Add Products to Environment

Products are fundamental parts of the environment. Once products have been added to the environment, they can be connected, started while environment start-up, used according to their features, and communication between them can be monitored.

Products can be added to an environment in the following ways:

  • Selecting a product from the structure and then clicking ‘Insert Product’ in the toolbar

  • Selecting a product and Insert | Product to Environment from the menu bar

  • Dragging from the structure to the environment

Once you add a product by dragging to the environment, the product appears in a location where it is dropped. When a product is added otherwise, it appears in the center of the environment pane. Products can be located by dragging in the environment pane.

You can add many instances of the same product to the environment, if the product supports multi-instances. NCF will inform you, if you try to add multiple instances of a product, which does not support multi-instances. Instance specific configurations can be done from the Instance tab of the View and Modify Product Propertiesdialog (see 4.1.3 View and Modify Product Properties).