Modifying debugging settings

C++ debugging

You can modify the following C++ debugging settings for the Nokia N97 emulator using the C++ Debug tab of the Preferences window:

  • Logging to debugger

  • Just-in-time debugging

  • Generation of Epocwind.out

  • Generation of panic details

Before you start, you should have the emulator up and running (see Starting the emulator).

Complete the following steps to modify debug settings:

  1. Open the Preferences window from the main menu by choosing Tools > Preferences and then selecting the C++ Debug tab.

  2. Modify the settings by clicking the appropriate checkboxes.

    • Enable logging to debugger

    • Enable or disable just-in-time debugging with the debug emulator.

      The enabled setting allows the emulator to stop the debugger at the current line just before a panic occurs. Consequently, it can be used for tracking programming errors.

    • Enable the generation of the log file Epocwind.out for debugging purposes.

      The file is generated into your system %temp% directory.

    • Enable or disable panic details to be generated.

      If the panic code option is disabled, the system only displays a "Program Closed" message when an application panics. If the panic code option is enabled, the system also displays extended panic code details, such as the panic category and panic number in the message box. Using these details, you can then search additional information on the panic code from the Help.

    Note: Disabling the Enable EPOCWIND.OUT logging option enhances emulator performance.

  3. Click Apply to save the changes or OK to save and exit the Preferences window.

The modified settings are activated immediately.

Notice that, in order to speed up the development cycle when debugging with the emulator from an IDE, you do not need to restart the emulator for every debug session. You can leave the emulator running, rebuild the debugged application from the IDE and launch the application from the Installed folder in the emulator.

Note: In some cases you have to close the emulator before rebuilding your application. One such case is when you compile the resource files: In this case the compilation will fail if the emulator is running, as the emulator locks resource files.

Java debugging

When debugging MIDlets on the Nokia N97 SDK emulator, it is necessary to turn off some debugger preferences in Eclipse. For more information, see Setting Java debug preferences for Eclipse.