matching the specified source parameter, using a binary search algorithm.


TUint aFromThe source parameter,

NodeFind(const TMap &)

TInt NodeFind(const TMap &aNode)const [private]

Locates the map node table index of the map table entry matching the specified node, using a binary search algorithm.


const TMap & aNode

NodeInsertL(const TMap &)

TUint NodeInsertL(const TMap &aMap)[private]
Inserts the specified map node into the map node table.
One of the system wide error codes, if a general processing error occurs.


const TMap & aMap

NodeOrderFromAscending(const TMap &, const TMap &)

TInt NodeOrderFromAscending(const TMap &aL,
const TMap &aR
)[private, static]

Implements an TLinearOrder relation for CMTPParserRouter::TMap node map objects based on ascending map source parameter order.


const TMap & aLThe first object instance.
const TMap & aRThe second object instance.

NodeOrderFromDescending(const TMap &, const TMap &)

TInt NodeOrderFromDescending(const TMap &aL,
const TMap &aR
)[private, static]

Implements an TLinearOrder relation for CMTPParserRouter::TMap node map objects based on descending map source parameter order.


const TMap & aLThe first object instance.
const TMap & aRThe second object instance.

NodeOrderFromKeyAscending(const TUint *, const TMap &)

TInt NodeOrderFromKeyAscending(const TUint *aL,
const TMap &aR
)[private, static]

Implements a map source parameter key identity relation for CMTPParserRouter::TMap node map objects based on ascending key order.


const TUint * aLThe first object instance.
const TMap & aRThe second object instance.

NodeOrderFromKeyDescending(const TUint *, const TMap &)

TInt NodeOrderFromKeyDescending(const TUint *aL,
const TMap &aR
)[private, static]

Implements a map source parameter key identity relation for CMTPParserRouter::TMap node map objects based on descending key order.


const TUint * aLThe first object instance.
const TMap & aRThe second object instance.

NodeOrderFromToAscending(const TMap &, const TMap &)

TInt NodeOrderFromToAscending(const TMap &aL,
const TMap &aR
)[private, static]

Implements an TLinearOrder relation for CMTPParserRouter::CMap branch map objects based on ascending map source and target parameter order.


const TMap & aLThe first object instance.
const TMap & aRThe second object instance.

NodeOrderFromToDescending(const TMap &, const TMap &)

TInt NodeOrderFromToDescending(const TMap &aL,
const TMap &aR
)[private, static]

Implements an TLinearOrder relation for CMTPParserRouter::CMap branch map objects based on descending map source and target parameter order.


const TMap & aLThe first object instance.
const TMap & aRThe second object instance.

Param(const RArray< TUint > &)

TUint Param(const RArray< TUint > &aFrom)const [private]

Provides the source parameter value from the specified source parameter set appropriate to the parameter level of the map.


const RArray< TUint > & aFromThe map source parameter set.

ParamIdx(const RArray< TUint > &)

TUint ParamIdx(const RArray< TUint > &aFrom)const [private]

Provides the source parameter set index of the source parameter corresponding to the parameter level of the map.


const RArray< TUint > & aFromThe map source parameter set.

SelectTargetAllL(const RArray< TUint > &, RArray< TUint > &)

voidSelectTargetAllL(const RArray< TUint > &aFrom,
RArray< TUint > &aTo
)const [private]
Selects all map targets at the parameter level of the map.
One of the system wide error codes, if a general processing error occurs.


const RArray< TUint > & aFromThe map source parameter set.
RArray< TUint > & aToThe matching target parameters.

SelectTargetMatchingL(const RArray< TUint > &, RArray< TUint > &)

voidSelectTargetMatchingL(const RArray< TUint > &aFrom,
RArray< TUint > &aTo
)const [private]
Selects all map targets which match the specified source parameters.
One of the system wide error codes, if a general processing error occurs.


const RArray< TUint > & aFromThe map source parameter set.
RArray< TUint > & aToThe matching target parameters.

SelectTargetSingleL(const RArray< TUint > &, RArray< TUint > &)

voidSelectTargetSingleL(const RArray< TUint > &aFrom,
RArray< TUint > &aTo
)const [private]
Selects the first map target which matches the specified source parameters.
One of the system wide error codes, if a general processing error occurs.


const RArray< TUint > & aFromThe map source parameter set.
RArray< TUint > & aToThe matching target parameters.


TUint SubType()const

Provides the map subtype code.

Member Data Documentation



FLOGGER debug trace member variable.

TUint iFrom

TUint iFrom[private]

The routing parameter.

TUint iSubType

TUint iSubType[private]

The routing table sub-type code.

RPointerArray< CMap > iToBranches

RPointerArray< CMap >iToBranches[private]

The CMap branch object container. This container is only populated if implementing an intermediate level (1 .. n-1) of a multi-parameter table.

RArray< TMap > iToNodes

RArray< TMap >iToNodes[private]

The TMap node object container. This container is only populated if implementing a single parameter table or the final level (n) of a multi-parameter table.