Running a MIDlet

  1. Click Run > Run Configurations.

    The Run Configurations dialog box is displayed.

  2. Double-click Emulated JavaME MIDlet, and then enter a Name for the new configuration.

  3. Select MIDlet in the Executable area under the MIDlet tab, and then click Search.

    The Choose MIDlet dialog box is displayed.

  4. Click the required MIDlet, and then click OK.

  5. Click Emulation tab, ensure in the Device area, Project device is selected, and then click Apply.

    The new configuration is created and saved.


    If want to run your MIDlet on another device then in the Device area, select Specific Device, and then select the required SDK and Device.

  6. Click Run to run the MIDlet in the emulator.


If you get compilation and runtime errors when you run your MIDlet. See Debug your MIDlet to resolve the errors.


You can kill the MIDlet using the CTRL+K keys.