Entering text from the keyboard

In addition to clicking the SDK display, you can use the computer keyboard to activate the SDK’s soft keys and enter information into the SDK.

You can type on your keyboard and have the characters appear in the display of the SDK. For example, if the SDK browser is currently displaying a text entry box contained in an XHTML page to which you browsed, you can enter characters into the box by typing on the keyboard. Characters entered into the SDK in this manner are not mapped directly to the SDK soft keys like the shortcut keys listed in Emulating mouse clicks with keyboard shortcuts

You can use all the alphanumeric computer keys (a-z, A-Z, 0-9), some of the non-alphanumeric characters (!@#$%^&* ()+:;’ ” , <.>/?[]-_={}|\~), and space key to enter text. Those characters are mapped to the corresponding non-numpad computer keyboard keys. This feature is not available for languages that are not based on a Latin alphabet, such as Arabic, Chinese (Simplified and Traditional), Hebrew, Thai, and Vietnamese.

The full keyboard input is implemented for text entry boxes only. You can use the numeric keypad to enter numbers. See Using the numeric keypad