The S60 Browser provides the ability to play video embedded in a web page via the S60 Media Player. Media Player can be launched as a separate application or can play the video from within a web page (inline). Media Player provides the ability for mobile device users to play, display in full screen, stop, resume, mute, view details, and any other features provided by the Media Player.
content is activated through the use of the standard HTML <object>
and <embed>
If played inline, the plug-in may add UI elements to the browser. Several
native browser plug-ins are made available as a part of the S60 release:
Flash Lite. For information about the version of Flash Lite supported, see Web Browser for S60 versions and device support.
Generic audio / video plug-in, which plays any audio or video format supported by S60. If the plug-in area is defined in the mark-up content, the video or an audio playback animation is displayed. Controls for playback and media volume are available to the user to control the media and adjust the playback volume.
SVG-T (“SVG-Tiny”) plug-in, supporting the W3C mobile profile of SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics). SVG-T 1.1 and most of SVG-T 2.0 are supported.
For example, the following code embeds Flash Lite into a Web page:
<object data="some.swf" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="100" height="100"> <param name="bgcolor" value="#000000" /> <param name="loop" value="off" /> <param name="quality" value="low" /> </object>
From a design and usability point of view:
Embedding large audio/ video files into web pages is not recommended. If a large file is required, keep in mind that there may be a considerable time lag before the audio/video begins to play.
It is usually a good idea to allow the user to switch off the sound.
When the current page defines the audio to be played, the browser begins to play it automatically. If multiple windows are open, only audio from the top window is played. Audio requests from other windows are ignored.
If the user tries to open an audio file while another audio file is playing, the browser stops the initial file and closes it. The newly requested file is played instead.
The S60 Browser provides the ability to open images displayed on a web page in an image viewer, which is the same viewer used by other phone applications such as the Gallery. Mobile device users can open an image in the viewer to save, send, use as a background image or screen saver, assign to a contact, rotate, zoom, view full screen, view details, and any other features provided by the Image Viewer.