apis Directory Reference


file  AccMonitor.h [code]
file  AccMonitorCapabilities.h [code]
file  AccMonitorInfo.h [code]
file  AccMonitorInfo.inl
file  ActiveApDb.h [code]
file  ActiveFavouritesDbNotifier.h [code]
file  agentdialog.h [code]
file  AiwCommon.h [code]
file  AiwCommon.hrh
file  AiwCommon.rh
file  AiwGenericParam.h [code]
file  AiwGenericParam.hrh
file  AiwGenericParam.inl
file  AiwServiceHandler.h [code]
file  AiwVariant.h [code]
file  AiwVariant.inl
file  AiwVariantType.hrh
file  aknAnim.hrh
file  aknAnim.rh
file  aknApp.h [code]
file  AknAppUi.h [code]
file  AknBidiTextUtils.h [code]
file  AknBitmapAnimation.h [code]
file  AknBorders.h [code]
file  AknButton.h [code]
file  AknCheckBoxSettingPage.h [code]
file  aknchoicelist.h [code]
file  AknClearer.h [code]
file  akncolourselectiongrid.h [code]
file  AknCommonDialogs.h [code]
file  AknCommonDialogsDynMem.h [code]
file  aknconsts.h [code]
file  akncontext.h [code]
file  AknControl.h [code]
file  akncustomtreeordering.h [code]
file  akndef.h [code]
file  akndef.hrh
file  AknDesCArrayDecorator.h [code]
file  akndialog.h [code]
file  AknDlgShut.h [code]
file  AknDoc.h [code]
file  AknEditStateIndicator.h [code]
file  Aknedsts.h [code]
file  aknedstsobs.h [code]
file  aknenv.h [code]
file  aknfontaccess.h [code]
file  AknFontCategory.hrh
file  AknFontIdOffsets.hrh
file  AknFontSpecification.h [code]
file  AknForm.h [code]
file  aknglobalconfirmationquery.h [code]
file  AknGlobalListMsgQuery.h [code]
file  AknGlobalListQuery.h [code]
file  aknglobalmsgquery.h [code]
file  AknGlobalNote.h [code]
file  aknglobalprogressdialog.h [code]
file  AknGMSStyleGrid.h [code]
file  akngrid.h [code]
file  akngridm.h [code]
file  akngridview.h [code]
file  aknhlistpanic.h [code]
file  AknIconArray.h [code]
file  AknIconObserver.h [code]
file  AknIconSrvClient.h [code]
file  AknIconUtils.h [code]
file  AknIconUtils.inl
file  AknIndicatorContainer.h [code]
file  AknInfoPopupNoteController.h [code]
file  akninfrm.h [code]
file  AknInputLanguageInfo.h [code]
file  aknintermediate.h [code]
file  AknInternalIconUtils.h [code]
file  aknipfed.h [code]
file  AknKeyLock.h [code]
file  AknLayout2Id.h [code]
file  AknLayoutFont.h [code]
file  AknListBoxLayoutDecorator.h [code]
file  AknListBoxSettingPage.h [code]
file  aknlistquerycontrol.h [code]
file  aknlistquerydialog.h [code]
file  aknlists.h [code]
file  AknLocationEd.h [code]
file  aknlongtapdetector.h [code]
file  aknmessagequerycontrol.h [code]
file  aknmessagequerydialog.h [code]
file  AknMfneCommandObserver.h [code]
file  AknMfneSettingPage.h [code]
file  AknMultilineQueryControl.h [code]
file  aknnavi.h [code]
file  aknnavide.h [code]
file  AknNaviDecoratorObserver.h [code]
file  aknnavilabel.h [code]
file  aknnaviobserver.h [code]
file  aknnotecontrol.h [code]
file  AknNoteDialog.h [code]
file  aknnotewrappers.h [code]
file  AknNotify.h [code]
file  AknNotifyStd.h [code]
file  aknnumed.h [code]
file  AknNumEdwin.h [code]
file  Aknnumseced.h [code]
file  aknPanic.h [code]
file  AknPasswordSettingPage.h [code]
file  AknPictographDrawerInterface.h [code]
file  AknPictographInterface.h [code]
file  AknPictographInterface.inl
file  aknpointereventsuppressor.h [code]
file  aknPopup.h [code]
file  aknpopupfader.h [code]
file  AknPopupField.h [code]
file  AknPopupFieldList.h [code]
file  AknPopupFieldText.h [code]
file  aknPopupHeadingPane.h [code]
file  aknpopuplayout.h [code]
file  AknPopupNotify.h [code]
file  AknPopupSettingPage.h [code]
file  AknPreviewPopUpContentProvider.h [code]
file  AknPreviewPopUpController.h [code]
file  AknPreviewPopUpObserver.h [code]
file  AknProgressDialog.h [code]
file  aknprogresstimer.h [code]
file  AknQueryControl.h [code]
file  aknquerydata.h [code]
file  AknQueryDialog.h [code]
file  AknQueryValue.h [code]
file  AknQueryValueDate.h [code]
file  AknQueryValueDuration.h [code]
file  AknQueryValueNumber.h [code]
file  AknQueryValuePhone.h [code]
file  AknQueryValueText.h [code]
file  AknQueryValueTime.h [code]
file  AknRadioButtonSettingPage.h [code]
file  AknsBasicBackgroundControlContext.h [code]
file  Aknscbut.h [code]
file  AknsConstants.h [code]
 Defines constants common for Avkon Skins.
file  AknsConstants.hrh
file  AknsControlContext.h [code]
file  AknScreenMode.h [code]
file  Aknscrlb.h [code]
file  AknsDataContext.h [code]
file  AknsDrawUtils.h [code]
file  AknSelectionList.h [code]
file  AknServerApp.h [code]
file  AknSettingItemList.h [code]
file  AknSettingPage.h [code]
file  aknsfld.h [code]
file  AknsFrameBackgroundControlContext.h [code]
file  aknsinglecolumnstyletreelist.h [code]
file  aknsinglestyletreelist.h [code]
file  AknsItemData.h [code]
file  AknsItemID.h [code]
file  AknsItemID.inl
file  AknsLayeredBackgroundControlContext.h [code]
file  Aknslider.h [code]
file  AknSliderSettingPage.h [code]
file  AknsListBoxBackgroundControlContext.h [code]
file  aknSoundInfo.h [code]
file  aknsoundsystem.h [code]
file  AknsRlEffect.h [code]
file  AknsRlEffectContext.h [code]
file  AknsRlParameter.h [code]
file  AknsSkinInstance.h [code]
file  AknStaticNoteDialog.h [code]
file  aknstyluspopupmenu.h [code]
file  AknsUtils.h [code]
file  AknsWallpaperUtils.h [code]
file  akntabgrp.h [code]
file  AknTabObserver.h [code]
file  AknTextDecorationMetrics.h [code]
file  AknTextSettingPage.h [code]
file  akntitle.h [code]
file  akntitlepaneobserver.h [code]
file  AknToolbar.h [code]
file  akntoolbarextension.h [code]
file  AknToolbarObserver.h [code]
file  AknTouchPaneObserver.h [code]
file  akntreelist.h [code]
file  akntreelistconstants.h [code]
file  akntreelistobserver.h [code]
file  aknuniteditor.h [code]
file  AknUtils.h [code]
file  aknview.h [code]
file  AknViewAppUi.h [code]
file  Aknvolumecontrol.h [code]
file  AknVolumeSettingPage.h [code]
file  aknwaitdialog.h [code]
file  AknWaitNoteWrapper.h [code]
file  AknWsEventObserver.h [code]
file  APAccessPointItem.h [code]
file  APDataHandler.h [code]
file  ApEngineConsts.h [code]
file  ApEngineVer.h [code]
file  ApListItem.h [code]
file  Aplistitemlist.h [code]
file  ApNetworkItem.h [code]
file  ApNetworkItemlist.h [code]
file  APNetworks.h [code]
file  APSelect.h [code]
file  ApSettingsHandlerCommons.h [code]
file  Apsettingshandlerui.h [code]
file  APUtils.h [code]
file  AudioEffectBase.h [code]
file  AudioEffectData.h [code]
file  AudioEqualizerBase.h [code]
file  AudioEqualizerData.h [code]
file  AudioEqualizerUtility.h [code]
file  AudioEqualizerUtilityData.h [code]
file  avkon.hrh
file  avkon.rh
file  avkonIcons.hrh
file  BassBoostBase.h [code]
file  BassBoostdata.h [code]
file  BCardEng.h [code]
file  BrCtlDefs.h [code]
file  BrCtlDialogsProvider.h [code]
file  BrCtlDownloadObserver.h [code]
file  BrCtlInterface.h [code]
file  BrCtlLayoutObserver.h [code]
file  BrCtlLinkResolver.h [code]
file  BrCtlSoftkeysObserver.h [code]
file  BrCtlSpecialLoadObserver.h [code]
file  BrCtlWindowObserver.h [code]
file  BrowserPluginInterface.h [code]
file  btnotifierapi.h [code]
 The UID of the Bluetooth Power Mode Notifier.
file  btserversdkcrkeys.h [code]
 The API provides the BT power state central repository key that is updated by the S60 BT Server.
file  CAknCommonDialogsBase.h [code]
file  CAknFileNamePromptDialog.h [code]
file  CAknFileSelectionDialog.h [code]
file  CAknMemorySelectionDialog.h [code]
file  CAknMemorySelectionSettingItem.h [code]
file  CAknMemorySelectionSettingPage.h [code]
file  CalenInterimUtils.h [code]
file  CalenInterimUtils2.h [code]
file  CDirectoryLocalizer.h [code]
file  CDownloadMgrUiBase.h [code]
file  CDownloadMgrUiDownloadMenu.h [code]
file  CDownloadMgrUiDownloadsList.h [code]
file  CDownloadMgrUiLibRegistry.h [code]
file  CDownloadMgrUiUserInteractions.h [code]
file  CEcomBrowserPluginInterface.h [code]
file  CenRepNotifyHandler.h [code]
file  CLFContentListing.h [code]
file  CLFContentListing.hrh
file  CLFContentListing.rh
file  ClkDateTimeView.h [code]
file  ClkMdlObserver.h [code]
file  CLmkCategorySelectorDlg.h [code]
file  CLmkEditorDlg.h [code]
file  CLmkLandmarkSelectorDlg.h [code]
file  cmapplicationsettingsui.h [code]
file  cmconnectionmethod.h [code]
file  cmconnectionmethod.inl
file  cmconnectionmethoddef.h [code]
file  cmdefconnvalues.h [code]
file  cmdestination.h [code]
file  CMessageAddress.h [code]
file  CMessageData.h [code]
file  cmmanager.h [code]
file  cmmanager.inl
file  cmmanagerdef.h [code]
file  cmplugincsddef.h [code]
file  cmplugindialcommondefs.h [code]
file  cmpluginembdestinationdef.h [code]
file  cmpluginhscsddef.h [code]
file  cmpluginpacketdatadef.h [code]
file  cmpluginvpndef.h [code]
file  cmpluginwlandef.h [code]
file  CommonDialogs.hrh
file  CommonDialogs.rh
file  commonphoneparser.h [code]
file  coneresloader.h [code]
file  ContentListingFactory.h [code]
file  CoreApplicationUIsSDKCRKeys.h [code]
file  CPbkAddressSelect.h [code]
file  CPbkContactChangeNotifier.h [code]
file  CPbkContactEditorDlg.h [code]
file  CPbkContactEngine.h [code]
file  CPbkContactItem.h [code]
file  CPbkContactIter.h [code]
file  CPbkDataSaveAppUi.h [code]
file  CPbkEmailAddressSelect.h [code]
file  CPbkEmailOverSmsAddressSelect.h [code]
file  CPbkFieldInfo.h [code]
file  CPbkFieldsInfo.h [code]
file  CPbkIdleFinder.h [code]
file  CPbkMemoryEntryAddItemDlg.h [code]
file  CPbkMmsAddressSelect.h [code]
file  CPbkMultipleEntryFetchDlg.h [code]
file  CPbkPhoneNumberSelect.h [code]
file  CPbkPhoneNumberSelectBase.h [code]
file  CPbkPocAddressSelect.h [code]
file  CPbkSelectFieldDlg.h [code]
file  CPbkSingleEntryFetchDlg.h [code]
file  CPbkSingleItemFetchDlg.h [code]
file  CPbkSmsAddressSelect.h [code]
file  CPbkVideoNumberSelect.h [code]
file  CPbkViewState.h [code]
file  CPbkVoipAddressSelect.h [code]
file  CRichBio.h [code]
file  CSatelliteInfoUI.h [code]
file  CSendingServiceInfo.h [code]
file  CustomCommandTypes.h [code]
file  dclcrkeys.h [code]
file  DirectoryLocalizer.rh
file  DistanceAttenuationBase.h [code]
file  DistanceAttenuationData.h [code]
file  DocumentHandler.h [code]
file  DopplerBase.h [code]
file  DopplerData.h [code]
file  DownloadMgrClient.h [code]
file  DownloadsListDlgObserver.h [code]
file  DrmAudioSamplePlayer.h [code]
file  Drmhelper.h [code]
file  DRMHelperServerInternalCRKeys.h [code]
file  DRMLicenseChecker.h [code]
file  EIKALERT.H [code]
file  eikalign.h [code]
file  eikbctrl.h [code]
file  Eikbgfty.h [code]
file  EIKBTGPC.H [code]
file  eikbtgps.h [code]
file  EIKBTGRP.H [code]
file  EIKBTPAN.H [code]
file  EIKBUTB.H [code]
file  eikcal.h [code]
file  EIKCAPC.H [code]
file  eikcapca.h [code]
file  eikcba.h [code]
file  EikCcpu.h [code]
file  EIKCLB.H [code]
file  EIKCLBD.H [code]
file  EIKCMBUT.H [code]
file  EikCoCtlPanic.h [code]
file  EIKCOLIB.H [code]
file  EIKCONSO.H [code]
file  EIKCTGRP.H [code]
file  EIKCTLIB.H [code]
file  EIKDIALG.H [code]
file  EIKDPAGE.H [code]
file  EIKDPOBS.H [code]
file  EIKEDWIN.H [code]
file  EIKEDWOB.H [code]
file  eikfnlab.h [code]
file  EIKFPNE.H [code]
file  eikfrlb.h [code]
file  eikfrlbd.h [code]
file  EIKGTED.H [code]
file  EIKHFDLG.H [code]
file  EIKHKEYC.H [code]
file  eikhkeyt.h [code]
file  EIKIMAGE.H [code]
file  EIKINFO.H [code]
file  EIKKEYS.H [code]
file  EIKLABEL.H [code]
file  eiklay.h [code]
file  EIKLBBUT.H [code]
file  EIKLBD.H [code]
file  EIKLBED.H [code]
file  EIKLBI.H [code]
file  EIKLBM.H [code]
file  EIKLBO.H [code]
file  EIKLBV.H [code]
file  EIKLBX.H [code]
file  EIKMENUB.H [code]
file  EIKMENUP.H [code]
file  EIKMFNE.H [code]
file  EIKMNBUT.H [code]
file  EIKMOVER.H [code]
file  EIKON.RH
file  EIKPROGI.H [code]
file  EIKRTED.H [code]
file  EIKSBFRM.H [code]
file  EIKSBOBS.H [code]
file  EIKSCBUT.H [code]
file  EIKSCRLB.H [code]
file  EIKSECED.H [code]
file  eikslb.h [code]
file  eikspace.h [code]
file  eikspane.h [code]
file  eikspmod.h [code]
file  eiktbar.h [code]
file  EIKTHUMB.H [code]
file  EIKTXLBM.H [code]
file  EIKTXLBX.H [code]
file  EnvironmentalReverbBase.h [code]
file  EnvironmentalReverbData.h [code]
file  EnvironmentalReverbUtility.h [code]
file  EnvironmentalReverbUtilityData.h [code]
file  EPos_CPosLandmark.h [code]
file  EPos_CPosLandmarkCategory.h [code]
file  EPos_CPosLandmarkDatabase.h [code]
file  epos_cposlandmarkdatabaseextended.h [code]
file  EPos_CPosLandmarkEncoder.h [code]
file  EPos_CPosLandmarkParser.h [code]
file  EPos_CPosLandmarkSearch.h [code]
file  EPos_CPosLmAreaCriteria.h [code]
file  EPos_CPosLmCategoryCriteria.h [code]
file  EPos_CPosLmCategoryManager.h [code]
file  EPos_CPosLmCatNameCriteria.h [code]
file  EPos_CPosLmCompositeCriteria.h [code]
file  EPos_CPosLmDatabaseManager.h [code]
file  EPos_CPosLmDatabaseManagerPluginBase.h [code]
file  EPos_CPosLmDisplayData.h [code]
file  EPos_CPosLmDisplayItem.h [code]
file  EPos_CPosLmIdListCriteria.h [code]
file  EPos_CPosLmItemIterator.h [code]
file  EPos_CPosLmMultiDbSearch.h [code]
file  EPos_CPosLmNearestCriteria.h [code]
file  EPos_CPosLmOperation.h [code]
file  EPos_CPosLmOperation.inl
file  EPos_CPosLmPartialReadParameters.h [code]
file  EPos_CPosLmSearchCriteria.h [code]
file  EPos_CPosLmTextCriteria.h [code]
file  EPos_HPosLmDatabaseInfo.h [code]
file  EPos_Landmarks.h [code]
file  epos_poslandmarkserialization.h [code]
file  epos_poslmcategoryserialization.h [code]
file  EPos_TPosLmDatabaseEvent.h [code]
file  EPos_TPosLmDatabaseSettings.h [code]
file  EPos_TPosLmSortPref.h [code]
file  ErrorUI.h [code]
file  ExifModify.h [code]
file  ExifRead.h [code]
file  ExifTag.h [code]
file  ExtendedMTMIDS.hrh
file  FavouritesDb.h [code]
file  FavouritesDbIncremental.h [code]
file  FavouritesDbNotifier.h [code]
file  FavouritesDbObserver.h [code]
file  FavouritesFile.h [code]
file  FavouritesFile.inl
file  FavouritesHandle.h [code]
file  FavouritesHandle.inl
file  FavouritesItem.h [code]
file  FavouritesItemData.h [code]
file  FavouritesItemList.h [code]
file  FavouritesLimits.h [code]
file  FavouritesSession.h [code]
file  FavouritesSession.inl
file  FavouritesWapAp.h [code]
file  FeatDiscovery.h [code]
file  featureinfo.h [code]
file  finditemengine.h [code]
file  flash_ui.h [code]
 The API to start Viewer UI for playing Flash content file from a Viewer or a stub application.
file  fontids.hrh
file  hsdataobserver.h [code]
file  hsexception.h [code]
file  hswidget.h [code]
file  hswidgetpublisher.h [code]
file  HttpDownloadMgrCommon.h [code]
file  HWRMLight.h [code]
file  HWRMPowerStateSDKPSKeys.h [code]
file  HWRMVibra.h [code]
file  HWRMVibraSDKCRKeys.h [code]
file  imclient.h [code]
file  imconnection.h [code]
file  imconnection.inl
file  imerrors.h [code]
file  imlauncherplugin.h [code]
file  imlauncherplugin.inl
file  jri.h [code]
file  khronos_types.h [code]
file  LAFPANIC.H [code]
file  lafpublc.h [code]
file  lafpublc.hrh
file  Lbs.h [code]
file  LbsClassTypes.h [code]
 This file defines the enumerations for the various positioning related information classes that the positioning module can return.
file  LbsCommon.h [code]
 This header file defines the constants used in Location Acquisition API and the positioning related data classes.
file  LbsCriteria.h [code]
file  LbsErrors.h [code]
file  LbsFieldIds.h [code]
 This file contains the enumerations for the different positioning related fields that a positioning technology can return.
file  LbsFields.h [code]
 This header file defines the helper classes used by HPositionGenericInfo The client should not use this class to access any positioning related information.
file  LbsIpc.h [code]
file  LbsPosition.h [code]
 This header file defines the data classes that hold the various attributes for a location.
file  LbsPositionInfo.h [code]
 This file contains the declaration for all the positioning information related data classes.
file  LbsRequestor.h [code]
file  LbsSatellite.h [code]
file  ListenerDopplerBase.h [code]
file  ListenerLocationBase.h [code]
file  ListenerOrientationBase.h [code]
file  LocationBase.h [code]
file  LocationData.h [code]
file  LoudnessBase.h [code]
file  LoudnessData.h [code]
file  MAknFileFilter.h [code]
file  MAknFileSelectionObserver.h [code]
file  MAknMemorySelectionObserver.h [code]
file  MAudioEffectObserver.h [code]
file  MAudioEqualizerObserver.h [code]
file  MBassBoostObserver.h [code]
file  MCLFChangedItemObserver.h [code]
file  MCLFContentListingEngine.h [code]
file  MCLFCustomGrouper.h [code]
file  MCLFCustomSorter.h [code]
file  MCLFItem.h [code]
file  MCLFItemListModel.h [code]
file  MCLFModifiableItem.h [code]
file  MCLFOperationObserver.h [code]
file  MCLFPostFilter.h [code]
file  MCLFProcessObserver.h [code]
file  MCLFSortingStyle.h [code]
file  MCustomCommand.h [code]
file  MCustomInterface.h [code]
file  MDistanceAttenuationObserver.h [code]
file  MDopplerObserver.h [code]
file  MediaFileTypes.hrh
file  MEnvironmentalReverbObserver.h [code]
file  MessagingSDKCRKeys.h [code]
file  MGFetch.h [code]
file  MListenerDopplerObserver.h [code]
file  MListenerLocationObserver.h [code]
file  MListenerOrientationObserver.h [code]
file  MLocationObserver.h [code]
file  MLoudnessObserver.h [code]
file  MMFROPCustomCommandConstants.h [code]
file  MMGFetchCanceler.h [code]
file  MMGFetchVerifier.h [code]
file  mmsclient.h [code]
file  mmsclient.inl
file  mmsconst.h [code]
file  mmserrors.h [code]
file  MMsgBioControl.h [code]
file  MMsgBioControlExtension.h [code]
file  MNcnNotification.h [code]
file  MNcnNotification.inl
file  MOrientationObserver.h [code]
file  MPbkContactDbObserver.h [code]
file  MPbkEditorOkToExitCallback.h [code]
file  MPbkFetchCallbacks.h [code]
file  MPbkFetchDlgSelection.h [code]
file  MPbkFieldData.h [code]
file  MPbkThumbnailOperationObservers.h [code]
file  MProEngActiveProfileObserver.h [code]
file  MProEngAlertToneSeeker.h [code]
file  MProEngAlertToneSeekerObserver.h [code]
file  MProEngEngine.h [code]
file  MProEngNotifyHandler.h [code]
file  MProEngProfile.h [code]
file  MProEngProfileActivationObserver.h [code]
file  MProEngProfileName.h [code]
file  MProEngProfileNameArray.h [code]
file  MProEngProfileNameArrayObserver.h [code]
file  MProEngProfileObserver.h [code]
file  MProEngTones.h [code]
file  MProEngToneSettings.h [code]
file  MRoomLevelObserver.h [code]
file  MSenAuthenticationProvider.h [code]
file  MSenConsumerPolicy.h [code]
file  MSenContentHandlerClient.h [code]
file  MSenElement.h [code]
file  MSenFragment.h [code]
file  MSenHostlet.h [code]
file  MSenHostletRequest.h [code]
file  MSenHostletResponse.h [code]
file  MSenIdentityProviderIdArray.h [code]
file  MSenMessage.h [code]
file  MSenProperties.h [code]
file  MSenProperty.h [code]
file  MSenProviderPolicy.h [code]
file  MSenServiceConsumer.h [code]
file  MSenServiceDescription.h [code]
file  MSenServicePolicy.h [code]
file  MsgBioControl.h [code]
file  MsgBioControlObserver.h [code]
file  MsgBioUids.h [code]
file  MsgEditor.hrh
file  MSourceDopplerObserver.h [code]
file  MSourceLocationObserver.h [code]
file  MSourceOrientationObserver.h [code]
file  MStereoWideningObserver.h [code]
file  np_defines.h [code]
file  npapi.h [code]
file  NpdApi.h [code]
file  npupp.h [code]
file  ocrcommon.h [code]
file  ocrsrv.h [code]
file  Oma2Agent.h [code]
file  oommonitorclient.h [code]
file  openvg.h [code]
file  OrientationBase.h [code]
file  OrientationData.h [code]
file  palette.h [code]
file  PathConfiguration.hrh
file  PathInfo.h [code]
file  PbkDataSaveAppUi.hrh
file  PbkFields.hrh
file  PbkIconId.hrh
file  PbkIconInfo.h [code]
file  PluginAdapterInterface.h [code]
file  prcpucfg.h [code]
file  ProEngFactory.h [code]
file  Profile.hrh
file  ProfileEngineSDKCRKeys.h [code]
file  protypes.h [code]
file  prtypes.h [code]
file  PtiCompositionDataIF.h [code]
file  PtiDefs.h [code]
file  PtiDefs.inl
file  PtiEngine.h [code]
file  PtiKeyMappings.h [code]
file  PtiLanguage.h [code]
file  PtiLanguage.inl
file  PtiLanguageDatabase.h [code]
file  PtiObserver.h [code]
file  PtiUids.hrh
file  PtiUserDicEntry.h [code]
file  PtiUserDicEntry.inl
file  PtiUserDictionary.h [code]
file  PtiUserDictionary.inl
file  rconnmon.h [code]
file  RDRMHelper.h [code]
file  RoomLevelBase.h [code]
file  RoomLevelData.h [code]
file  RPbkViewResourceFile.h [code]
file  RSenDocument.h [code]
file  Screensaverplugin.h [code]
file  ScreensaverpluginIntDef.h [code]
file  ScreensaverpluginIntDef.hrh
file  ScreensaverpluginIntDef.inl
file  seconsdkcrkeys.h [code]
 A CenRep interface for last used sync solutions.
file  SenBaseAttribute.h [code]
file  SenBaseElement.h [code]
file  SenBaseFragment.h [code]
file  SenCredential.h [code]
file  SenCredential2.h [code]
file  SenDateUtils.h [code]
file  SenDomFragment.h [code]
file  SenDomFragmentBase.h [code]
file  SendUi.h [code]
file  SendUiConsts.h [code]
file  SenduiMtmUids.h [code]
file  SenElement.h [code]
file  SenFacet.h [code]
file  SenFragment.h [code]
file  SenFragmentBase.h [code]
file  SenHostletConnection.h [code]
file  SenHttpTransportProperties.h [code]
file  SenIdentityProvider.h [code]
file  SenIdentityProviderIdArray8.h [code]
file  SenNameSpace.h [code]
file  SenParser.h [code]
file  SenServiceConnection.h [code]
file  SenServiceManager.h [code]
file  SenServicePattern.h [code]
file  SenSoapConstants.h [code]
file  SenSoapEnvelope.h [code]
file  SenSoapEnvelope2.h [code]
file  SenSoapFault.h [code]
file  SenSoapFault2.h [code]
file  SenSoapMessage.h [code]
file  SenSoapMessage2.h [code]
file  sensordatacompensationtypes.h [code]
file  sensordatacompensator.h [code]
file  sensrvaccelerometersensor.h [code]
file  sensrvchannel.h [code]
file  sensrvchannelcondition.h [code]
file  sensrvchannelconditionlistener.h [code]
file  sensrvchannelconditionset.h [code]
file  sensrvchannelfinder.h [code]
file  sensrvchannelinfo.h [code]
file  sensrvchannellistener.h [code]
file  sensrvdatalistener.h [code]
file  sensrvgeneralproperties.h [code]
file  sensrvilluminationsensor.h [code]
file  sensrvmagneticnorthsensor.h [code]
file  sensrvmagnetometersensor.h [code]
file  sensrvorientationsensor.h [code]
file  sensrvproperty.h [code]
file  sensrvpropertylistener.h [code]
file  sensrvproximitysensor.h [code]
file  sensrvtappingsensor.h [code]
file  sensrvtypes.h [code]
file  SenTransportProperties.h [code]
file  SenWsSecurityHeader.h [code]
file  SenWsSecurityHeader2.h [code]
file  SenXmlConstants.h [code]
file  SenXmlElement.h [code]
file  SenXmlProperties.h [code]
file  SenXmlReader.h [code]
file  SenXmlServiceDescription.h [code]
file  SenXmlUtils.h [code]
file  SourceDopplerBase.h [code]
file  SourceLocationBase.h [code]
file  SourceOrientationBase.h [code]
file  SpdiaControl.h [code]
file  StartupItem.hrh
file  StartupItem.rh
file  StereoWideningBase.h [code]
file  StereoWideningData.h [code]
file  StereoWideningUtility.h [code]
file  StereoWideningUtilityData.h [code]
file  stringloader.h [code]
file  sysutil.h [code]
file  textresolver.h [code]
file  textresolver.hrh
file  TLmkItemIdDbCombiInfo.h [code]
file  touchfeedback.h [code]
file  touchlogicalfeedback.h [code]
file  TPbkContactItemField.h [code]
file  TSendingCapabilities.h [code]
file  TSendingCapabilities.inl
file  versioninfo.h [code]
file  versioninfo.inl
file  vgu.h [code]
file  vibractrl.h [code]
file  wlansdkpskeys.h [code]
file  xmlengattr.h [code]
file  xmlengattr.inl
file  xmlengbinarycontainer.h [code]
file  xmlengbinarycontainer.inl
file  xmlengcdatasection.h [code]
file  xmlengcdatasection.inl
file  xmlengcharacterdata.h [code]
file  xmlengcharacterdata.inl
file  xmlengchunkcontainer.h [code]
file  xmlengchunkcontainer.inl
file  xmlengcomment.h [code]
file  xmlengcomment.inl
file  xmlengdatacontainer.h [code]
file  xmlengdatacontainer.inl
file  xmlengdataserializer.h [code]
file  xmlengdocument.h [code]
file  xmlengdocument.inl
file  xmlengdocumentfragment.h [code]
file  xmlengdocumentfragment.inl
file  xmlengdom.h [code]
file  xmlengdomimplementation.h [code]
file  xmlengdomparser.h [code]
file  xmlengelement.h [code]
file  xmlengelement.inl
file  xmlengentityreference.h [code]
file  xmlengentityreference.inl
file  xmlengerrors.h [code]
file  xmlengfilecontainer.h [code]
file  xmlengfilecontainer.inl
file  xmlengnamespace.h [code]
file  xmlengnamespace.inl
file  xmlengnode.h [code]
file  xmlengnode.inl
file  xmlengnodefilter.h [code]
file  xmlengnodelist.h [code]
file  xmlengnodelist.inl
file  xmlengnodelist_impl.h [code]
file  xmlengoutputstream.h [code]
file  xmlengprocessinginstruction.h [code]
file  xmlengprocessinginstruction.inl
file  xmlengserializationoptions.h [code]
file  xmlengtext.h [code]
file  xmlengtext.inl
file  xmlenguserdata.h [code]

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