CSenSoapFault2 Class Reference

Link against: senmessages.lib

#include <

Inherits CSenDomFragmentBase.

Detailed Description

This utility class represents SOAP fault element according to SOAP fault specification.

SOAP fault element has following child elements: faultcode, faultstring, faultactor detail

Dll SenUtils.lib
Series60 3.0

Public Member Functions

virtual IMPORT_C ~CSenSoapFault2 ()
IMPORT_C TPtrC8 FaultCode ()
IMPORT_C TPtrC8 FaultSubcode ()
IMPORT_C TPtrC8 FaultString ()
IMPORT_C TPtrC8 FaultActor ()
IMPORT_C TPtrC8 Detail ()

Static Public Member Functions

static IMPORT_C CSenSoapFault2NewL (TXmlEngElement &aElement)
 Copy constructor, making a copy of the original source element.
static IMPORT_C CSenSoapFault2NewL (TXmlEngElement &aElement, RSenDocument &aDocument)
 Constructor which, takes 1) TXmlEngElement which is already owned by other Fragment and 2) RSenDocument which is owned by that same other Fragment.
static IMPORT_C CSenSoapFault2NewL (const TDesC8 &aNsUri, const TDesC8 &aLocalName, const TDesC8 &aPrefix, const RAttributeArray &aAttributes, TXmlEngElement &aElement, RSenDocument &aDocument)
 Basic constructor.

Protected Member Functions

IMPORT_C CSenSoapFault2 ()
 C++ default constructor.
IMPORT_C void ConstructL (TXmlEngElement &aElement)
 Basic ConstructL function.
IMPORT_C void ConstructL (TXmlEngElement &aElement, RSenDocument &aDocument)
 ConstructL method which takes 1) TXmlEngElement which is already owned by other Fragment and 2) RSenDocument which is owned by that same other Fragment.
IMPORT_C void ConstructL (const TDesC8 &aNsUri, const TDesC8 &aLocalName, const TDesC8 &aPrefix, const RAttributeArray &aAttributes, TXmlEngElement &aElement, RSenDocument &aDocument)
 Basic ConstructL function.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

virtual IMPORT_C CSenSoapFault2::~CSenSoapFault2  )  [virtual]


IMPORT_C CSenSoapFault2::CSenSoapFault2  )  [protected]

C++ default constructor.

Member Function Documentation

IMPORT_C void CSenSoapFault2::ConstructL const TDesC8 &  aNsUri,
const TDesC8 &  aLocalName,
const TDesC8 &  aPrefix,
const RAttributeArray aAttributes,
TXmlEngElement aElement,
RSenDocument aDocument

Basic ConstructL function.

Series60 3.0
aNsUri is the XML namespace URI of this SOAP fault
aLocalName is the XML localname URI of this SOAP fault
aQName is the XML qualifiedname URI of this SOAP fault
aAttributes are the XML attributes for this SOAP fault
IMPORT_C void CSenSoapFault2::ConstructL TXmlEngElement aElement,
RSenDocument aDocument

ConstructL method which takes 1) TXmlEngElement which is already owned by other Fragment and 2) RSenDocument which is owned by that same other Fragment.

Constructor takes a copy of RSenDocument => given element will be destructed when both original Fragment and CSenSoapFault2 have been destructed. Given element will be root element of CSenSoapFault2.

Series60 3.0
aElement Soap Fault element.
aDocument Original document holding given Soap Fault element.
IMPORT_C void CSenSoapFault2::ConstructL TXmlEngElement aElement  )  [protected]

Basic ConstructL function.

Series60 3.0
aElement is the TXmlEngElement from which data to this SOAP fault object is to be copied.
IMPORT_C TPtrC8 CSenSoapFault2::Detail  ) 
Series60 3.0
the content of <detail> element as UTF-8 form string or KNullDesC8, if element is not available
IMPORT_C TPtrC8 CSenSoapFault2::FaultActor  ) 
Series60 3.0
the content of <faultactor> element as UTF-8 form string or KNullDesC8, if element is not available
IMPORT_C TPtrC8 CSenSoapFault2::FaultCode  ) 
Series60 3.0
the content of <faultcode> element as UTF-8 form string or KNullDesC8, if element is not available
IMPORT_C TPtrC8 CSenSoapFault2::FaultString  ) 
Series60 3.0
the content of <faultstring> element as UTF-8 form string or KNullDesC8, if element is not available
IMPORT_C TPtrC8 CSenSoapFault2::FaultSubcode  ) 
Series60 4.0
the content of <Subcode> element as UTF-8 form string or KNullDesC8, if element is not available
static IMPORT_C CSenSoapFault2* CSenSoapFault2::NewL const TDesC8 &  aNsUri,
const TDesC8 &  aLocalName,
const TDesC8 &  aPrefix,
const RAttributeArray aAttributes,
TXmlEngElement aElement,
RSenDocument aDocument

Basic constructor.

Series60 3.0
aNsUri is the XML namespace of this SOAP fault
aLocalName is the localname for this SOAP fault
aQName is the qualifiedname for this SOAP fault
aAttributes are the XML attributes for this SOAP fault Parameters are used to construct the soap fault.

Reimplemented from CSenDomFragmentBase.

static IMPORT_C CSenSoapFault2* CSenSoapFault2::NewL TXmlEngElement aElement,
RSenDocument aDocument

Constructor which, takes 1) TXmlEngElement which is already owned by other Fragment and 2) RSenDocument which is owned by that same other Fragment.

Constructor takes a copy of RSenDocument => given element will be destructed when both original Fragment and CSenSoapFault2 have been destructed. Given element will be root element of CSenSoapFault2.

Series60 3.0
aElement Soap Fault element.
aDocument Original document holding given Soap Fault element.

Reimplemented from CSenFragmentBase.

static IMPORT_C CSenSoapFault2* CSenSoapFault2::NewL TXmlEngElement aElement  )  [static]

Copy constructor, making a copy of the original source element.

Series60 3.0
aElement Element which is copied into SoapFault.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:

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