CServerMtmDllRegistry Class Reference
class CServerMtmDllRegistry : public CMtmDllRegistry |
Inherited Functions |
| CBase::CBase() |
| CBase::Delete(CBase *) |
| CBase::Extension_(TUint,TAny *&,TAny *) |
| CBase::operator new(TUint) |
| CBase::operator new(TUint,TAny *) |
| CBase::operator new(TUint,TLeave) |
| CBase::operator new(TUint,TLeave,TUint) |
| CBase::operator new(TUint,TUint) |
| CBase::~CBase() |
| CMtmDllRegistry::AddRegisteredMtmDll(TUid,TUid,const CMtmDllInfo &,MRegisteredMtmDllObserver &) |
| CMtmDllRegistry::CMtmDllRegistry(RFs &,TUid,TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds32) |
| CMtmDllRegistry::IsInUse()const |
| CMtmDllRegistry::IsInUse(TUid)const |
| CMtmDllRegistry::IsPresent(TUid)const |
| CMtmDllRegistry::MtmTypeUid(TInt)const |
| CMtmDllRegistry::MtmTypeUidToIndex(TUid)const |
| CMtmDllRegistry::NumRegisteredMtmDlls()const |
| CMtmDllRegistry::RegisteredMtmDllInfo(TUid)const |
| CMtmDllRegistry::RemoveAllRegisteredMtmDlls() |
| CMtmDllRegistry::RemoveRegisteredMtmDll(TUid) |
| CMtmDllRegistry::TechnologyTypeUid(TUid)const |
| CMtmDllRegistry::~CMtmDllRegistry() |
Constructor & Destructor Documentation
CServerMtmDllRegistry(RFs &, TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds32)
IMPORT_C | ~CServerMtmDllRegistry | ( | ) | |
Member Functions Documentation
NewL(RFs &, TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds32)
NewMtmL(const RLibrary &, CMsvServerEntry *, CRegisteredMtmDll &)
NewServerMtmL(TUid, CMsvServerEntry *)
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