Link against: SenServConn.LIB SenUtils.LIB
NetworkServices ReadUserData WriteUserData
#include <SenHttpTransportProperties.h>
Inherits CSenTransportProperties.
This scenario is not supported.
These are the function calls get called during this scenario iHttpProperties->SetHttpHeaderL(const TDesC8& aHeaderName, const TDesC8& aValue); iHttpProperties->SetHttpMethodL(CSenHttpTransportProperties::ESenHttpGet); SendL(CSenSoapEnvelope& aMessage, const TDesC8& aProperties);
Public Types | |
enum | TSenHttpMethod { ESenHttpPut, ESenHttpDelete, ESenHttpGet, ESenHttpPost } |
HttpMethod Enumeration. More... | |
enum | TSenHttpVersion { ESenHttp10, ESenHttp11 } |
HttpVersion Enumeration. More... | |
Public Member Functions | |
virtual TInt | IapIdL (TUint32 &aCurrentIapId) |
Gets the IAP ID. | |
virtual void | SetIapIdL (TUint32 aIapId) |
Sets the IAP ID. | |
virtual TInt | ProxyPortL (TInt &aProxyPort) |
Gets the Proxy Port. | |
virtual void | SetProxyPortL (TInt aProxyPort) |
Sets the Proxy Port. | |
virtual TInt | ProxyHostL (TPtrC8 &aProxyHost) |
Gets the Proxy Host. | |
virtual void | SetProxyHostL (const TDesC8 &aProxyHost) |
Sets the Proxy Host. | |
virtual TInt | ProxyUsageL (TBool &aProxyUsage) |
Gets the Proxy Usage flag. | |
virtual void | SetProxyUsageL (TBool aProxyUsage) |
Sets the Proxy Usage flag. | |
virtual TInt | SecureDialogL (TBool &aSecureDialog) |
Gets the information if SecureDialog is shown or not. | |
virtual void | SetSecureDialogL (TBool aSecureDialog) |
Sets the flag which controls showing of SecureDialog. | |
virtual TInt | ContentTypeL (TPtrC8 &aContentType) |
Gets the Content Type. | |
virtual void | SetContentTypeL (const TDesC8 &aContentType) |
Sets the Content Type. | |
virtual TInt | SoapActionL (TPtrC8 &aSoapAction) |
Gets the SoapAction. | |
virtual void | SetSoapActionL (const TDesC8 &aSoapAction) |
Sets the Soap Action. | |
virtual TInt | UserAgentL (TPtrC8 &aUserAgent) |
Gets the UserAgent. | |
virtual void | SetUserAgentL (const TDesC8 &aUserAgent) |
Sets the UserAgent. | |
virtual TInt | AcceptL (TPtrC8 &aAccept) |
Gets the Accept. | |
virtual void | SetAcceptL (const TDesC8 &aAccept) |
Sets the Accept. | |
virtual TInt | HttpMethodL (TSenHttpMethod &aHttpMethod) |
Gets the Http method. | |
virtual void | SetHttpMethodL (TSenHttpMethod aHttpMethod) |
Sets the Http method. | |
virtual TInt | HttpVersionL (TSenHttpVersion &aHttpVersion) |
Gets the Http version. | |
virtual void | SetHttpVersionL (TSenHttpVersion aHttpVersion) |
Sets the Http version. | |
virtual TInt | HttpHeaderL (const TDesC8 &aHeaderName, TPtrC8 &aValue) |
Gets the Http header. | |
virtual void | SetHttpHeaderL (const TDesC8 &aHeaderName, const TDesC8 &aValue) |
Sets the Http header. | |
virtual TInt | DeviceIDL (TPtrC8 &aDeviceID) |
Gets the device ID. | |
virtual void | SetDeviceIDL (const TDesC8 &aDeviceID) |
Sets the Device ID. | |
virtual TInt | DownloadFolderL (TPtrC8 &aDownloadFolder) |
Gets download folder for incoming BLOB (binary large objects). | |
virtual void | SetDownloadFolderL (const TDesC8 &aDownloadFolder) |
Sets download folder for incoming BLOB (binary large objects). | |
virtual TInt | FileAttachmentL (const TDesC8 &aCid, HBufC8 *&aFileName) |
Gets filename of file attachment. | |
virtual TInt | SetFileAttachmentL (const TDesC8 &aCid, const TDesC8 &aFileName) |
Sets filename of file attachment. | |
virtual void | ApplyBindingL (TSOAPVersion aSoapVersion) |
Apply binding. | |
virtual TInt | MwsNamespaceL (TPtrC8 &aMwsNamespace) |
Gets namespace of Microsoft schema. | |
virtual void | SetMwsNamespaceL (const TDesC8 &aMwsNamespace) |
Sets namespace of Microsoft schema. | |
virtual void | SetReader (CSenXmlReader &aReader) |
Sets the XML reader to be used for parsing. | |
virtual TSenPropertiesClassType | PropertiesClassType () |
Get an integer identifying properties class type. | |
virtual void | WriteToL (RWriteStream &aWriteStream) |
Writes this properties object as descriptor into a stream. | |
virtual void | ReadFromL (const TDesC8 &aBuffer) |
Reads this properties object from the descriptor. | |
virtual HBufC8 * | AsUtf8L () |
Get these properties as UTF-8 charset encoded descriptor. | |
virtual HBufC8 * | AsUtf8LC () |
Get these properties as UTF-8 charset encoded descriptor. | |
virtual TBool | IsSafeToCast (TSenPropertiesClassType aClass) |
virtual MSenProperties * | CloneL () const |
Method creates exact copy of the properties, preserving the real, concrete subclass type (this can be resolved via PropertiesClassType() method. | |
virtual TInt | SetPropertyL (const TDesC8 &aName, const TDesC8 &aValue) |
virtual TInt | PropertyL (const TDesC8 &aName, TPtrC8 &aValue) |
Gets the value of the property behind certain name. | |
virtual TInt | SetPropertyL (const TDesC8 &aName, const TDesC8 &aValue, const TDesC8 &aType) |
Sets new property. | |
virtual TInt | PropertyL (const TDesC8 &aName, TPtrC8 &aValue, TPtrC8 &aType) |
Gets the value of the property behind certain name. | |
virtual TInt | SetIntPropertyL (const TDesC8 &aName, const TInt aValue) |
virtual TInt | IntPropertyL (const TDesC8 &aName, TInt &aValue) |
Gets the integer value of the property behind certain name. | |
virtual TInt | SetBoolPropertyL (const TDesC8 &aName, const TBool aValue) |
virtual TInt | BoolPropertyL (const TDesC8 &aName, TBool &aValue) |
Gets the boolean value of the property behind certain name. | |
virtual TInt | SetOmittedL (const TDesC8 &aName, TBool aValue) |
virtual TInt | RemovePropertyL (const TDesC8 &aName) |
virtual | ~CSenHttpTransportProperties () |
Destructor. | |
virtual void | SetSnapIdL (TUint32 aSnapId) |
Sets the SNAP ID. | |
virtual TInt | SnapIdL (TUint32 &aCurrentSnapId) |
Gets the SNAP ID. | |
Static Public Member Functions | |
static IMPORT_C CSenHttpTransportProperties * | NewL () |
Basic constructor. | |
static IMPORT_C CSenHttpTransportProperties * | NewLC () |
Basic constructor. | |
static IMPORT_C CSenHttpTransportProperties * | NewL (const TDesC8 &aXmlUtf8, CSenXmlReader &aParser) |
Basic constructor. | |
static IMPORT_C CSenHttpTransportProperties * | NewLC (const TDesC8 &aXmlUtf8, CSenXmlReader &aParser) |
Basic constructor. | |
static IMPORT_C CSenHttpTransportProperties * | NewL (const CSenElement &aElement) |
Basic constructor. | |
static IMPORT_C CSenHttpTransportProperties * | NewLC (const CSenElement &aElement) |
Basic constructor. | |
Protected Member Functions | |
virtual void | BaseConstructL (const TDesC8 &aLocalname, const TDesC8 &aXml, CSenXmlReader *aParser=NULL) |
virtual void | BaseConstructL (const TDesC8 &aNamespace, const TDesC8 &aLocalname, const TDesC8 &aXml, CSenXmlReader *aParser=NULL) |
virtual void | BaseConstructL (const TDesC8 &aNamespace, const TDesC8 &aLocalname, const TDesC8 &aQualifiedName, const TDesC8 &aXml, CSenXmlReader *aParser=NULL) |
virtual void | BaseConstructL (const CSenElement &aElement) |
CSenHttpTransportProperties () | |
Constructor. |
HttpMethod Enumeration. |
HttpVersion Enumeration. |
Destructor. |
Constructor. |
Gets the Accept.
Apply binding.
Reimplemented from CSenTransportProperties. |
Get these properties as UTF-8 charset encoded descriptor.
Reimplemented from CSenTransportProperties. |
Get these properties as UTF-8 charset encoded descriptor.
Reimplemented from CSenTransportProperties. |
Reimplemented from CSenTransportProperties. |
Reimplemented from CSenTransportProperties. |
Reimplemented from CSenTransportProperties. |
Reimplemented from CSenTransportProperties. |
Gets the boolean value of the property behind certain name.
Reimplemented from CSenTransportProperties. |
Method creates exact copy of the properties, preserving the real, concrete subclass type (this can be resolved via PropertiesClassType() method. Furthermore, the IsSafeToCast() method can be used to reflect the returned pointer to a concrete class. NOTE: one must cast the returned pointer to concrete class in order to safely de-allocate any memory allocated by this method.
Reimplemented from CSenTransportProperties. |
Gets the Content Type.
Gets the device ID.
Reimplemented from CSenTransportProperties. |
Gets download folder for incoming BLOB (binary large objects).
Reimplemented from CSenTransportProperties. |
Gets filename of file attachment.
Reimplemented from CSenTransportProperties. |
Gets the Http header.
Gets the Http method.
Gets the Http version.
Gets the IAP ID.
Reimplemented from CSenTransportProperties. |
Gets the integer value of the property behind certain name.
Reimplemented from CSenTransportProperties. |
Reimplemented from CSenTransportProperties. |
Gets namespace of Microsoft schema.
Reimplemented from CSenTransportProperties. |
Basic constructor.
Reimplemented from CSenTransportProperties. |
Basic constructor.
Reimplemented from CSenTransportProperties. |
Basic constructor.
Reimplemented from CSenTransportProperties. |
Basic constructor.
Reimplemented from CSenTransportProperties. |
Basic constructor.
Reimplemented from CSenTransportProperties. |
Basic constructor.
Reimplemented from CSenTransportProperties. |
Get an integer identifying properties class type. All subclasses MUST return use unique integer value.
Reimplemented from CSenTransportProperties. |
Gets the value of the property behind certain name.
Reimplemented from CSenTransportProperties. |
Gets the value of the property behind certain name.
Reimplemented from CSenTransportProperties. |
Gets the Proxy Host.
Reimplemented from CSenTransportProperties. |
Gets the Proxy Port.
Reimplemented from CSenTransportProperties. |
Gets the Proxy Usage flag.
Reimplemented from CSenTransportProperties. |
Reads this properties object from the descriptor. UTF-8 charset encoding should be used.
Reimplemented from CSenTransportProperties. |
Reimplemented from CSenTransportProperties. |
Gets the information if SecureDialog is shown or not.
Reimplemented from CSenTransportProperties. |
Sets the Accept.
Reimplemented from CSenTransportProperties. |
Sets the Content Type.
Sets the Device ID.
Reimplemented from CSenTransportProperties. |
Sets download folder for incoming BLOB (binary large objects).
Reimplemented from CSenTransportProperties. |
Sets filename of file attachment.
Reimplemented from CSenTransportProperties. |
Sets the Http header.
Sets the Http method.
Sets the Http version.
Sets the IAP ID.
Reimplemented from CSenTransportProperties. |
Reimplemented from CSenTransportProperties. |
Sets namespace of Microsoft schema.
Reimplemented from CSenTransportProperties. |
Reimplemented from CSenTransportProperties. |
Sets new property. If property with given name does not exist, new property with given value will be added. Otherwise the value of existing property will be updated.
Reimplemented from CSenTransportProperties. |
Reimplemented from CSenTransportProperties. |
Sets the Proxy Host.
Reimplemented from CSenTransportProperties. |
Sets the Proxy Port.
Reimplemented from CSenTransportProperties. |
Sets the Proxy Usage flag.
Reimplemented from CSenTransportProperties. |
Sets the XML reader to be used for parsing.
Reimplemented from CSenTransportProperties. |
Sets the flag which controls showing of SecureDialog.
Reimplemented from CSenTransportProperties. |
Sets the SNAP ID.
Reimplemented from CSenTransportProperties. |
Sets the Soap Action.
Reimplemented from CSenTransportProperties. |
Sets the UserAgent.
Reimplemented from CSenTransportProperties. |
Gets the SNAP ID.
Reimplemented from CSenTransportProperties. |
Gets the SoapAction.
Reimplemented from CSenTransportProperties. |
Gets the UserAgent.
Reimplemented from CSenTransportProperties. |
Writes this properties object as descriptor into a stream. UTF-8 charset encoding will be used.
Reimplemented from CSenTransportProperties. |