mceclientserver.h File Reference
const TLitC< sizeof(L"mceserver")/2 > KMceServerName
const TLitC< sizeof(L"mceserver")/2 > | KMceServerName | [static] |
const TLitC< sizeof(L"mceserver")/2 > KMceServerFilename
const TLitC< sizeof(L"mceserver")/2 > | KMceServerFilename | [static] |
const TLitC< sizeof(L"MceServerSemaphore")/2 > KMceServerSemaphoreName
const TLitC< sizeof(L"MceServerSemaphore")/2 > | KMceServerSemaphoreName | [static] |
const TLitC< sizeof(L"MceServer")/2 > KMceServerPanicString
const TLitC< sizeof(L"MceServer")/2 > | KMceServerPanicString | [static] |
const TUint KMceServerMajorVersionNumber
const TUint | KMceServerMajorVersionNumber |
const TUint KMceServerMinorVersionNumber
const TUint | KMceServerMinorVersionNumber |
const TUint KMceServerBuildVersionNumber
const TUint | KMceServerBuildVersionNumber |
const TUint32 KMceNotAssigned
const TInt32 KMceNotAssignedInt
const TInt32 | KMceNotAssignedInt |
const TUint KMceSecToMicrosec
const TUint | KMceSecToMicrosec |
const TUint KMceSecToMillisec
const TUint | KMceSecToMillisec |
Typedef TMceItcArgTUint32
Typedef TMceItcArgTCameraInfo
Typedef TMceItcArgTFileInfo
Typedef TMceCsSessionType
const TMceCsSessionType KMceCSSIPSession
const TMceCsSessionType KMceCSSIPEvent
const TMceDialogType KMceDlgTypeInvite
const TMceDialogType KMceDlgTypeRefer
const TMceDialogType KMceDlgTypeSubscribe
const TInt KMceArrayIndexOriginator
const TInt | KMceArrayIndexOriginator |
const TInt KMceArrayIndexRecipient
const TInt | KMceArrayIndexRecipient |
const TInt KMceArrayIndexIAPId
const TInt | KMceArrayIndexIAPId |
const TInt KMceArrayIndexEventHeader
const TInt | KMceArrayIndexEventHeader |
const TInt KMceArrayIndexEventReferTo
const TInt | KMceArrayIndexEventReferTo |
const TInt KMceArrayIndexEventRemoteURI
const TInt | KMceArrayIndexEventRemoteURI |
const TInt KMceArrayIndexEventOriginator
const TInt | KMceArrayIndexEventOriginator |
const TInt KMceIDsMaxIndex
const TInt | KMceIDsMaxIndex |
const TInt KMceIDsLastReservedIndex
const TInt | KMceIDsLastReservedIndex |
const TInt KMceIdsIndexFCPort
const TInt | KMceIdsIndexFCPort |
const TInt KMceIdsIndexTCId
const TInt | KMceIdsIndexTCId |
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