RResolverCacheEntry Class Reference

class RResolverCacheEntry

An entry in ECOM's custom resolver cache

Constructor & Destructor Documentation



default constructor which initializes all member data to 0.

RResolverCacheEntry(const TUid, RLibrary, TProxyNewLPtr, TUint32)

RResolverCacheEntry(const TUidaResolverUid,

construct RResolverCacheEntry with specific data


const TUid aResolverUidTUid of the resolver.
RLibrary aLibRLibrary with handle open on the resolver DLL.
TProxyNewLPtr aNewLFunction ptr to instantiate the resolver.
TUint32 aFlagsSpecial conditions about the cache entry.

Member Functions Documentation



unallocate resources owned by the RResolverCacheEntry object

CompareUid(const RResolverCacheEntry &, const RResolverCacheEntry &)

TInt CompareUid(const RResolverCacheEntry &aEntry1,
const RResolverCacheEntry &aEntry2

This method compares two RResolverCacheEntry objects.


const RResolverCacheEntry & aEntry1first RResolverCacheEntry object.
const RResolverCacheEntry & aEntry2second RResolverCacheEntry object.

ThisIsOlder(const RResolverCacheEntry &, TUint)

TBool ThisIsOlder(const RResolverCacheEntry &aOther,

Compare the age of two cache entries.


const RResolverCacheEntry & aOtherThe RResolverCacheEntry to compare with.
TUint aCurrTickThe current system tick. It simplifies handling of system tick wrap around to zero.

Member Data Documentation

TUint32 iFlags

TUint32 iFlags

Special conditions about the cache entry.

TCounterTicks iLastUse

TCounterTicks iLastUse

Timestamp, when the resolver is last accessed

RLibrary iLibrary

RLibrary iLibrary

RLibraray object holding a handle on the resolver DLL

TInt iLruRank

TInt iLruRank

An extension of iLastUse. Serves as tie breaker when 2 entries have the same timestamp.

TProxyNewLPtr iNewLFuncPtr

TProxyNewLPtr iNewLFuncPtr

Function ptr to instantiate the custom resolver

TUid iResolverUid

TUid iResolverUid

TUid of the custom resolver