AknsItemID.inl File Reference


TBool operator== (const TAknsItemID &aFirst, const TAknsItemID &aSecond)
 C++ equal operator.
TBool operator!= (const TAknsItemID &aFirst, const TAknsItemID &aSecond)
 C++ not equal operator.

Function Documentation

TBool operator!= const TAknsItemID aFirst,
const TAknsItemID aSecond

C++ not equal operator.

Checks whether two item ID objects (i.e. their major and minor parts) have identical content.

aFirst First object to be compared.
aSecond Second object to be compared.
false if objects have identical content, true otherwise.

TBool operator== const TAknsItemID aFirst,
const TAknsItemID aSecond

C++ equal operator.

Checks whether two item ID objects (i.e. their major and minor parts) have identical content.

aFirst First object to be compared.
aSecond Second object to be compared.
true if objects have identical content, false otherwise.

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