Developing, Debugging and modifying widgets

Once a widget is installed to the emulator, its icon is shown in the Installations folder of the emulator's application grid. To run the widget, simply select its icon and click Open.

The source codes and resource files of the widget are stored under the emulator’s file system at c\private\10282822\<WidgetIdentifierString> (full path: <S60_SDK_installation_directory>\epoc32\winscw\c\private\10282822\<WidgetIdentifierString>). As needed, the widget’s codes and resource can be edited directly in the files stored under this folder. This will save developing time as reinstallation after modifying widget codes is not necessary (if the modified widget was running while its files were edited, it must be terminated and rerun to apply new changes). However, one limitation is that changes to the widget’s info.plist (manifest) file and its icon will not be recognized.

To make changes to the manifest, the widget installation package must be updated and reinstalled (as discussed in Installing widgets).

To make changes to the widget’s icon, the widget installation package must be updated and the widget manually uninstalled (as discussed in Removing widgets) before reinstalling it.

To debug the Widgets, use the Debugging Widgets using Java Console