CMobilePhoneStorePtrHolder Class Reference

class CMobilePhoneStorePtrHolder : public CMmPtrHolder

A base class PtrHolder used by all classes which inherit from RMobilePhoneStore.

Holds the TPtr8 arrays for all RMobilePhoneStore requests.

Each class derived from RMobilePhoneStore can create its own PtrHolder class derived from CMobilePhoneStorePtrHolder. RMobilePhoneStore derived classes construct the appropriate PtrHolder class which is passed down to RMobilePhoneStore via the RMobilePhoneStore::BaseConstruct method. Both methods of RMobilePhoneStore and a derived class must share the same PtrHolder. It follows that they must cooperate to ensure that methods in the base and derived classes do not use the same slots. The derived classes should use the slots that are equal to or greater than EMaxNumberPhoneStorePtrSlots & EMaxNumberPhoneStorePtrCSlots.

Inherits from

Member Functions Documentation

NewL(TInt, TInt)

CMobilePhoneStorePtrHolder *NewL(TIntaSizeOfPtrArray,

This method creates the RMobilePhoneStore ptr holder object Array sizes depend on number of RMobilePhoneStore requests that require ptr holder slots


TInt aSizeOfPtrArrayNumber of TPtr8 slots required
TInt aSizeOfPtrCArrayNumber of TPtrC8 slots required

Member Enumerations Documentation

Enum TPhoneStorePtrCHolderSlots

This member is internal.


ESlot1Delete = 0

This member is internal.


This member is internal.

Enum TPhoneStorePtrHolderSlots

This member is internal.


ESlot1NotifyStoreEvent = 0

This member is internal.


This member is internal.


This member is internal.

Member Data Documentation

TInt iDeleteIndex

TInt iDeleteIndex