CTxData Class Reference

class CTxData : public CBase

An abstract base class for the encoding of request data to be transmitted by a protocol handler.

Inherits from

Constructor & Destructor Documentation



Intended Usage: Default constructor - creates a Tx data object not associated with any protocol transaction.

CTxData(CProtTransaction &)

IMPORT_CCTxData(CProtTransaction &aProtTransaction)[protected]

Intended Usage: Normal constructor, of a CTxData that corresponds to the supplied protocol transaction.


CProtTransaction & aProtTransaction(in) The transaction for which this object represents the transmitted data.



Intended Usage: Destructor - cleans up and releases resources to the system

Member Functions Documentation


IMPORT_C voidConstructL()[protected]

Intended Usage: Second phase construction, default


IMPORT_C CProtTransaction &ProtTrans()

Intended Usage: Obtain the protocol transaction whose request part is represented as encoded data by this object.


voidReserved1()[private, inline, virtual]

Intended Usage: Reserve a slot in the v-table to preserve future BC


voidReserved2()[private, inline, virtual]

Intended Usage: Reserve a slot in the v-table to preserve future BC

Member Data Documentation

CProtTransaction * iProtTrans

CProtTransaction *iProtTrans[protected]

The HTTP transaction from whose request this OTA transmission data is built. Note that the transaction is not owned by this object.