CSenDomFragmentBase Class Reference

Link against: senfragment.lib

#include <

Inherits CSenFragmentBase.

Inherited by CSenSoapFault2.

Detailed Description

Class implements DOM fragment functionality The implementation further extends
CSenBaseFragment functionality.

In DOM fragment, all child elements are parsed into separate element objects. This makes it possible to reference any child which offer methods declared in XML element interface. Any such element can also be easily extracted (detached) from this root DOM fragment.

Dll SenFragment.dll
Series60 4.0

Public Member Functions

virtual IMPORT_C ~CSenDomFragmentBase ()
virtual IMPORT_C void ExpandL (const RTagInfo &aElement, const RAttributeArray &aAttributes, TInt aErrorCode)
 Initiates the parsing chain where new delegate will be created with given parameters and parsing will be delegated to it.
virtual IMPORT_C void OnResumeParsingFromL (const RTagInfo &aElement, TInt aErrorCode)
 Resumes the parsing.
virtual IMPORT_C void AddAttributesL (const RAttributeArray &aAttrs)
 Sets the attributes for the fragment.
virtual IMPORT_C HBufC8 * AsXmlL ()
 Gets the fragment data as an UTF-8 form XML.
virtual IMPORT_C void OnStartElementL (const RTagInfo &aElement, const RAttributeArray &aAttributes, TInt aErrorCode)
 Callback function implementing the XML content handler interface.
virtual IMPORT_C void OnContentL (const TDesC8 &aBytes, TInt aErrorCode)
 Callback function implementing the XML content handler interface.
IMPORT_C void OnWriteStartElementL (const RTagInfo &aElement, const RAttributeArray &aAttributes)
 Overriding content writing from CSenBaseFragment to do nothing in DOM fragment (because the tree is expanded).
IMPORT_C void OnWriteEndElementL (const RTagInfo &aElement)
 Overriding content writing from CSenBaseFragment to do nothing in DOM fragment (because the tree is expanded).
virtual IMPORT_C void OnEndElementL (const RTagInfo &aElement, TInt aErrorCode)
 Callback function implementing the XML content handler interface.
virtual IMPORT_C void OnStartDocumentL (const RDocumentParameters &aDocParam, TInt aErrorCode)
 Callback function implementing the XML content handler interface.
virtual IMPORT_C void OnEndDocumentL (TInt aErrorCode)
 Callback function implementing the XML content handler interface.
virtual IMPORT_C void OnStartPrefixMappingL (const RString &aPrefix, const RString &aUri, TInt aErrorCode)
 Callback function implementing the XML content handler interface.
virtual IMPORT_C void OnEndPrefixMappingL (const RString &aPrefix, TInt aErrorCode)
 Callback function implementing the XML content handler interface.
virtual IMPORT_C void OnIgnorableWhiteSpaceL (const TDesC8 &aBytes, TInt ErrorCode)
 Callback function implementing the XML content handler interface.
virtual IMPORT_C void OnSkippedEntityL (const RString &aName, TInt aErrorCode)
 Callback function implementing the XML content handler interface.
virtual IMPORT_C void OnProcessingInstructionL (const TDesC8 &aTarget, const TDesC8 &aData, TInt aErrorCode)
 Callback function implementing the XML content handler interface.
virtual IMPORT_C void OnError (TInt aErrorCode)
 Callback function implementing the XML content handler interface.
virtual IMPORT_C TAny * GetExtendedInterface (const TInt32 aUid)
 Callback function implementing the XML content handler interface.
virtual IMPORT_C TPtrC8 ContentL ()
 Getter for the content,which is returned as UTF-8 form XML.
virtual IMPORT_C TXmlEngNamespace Namespace (const TDesC8 &aPrefix)
 Gets the namespace object with a given prefix.
virtual IMPORT_C void ResetContentL ()
 Resets the content of the fragment, and resets the namespaces.
virtual IMPORT_C TPtrC8 LocalName () const
virtual IMPORT_C TPtrC8 NsUri () const
 Getter for Fragment's namespace URI.
virtual IMPORT_C TPtrC8 NsPrefix () const
 Getter for namespace prefix of this fragment.
virtual IMPORT_C TXmlEngElement AsElementL ()
 Returns the current XML element of this fragment.
virtual IMPORT_C RSenDocumentAsDocumentL ()
 Returns the current XML element of this fragment.
virtual IMPORT_C TXmlEngElement ExtractElement ()
 Etracts the XML element from the fragment, leaving the fragment empty.
virtual IMPORT_C void OnDelegateParsingL (CSenFragmentBase &aDelegate)
 Let the delegate MSenFragment handle the following SAX events.
virtual IMPORT_C void OnDelegateParsingL (const RTagInfo &aElement, const RAttributeArray &aAttributes, TInt aErrorCode)
 Creates a new fragment and lets the created MSenFragment handle the following SAX events.
virtual IMPORT_C void SetOwner (CSenFragmentBase &aFragment)
 Sets a new parent for this fragment.
virtual IMPORT_C HBufC * AsXmlUnicodeL ()
 Gets the fragment data as an unicode XML.
virtual IMPORT_C void WriteAsXMLToL (RWriteStream &aWs)
 Invokes AsElement().WriteAsXMLToL(aWs);.
virtual IMPORT_C TBool ConsistsOfL (CSenFragmentBase &aCandidate)
 Checks if fragment matches to another fragment by its content and child elements.
IMPORT_C void SetContentHandler (CSenFragmentBase &aContentHandler)

Static Public Member Functions

static IMPORT_C CSenDomFragmentBaseNewL ()
 Basic contructor.
static IMPORT_C CSenDomFragmentBaseNewL (const TXmlEngElement &aElement)
 Basic constructor.
static IMPORT_C CSenDomFragmentBaseNewL (const TDesC8 &aLocalName)
 Basic constructor.
static IMPORT_C CSenDomFragmentBaseNewL (const TDesC8 &aNsUri, const TDesC8 &aLocalName)
 Basic constructor.
static IMPORT_C CSenDomFragmentBaseNewL (const TDesC8 &aNsUri, const TDesC8 &aLocalName, const TDesC8 &aPrefix)
 Basic constructor.
static IMPORT_C CSenDomFragmentBaseNewL (const TDesC8 &aNsUri, const TDesC8 &aLocalName, const TDesC8 &aPrefix, const RAttributeArray &aAttrs)
 Basic constructor.
static IMPORT_C CSenDomFragmentBaseNewL (const TDesC8 &aNsUri, const TDesC8 &aLocalName, const TDesC8 &aPrefix, const RAttributeArray &aAttrs, TXmlEngElement &aParent)
 Basic constructor.
static IMPORT_C CSenDomFragmentBaseNewL (const TDesC8 &aNsUri, const TDesC8 &aLocalName, const TDesC8 &aPrefix, const RAttributeArray &aAttrs, TXmlEngElement &aParent, RSenDocument &aOwnerDocument)
 Basic constructor.

Protected Member Functions

void RenameL (const TDesC8 &aLocalName, const TDesC8 &aPrefix, const TDesC8 &aNamespace)
 Method renames the XML properties of this fragment.
void RenameL (const TDesC8 &aLocalName, const TDesC8 &aNamespace)
 Method renames the XML properties of this fragment.
void RenameLocalNameL (const TDesC8 &aLocalName)
 Renames local name for this XML fragment.
void RenameNamespaceL (const TDesC8 &aNamespace)
 Renames namespace URI for this XML fragment.
void RenamePrefixL (const TDesC8 &aPrefix)
 Renames namespace prefix for this XML fragment.
void RenameNamespaceL (const TDesC8 &aPrefix, const TDesC8 &aNamespace)
 Renames namespace prefix and namespace URI for this XML fragment.
IMPORT_C TXmlEngElement SetContentOfL (const TDesC8 &aLocalName, const TDesC8 &aContent)
 Sets content to a child element.
IMPORT_C TPtrC8 ContentOf (const TDesC8 &aLocalName)
 Gets the content of a given element.
virtual IMPORT_C TBool ConsistsOfL (TXmlEngElement &aElement, TXmlEngElement &aCandidate)
virtual IMPORT_C void AddNamespacesL ()
 Adds namespaces from internal array for the fragment.
IMPORT_C CSenDomFragmentBase ()
 C++ default constructor.
IMPORT_C void BaseConstructL ()
 "ConstructL" method for calling the base classes ones.
IMPORT_C void BaseConstructL (const TXmlEngElement &aElement)
 "ConstructL" method for calling the base classes ones.
IMPORT_C void BaseConstructL (const TDesC8 &aLocalName)
 "ConstructL" method for calling the base classes ones.
IMPORT_C void BaseConstructL (const TDesC8 &aNsUri, const TDesC8 &aLocalName)
 "ConstructL" method for calling the base classes ones.
IMPORT_C void BaseConstructL (const TDesC8 &aNsUri, const TDesC8 &aLocalName, const TDesC8 &aPrefix)
 "ConstructL" method for calling the base classes ones.
IMPORT_C void BaseConstructL (const TDesC8 &aNsUri, const TDesC8 &aLocalName, const TDesC8 &aPrefix, const RAttributeArray &aAttrs)
 "ConstructL" method for calling the base classes ones.
IMPORT_C void BaseConstructL (const TDesC8 &aNsUri, const TDesC8 &aLocalName, const TDesC8 &aPrefix, const RAttributeArray &aAttrs, TXmlEngElement &aParent)
 "ConstructL" method for calling the base classes ones.
IMPORT_C void BaseConstructL (const TDesC8 &aNsUri, const TDesC8 &aLocalName, const TDesC8 &aPrefix, const RAttributeArray &aAttrs, TXmlEngElement &aParent, RSenDocument &aOwnerDocument)
 "ConstructL" method for calling the base classes ones.

Protected Attributes

 Callback functions which implement the XML content handler interface.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

virtual IMPORT_C CSenDomFragmentBase::~CSenDomFragmentBase  )  [virtual]


IMPORT_C CSenDomFragmentBase::CSenDomFragmentBase  )  [protected]

C++ default constructor.

Member Function Documentation

virtual IMPORT_C void CSenDomFragmentBase::AddAttributesL const RAttributeArray aAttrs  )  [virtual]

Sets the attributes for the fragment.

Series60 4.0
aAttributes The array of attributes.

Reimplemented from CSenFragmentBase.

virtual IMPORT_C void CSenDomFragmentBase::AddNamespacesL  )  [protected, virtual]

Adds namespaces from internal array for the fragment.

Series60 4.0

Reimplemented from CSenFragmentBase.

virtual IMPORT_C RSenDocument& CSenDomFragmentBase::AsDocumentL  )  [virtual]

Returns the current XML element of this fragment.

If element has not been set, this method will initialize new, un-initialized element. Method leaves with if there is not enough memory (OOM)

reference to the element of this fragment

Reimplemented from CSenFragmentBase.

virtual IMPORT_C TXmlEngElement CSenDomFragmentBase::AsElementL  )  [virtual]

Returns the current XML element of this fragment.

If element has not been set, this method will initialize new, un-initialized element. Method leaves with if there is not enough memory (OOM)

reference to the element of this fragment

Reimplemented from CSenFragmentBase.

virtual IMPORT_C HBufC8* CSenDomFragmentBase::AsXmlL  )  [virtual]

Gets the fragment data as an UTF-8 form XML.

Series60 4.0
fragment as XML. Caller takes ownership.

Reimplemented from CSenFragmentBase.

virtual IMPORT_C HBufC* CSenDomFragmentBase::AsXmlUnicodeL  )  [virtual]

Gets the fragment data as an unicode XML.

Series60 4.0
fragment as XML. Caller takes ownership.

Reimplemented from CSenFragmentBase.

IMPORT_C void CSenDomFragmentBase::BaseConstructL const TDesC8 &  aNsUri,
const TDesC8 &  aLocalName,
const TDesC8 &  aPrefix,
const RAttributeArray aAttrs,
TXmlEngElement aParent,
RSenDocument aOwnerDocument

"ConstructL" method for calling the base classes ones.

Series60 4.0
aNsUri The namespace URI of the element
aLocalName The local name of the element
aPrefix The prefix of the element
aAttrs The attributes of the element
aParent The parent of the element
aOwnerDocument The document which will be the owner of the elements of this fragment

Reimplemented from CSenFragmentBase.

IMPORT_C void CSenDomFragmentBase::BaseConstructL const TDesC8 &  aNsUri,
const TDesC8 &  aLocalName,
const TDesC8 &  aPrefix,
const RAttributeArray aAttrs,
TXmlEngElement aParent

"ConstructL" method for calling the base classes ones.

Series60 4.0
aNsUri The namespace URI of the element
aLocalName The local name of the element
aPrefix The prefix of the element
aAttrs The attributes of the element
aParent The parent of the element

Reimplemented from CSenFragmentBase.

IMPORT_C void CSenDomFragmentBase::BaseConstructL const TDesC8 &  aNsUri,
const TDesC8 &  aLocalName,
const TDesC8 &  aPrefix,
const RAttributeArray aAttrs

"ConstructL" method for calling the base classes ones.

Series60 4.0
aNsUri The namespace URI of the element
aLocalName The local name of the element
aPrefix The prefix of the element
aAttrs The attributes of the element

Reimplemented from CSenFragmentBase.

IMPORT_C void CSenDomFragmentBase::BaseConstructL const TDesC8 &  aNsUri,
const TDesC8 &  aLocalName,
const TDesC8 &  aPrefix

"ConstructL" method for calling the base classes ones.

Series60 4.0
aNsUri The namespace URI of the element
aLocalName The local name of the element
aPrefix The prefix of the element

Reimplemented from CSenFragmentBase.

IMPORT_C void CSenDomFragmentBase::BaseConstructL const TDesC8 &  aNsUri,
const TDesC8 &  aLocalName

"ConstructL" method for calling the base classes ones.

Series60 4.0
aNsUri The namespace URI of the element
aLocalName The local name of the element

Reimplemented from CSenFragmentBase.

IMPORT_C void CSenDomFragmentBase::BaseConstructL const TDesC8 &  aLocalName  )  [protected]

"ConstructL" method for calling the base classes ones.

Series60 4.0
aLocalName The local name of the element

Reimplemented from CSenFragmentBase.

IMPORT_C void CSenDomFragmentBase::BaseConstructL const TXmlEngElement aElement  )  [protected]

"ConstructL" method for calling the base classes ones.

Series60 4.0
aElement is the XML element of this fragment.

Reimplemented from CSenFragmentBase.

IMPORT_C void CSenDomFragmentBase::BaseConstructL  )  [protected]

"ConstructL" method for calling the base classes ones.

Series60 4.0
virtual IMPORT_C TBool CSenDomFragmentBase::ConsistsOfL TXmlEngElement aElement,
TXmlEngElement aCandidate
[protected, virtual]

Reimplemented from CSenFragmentBase.

virtual IMPORT_C TBool CSenDomFragmentBase::ConsistsOfL CSenFragmentBase aCandidate  )  [virtual]

Checks if fragment matches to another fragment by its content and child elements.

Fragment can contain more data than the given candidate.

Series60 4.0
aCandidate The pattern to be matched. Must contain same or less data for match to come true.
ETrue if content and possible children match exactly to given pattern. EFalse otherwise.

Reimplemented from CSenFragmentBase.

virtual IMPORT_C TPtrC8 CSenDomFragmentBase::ContentL  )  [virtual]

Getter for the content,which is returned as UTF-8 form XML.

Series60 4.0
content as UTF-8 form XML.

Reimplemented from CSenFragmentBase.

IMPORT_C TPtrC8 CSenDomFragmentBase::ContentOf const TDesC8 &  aLocalName  )  [protected]

Gets the content of a given element.

Series60 4.0
aLocalName The local name of the element which content is asked
the content which was asked

Reimplemented from CSenFragmentBase.

virtual IMPORT_C void CSenDomFragmentBase::ExpandL const RTagInfo &  aElement,
const RAttributeArray aAttributes,
TInt  aErrorCode

Initiates the parsing chain where new delegate will be created with given parameters and parsing will be delegated to it.

Should not be called externally.

Series60 4.0
aElement The RTagInfo class holding information that describes the element.
aAttributes The attributes of the new element
aErrorCode Error code
virtual IMPORT_C TXmlEngElement CSenDomFragmentBase::ExtractElement  )  [virtual]

Etracts the XML element from the fragment, leaving the fragment empty.

Note(!): the return value (CSenElement) STRONGLY suggests that subclasses INHERIT CSenFragment in order properly comply the requirement of the ExtractElement() implementation.

Series60 4.0
the current object as element. May return NULL. Ownership IS TRANSFERRED to the caller.

Reimplemented from CSenFragmentBase.

virtual IMPORT_C TAny* CSenDomFragmentBase::GetExtendedInterface const TInt32  aUid  )  [virtual]

Callback function implementing the XML content handler interface.

Inheriting classes can override these.

Series60 4.0
See also:

Reimplemented from CSenFragmentBase.

virtual IMPORT_C TPtrC8 CSenDomFragmentBase::LocalName  )  const [virtual]
Series60 4.0
the localname of this fragment as UTF-8 form descriptor

Reimplemented from CSenFragmentBase.

virtual IMPORT_C TXmlEngNamespace CSenDomFragmentBase::Namespace const TDesC8 &  aPrefix  )  [virtual]

Gets the namespace object with a given prefix.

Series60 4.0
aPrefix,: prefix that wanted namespace should have.
namespace with the given prefix. If not found or given prefix is zero length, will return NULL.

Reimplemented from CSenFragmentBase.

static IMPORT_C CSenDomFragmentBase* CSenDomFragmentBase::NewL const TDesC8 &  aNsUri,
const TDesC8 &  aLocalName,
const TDesC8 &  aPrefix,
const RAttributeArray aAttrs,
TXmlEngElement aParent,
RSenDocument aOwnerDocument

Basic constructor.

Series60 4.0
aNsUri is the XML namespace of this fragment
aLocalName is the XML localname of this fragment
aPrefix is the prefix of this fragment
aAttrs are the XML attributes of this fragment
aParent is the parent XML element of this fragment
aOwnerDocument is the document which will be the owner of the elements of this fragment

Reimplemented from CSenFragmentBase.

Reimplemented in CSenSoapFault2.

static IMPORT_C CSenDomFragmentBase* CSenDomFragmentBase::NewL const TDesC8 &  aNsUri,
const TDesC8 &  aLocalName,
const TDesC8 &  aPrefix,
const RAttributeArray aAttrs,
TXmlEngElement aParent

Basic constructor.

Series60 4.0
aNsUri is the XML namespace of this fragment
aLocalName is the XML localname of this fragment
aPrefix is the prefix of this fragment
aAttrs are the XML attributes of this fragment
aParent is the parent XML element of this fragment

Reimplemented from CSenFragmentBase.

static IMPORT_C CSenDomFragmentBase* CSenDomFragmentBase::NewL const TDesC8 &  aNsUri,
const TDesC8 &  aLocalName,
const TDesC8 &  aPrefix,
const RAttributeArray aAttrs

Basic constructor.

Series60 4.0
aNsUri is the XML namespace of this fragment
aLocalName is the XML localname of this fragment
aPrefix is the prefix of this fragment
aAttrs are the XML attributes of this fragment

Reimplemented from CSenFragmentBase.

static IMPORT_C CSenDomFragmentBase* CSenDomFragmentBase::NewL const TDesC8 &  aNsUri,
const TDesC8 &  aLocalName,
const TDesC8 &  aPrefix

Basic constructor.

Series60 4.0
aNsUri is the XML namespace user of this fragment
aLocalName is the XML localname of this fragment
aPrefix is the XML prefix of this fragment

Reimplemented from CSenFragmentBase.

static IMPORT_C CSenDomFragmentBase* CSenDomFragmentBase::NewL const TDesC8 &  aNsUri,
const TDesC8 &  aLocalName

Basic constructor.

Series60 4.0
aNsUri is the XML namespace user of this fragment
aLocalName is the XML localname of this fragment

Reimplemented from CSenFragmentBase.

static IMPORT_C CSenDomFragmentBase* CSenDomFragmentBase::NewL const TDesC8 &  aLocalName  )  [static]

Basic constructor.

Series60 4.0
aLocalName is the XML localname of this fragment

Reimplemented from CSenFragmentBase.

static IMPORT_C CSenDomFragmentBase* CSenDomFragmentBase::NewL const TXmlEngElement aElement  )  [static]

Basic constructor.

Series60 4.0
aElement Element to copy construction data from.

Reimplemented from CSenFragmentBase.

static IMPORT_C CSenDomFragmentBase* CSenDomFragmentBase::NewL  )  [static]

Basic contructor.

Should be used only for parsing new fragments etc. Constructing DomFragments for other use should be done with at least localname parameter.

Series60 4.0
virtual IMPORT_C TPtrC8 CSenDomFragmentBase::NsPrefix  )  const [virtual]

Getter for namespace prefix of this fragment.

Series60 4.0
namespace prefix or KNullDesC if not set.

Reimplemented from CSenFragmentBase.

virtual IMPORT_C TPtrC8 CSenDomFragmentBase::NsUri  )  const [virtual]

Getter for Fragment's namespace URI.

Series60 4.0
Namespace URI or KNullDesC if not set.

Reimplemented from CSenFragmentBase.

virtual IMPORT_C void CSenDomFragmentBase::OnContentL const TDesC8 &  aBytes,
TInt  aErrorCode

Callback function implementing the XML content handler interface.

Inheriting classes can override these.

Series60 4.0
See also:

Reimplemented from CSenFragmentBase.

virtual IMPORT_C void CSenDomFragmentBase::OnDelegateParsingL const RTagInfo &  aElement,
const RAttributeArray aAttributes,
TInt  aErrorCode

Creates a new fragment and lets the created MSenFragment handle the following SAX events.

This fragment is made the owner of the delegate and the delegate is expected to make this MSenFragment act as receiver for SAX events (callbacks) once it has seen the end element for itself.

Series60 4.0
aElement The RTagInfo class holding information that describes the element.
aAttributes The attributes of the new element
aErrorCode Error code

Reimplemented from CSenFragmentBase.

virtual IMPORT_C void CSenDomFragmentBase::OnDelegateParsingL CSenFragmentBase aDelegate  )  [virtual]

Let the delegate MSenFragment handle the following SAX events.

This fragment is made the owner of the delegate and the delegate is expected to make this MSenFragment the receiver of SAX events once it has seen the end element for itself.

Series60 4.0
aDelegate is the fragment to start handling the SAX events.

Reimplemented from CSenFragmentBase.

virtual IMPORT_C void CSenDomFragmentBase::OnEndDocumentL TInt  aErrorCode  )  [virtual]

Callback function implementing the XML content handler interface.

Inheriting classes can override these.

Series60 4.0
See also:

Reimplemented from CSenFragmentBase.

virtual IMPORT_C void CSenDomFragmentBase::OnEndElementL const RTagInfo &  aElement,
TInt  aErrorCode

Callback function implementing the XML content handler interface.

Inheriting classes can override these.

Series60 4.0
See also:

Reimplemented from CSenFragmentBase.

virtual IMPORT_C void CSenDomFragmentBase::OnEndPrefixMappingL const RString &  aPrefix,
TInt  aErrorCode

Callback function implementing the XML content handler interface.

Inheriting classes can override these.

Series60 4.0
See also:

Reimplemented from CSenFragmentBase.

virtual IMPORT_C void CSenDomFragmentBase::OnError TInt  aErrorCode  )  [virtual]

Callback function implementing the XML content handler interface.

Inheriting classes can override these.

Series60 4.0
See also:

Reimplemented from CSenFragmentBase.

virtual IMPORT_C void CSenDomFragmentBase::OnIgnorableWhiteSpaceL const TDesC8 &  aBytes,
TInt  ErrorCode

Callback function implementing the XML content handler interface.

Inheriting classes can override these.

Series60 4.0
See also:

Reimplemented from CSenFragmentBase.

virtual IMPORT_C void CSenDomFragmentBase::OnProcessingInstructionL const TDesC8 &  aTarget,
const TDesC8 &  aData,
TInt  aErrorCode

Callback function implementing the XML content handler interface.

Inheriting classes can override these.

Series60 4.0
See also:

Reimplemented from CSenFragmentBase.

virtual IMPORT_C void CSenDomFragmentBase::OnResumeParsingFromL const RTagInfo &  aElement,
TInt  aErrorCode

Resumes the parsing.

Usually called by the delegate fragment which was parsing itself after DelegateParsingL().

Series60 4.0
aElement The RTagInfo class holding information that describes the element.
aErrorCode Error code

Reimplemented from CSenFragmentBase.

virtual IMPORT_C void CSenDomFragmentBase::OnSkippedEntityL const RString &  aName,
TInt  aErrorCode

Callback function implementing the XML content handler interface.

Inheriting classes can override these.

Series60 4.0
See also:

Reimplemented from CSenFragmentBase.

virtual IMPORT_C void CSenDomFragmentBase::OnStartDocumentL const RDocumentParameters &  aDocParam,
TInt  aErrorCode

Callback function implementing the XML content handler interface.

Inheriting classes can override these.

Series60 4.0
See also:

Reimplemented from CSenFragmentBase.

virtual IMPORT_C void CSenDomFragmentBase::OnStartElementL const RTagInfo &  aElement,
const RAttributeArray aAttributes,
TInt  aErrorCode

Callback function implementing the XML content handler interface.

Inheriting classes can override these.

Series60 4.0
See also:

Reimplemented from CSenFragmentBase.

virtual IMPORT_C void CSenDomFragmentBase::OnStartPrefixMappingL const RString &  aPrefix,
const RString &  aUri,
TInt  aErrorCode

Callback function implementing the XML content handler interface.

Inheriting classes can override these.

Series60 4.0
See also:

Reimplemented from CSenFragmentBase.

IMPORT_C void CSenDomFragmentBase::OnWriteEndElementL const RTagInfo &  aElement  ) 

Overriding content writing from CSenBaseFragment to do nothing in DOM fragment (because the tree is expanded).

Series60 4.0
aElement The RTagInfo class holding information that describes the element.

Reimplemented from CSenFragmentBase.

IMPORT_C void CSenDomFragmentBase::OnWriteStartElementL const RTagInfo &  aElement,
const RAttributeArray aAttributes

Overriding content writing from CSenBaseFragment to do nothing in DOM fragment (because the tree is expanded).

Series60 4.0
aElement The RTagInfo class holding information that describes the element.
aAttributes The attributes of the new element

Reimplemented from CSenFragmentBase.

void CSenDomFragmentBase::RenameL const TDesC8 &  aLocalName,
const TDesC8 &  aNamespace

Method renames the XML properties of this fragment.

aLocalName XML localname for this fragment
aNamespace XML namespace URI for this fragment Method leaves with if there is not enough memory (OOM)

Reimplemented from CSenFragmentBase.

void CSenDomFragmentBase::RenameL const TDesC8 &  aLocalName,
const TDesC8 &  aPrefix,
const TDesC8 &  aNamespace

Method renames the XML properties of this fragment.

aLocalName XML localname for this fragment
aPrefix XML namespace prefix for this fragment
aNamespace XML namespace URI for this fragment Method leaves with if there is not enough memory (OOM)

Reimplemented from CSenFragmentBase.

void CSenDomFragmentBase::RenameLocalNameL const TDesC8 &  aLocalName  )  [protected]

Renames local name for this XML fragment.

aLocalName XML localname for this fragment Method leaves with if there is not enough memory (OOM)

Reimplemented from CSenFragmentBase.

void CSenDomFragmentBase::RenameNamespaceL const TDesC8 &  aPrefix,
const TDesC8 &  aNamespace

Renames namespace prefix and namespace URI for this XML fragment.

aPrefix XML namespace prefix for this fragment
aNamespace XML namespace URI for this fragment Method leaves with if there is not enough memory (OOM)

Reimplemented from CSenFragmentBase.

void CSenDomFragmentBase::RenameNamespaceL const TDesC8 &  aNamespace  )  [protected]

Renames namespace URI for this XML fragment.

aNamespace XML namespace URI for this fragment Method leaves with if there is not enough memory(OOM)

Reimplemented from CSenFragmentBase.

void CSenDomFragmentBase::RenamePrefixL const TDesC8 &  aPrefix  )  [protected]

Renames namespace prefix for this XML fragment.

aPrefix XML namespace prefix for this fragment Method leaves with if there is not enough memory (OOM)

Reimplemented from CSenFragmentBase.

virtual IMPORT_C void CSenDomFragmentBase::ResetContentL  )  [virtual]

Resets the content of the fragment, and resets the namespaces.

Series60 4.0

Reimplemented from CSenFragmentBase.

IMPORT_C void CSenDomFragmentBase::SetContentHandler CSenFragmentBase aContentHandler  ) 

Reimplemented from CSenFragmentBase.

IMPORT_C TXmlEngElement CSenDomFragmentBase::SetContentOfL const TDesC8 &  aLocalName,
const TDesC8 &  aContent

Sets content to a child element.

If no element with given local name is not found, new one is added and content is set to that one.

Series60 4.0
aLocalName The local name of element which content is about to be set
aContent Content to be set.
the element where content was set. Leave codes: KErrSenInvalidCharacters if aLocalName contains illegal characters. KErrSenZeroLengthDescriptor if aLocalName is zero length.

Reimplemented from CSenFragmentBase.

virtual IMPORT_C void CSenDomFragmentBase::SetOwner CSenFragmentBase aFragment  )  [virtual]

Sets a new parent for this fragment.

Series60 4.0
aFragment,: the new parent.

Reimplemented from CSenFragmentBase.

virtual IMPORT_C void CSenDomFragmentBase::WriteAsXMLToL RWriteStream &  aWs  )  [virtual]

Invokes AsElement().WriteAsXMLToL(aWs);.

Series60 4.0
aWs is the stream into which the UTF-8 form XML will be written.

Reimplemented from CSenFragmentBase.

Field Documentation

CSenDomFragmentBase* CSenDomFragmentBase::ipDomDelegate [protected]

Callback functions which implement the XML content handler interface.

Inheriting classes can override these.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:

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