CSenTransportProperties Class Reference

Link against: SenServConn.LIB SenUtils.LIB

Capability Information

Required Capabilities

NetworkServices ReadUserData WriteUserData

#include <

Inherits CSenXmlProperties.

Inherited by CSenHttpTransportProperties.

Public Member Functions

virtual IMPORT_C void SetReader (CSenXmlReader &aReader)
 Sets the XML reader to be used for parsing.
virtual IMPORT_C TSenPropertiesClassType PropertiesClassType ()
 Get an integer identifying properties class type.
virtual IMPORT_C void WriteToL (RWriteStream &aWriteStream)
 Writes this properties object as descriptor into a stream.
virtual IMPORT_C void ReadFromL (const TDesC8 &aBuffer)
 Reads this properties object from the descriptor.
virtual IMPORT_C HBufC8 * AsUtf8L ()
 Get these properties as UTF-8 charset encoded descriptor.
virtual IMPORT_C HBufC8 * AsUtf8LC ()
 Get these properties as UTF-8 charset encoded descriptor.
virtual IMPORT_C TInt SetPropertyL (const TDesC8 &aName, const TDesC8 &aValue)
virtual IMPORT_C TInt PropertyL (const TDesC8 &aName, TPtrC8 &aValue)
 Gets the value of the property behind certain name.
virtual IMPORT_C TInt SetIntPropertyL (const TDesC8 &aName, const TInt aValue)
virtual IMPORT_C TInt IntPropertyL (const TDesC8 &aName, TInt &aValue)
 Gets the integer value of the property behind certain name.
virtual IMPORT_C TInt SetBoolPropertyL (const TDesC8 &aName, const TBool aValue)
virtual IMPORT_C TInt BoolPropertyL (const TDesC8 &aName, TBool &aValue)
 Gets the boolean value of the property behind certain name.
virtual IMPORT_C TInt SetOmittedL (const TDesC8 &aName, TBool aValue)
virtual IMPORT_C TInt RemovePropertyL (const TDesC8 &aName)
virtual IMPORT_C TBool IsSafeToCast (TSenPropertiesClassType aClass)
virtual IMPORT_C MSenPropertiesCloneL () const
 Method creates exact copy of the properties, preserving the real, concrete subclass type (this can be resolved via PropertiesClassType() method.
virtual IMPORT_C MSenPropertiesClone (TInt &aOkOrError) const
 Method creates exact copy of the properties, preserving the real, concrete subclass type (this can be resolved via PropertiesClassType() method.
virtual IMPORT_C ~CSenTransportProperties ()
virtual IMPORT_C TInt SetPropertyL (const TDesC8 &aName, const TDesC8 &aValue, const TDesC8 &aType)
 Sets new property.
virtual IMPORT_C TInt PropertyL (const TDesC8 &aName, TPtrC8 &aValue, TPtrC8 &aType)
 Gets the value of the property behind certain name.
virtual IMPORT_C TInt HeartbeatL (TInt &aDelta)
 Gets the (connection) heartbeat property value as int.
virtual IMPORT_C TInt SetHeartbeatL (TInt aDelta)
 Sets the (connection) heartbeat property value as int.
virtual IMPORT_C TInt IapIdL (TUint32 &aCurrentIapId)
 Gets the IAP ID.
virtual IMPORT_C void SetIapIdL (TUint32 aIapId)
 Sets the IAP ID.
virtual IMPORT_C TInt ProxyPortL (TInt &aProxyPort)
 Gets the Proxy Port.
virtual IMPORT_C void SetProxyPortL (TInt aProxyPort)
 Sets the Proxy Port.
virtual IMPORT_C TInt ProxyHostL (TPtrC8 &aProxyHost)
 Gets the Proxy Host.
virtual IMPORT_C void SetProxyHostL (const TDesC8 &aProxyHost)
 Sets the Proxy Host.
virtual IMPORT_C TInt ProxyUsageL (TBool &aProxyUsage)
 Gets the Proxy Usage flag.
virtual IMPORT_C void SetProxyUsageL (TBool aProxyUsage)
 Sets the Proxy Usage flag.
virtual IMPORT_C TInt SecureDialogL (TBool &aSecureDialog)
 Gets the information if SecureDialog is shown or not.
virtual IMPORT_C void SetSecureDialogL (TBool aSecureDialog)
 Sets the flag which controls showing of SecureDialog.
virtual IMPORT_C TInt UserAgentL (TPtrC8 &aUserAgent)
 Gets the UserAgent.
virtual IMPORT_C void SetUserAgentL (const TDesC8 &aUserAgent)
 Sets the UserAgent.
virtual IMPORT_C TInt DeviceIDL (TPtrC8 &aDeviceID)
 Gets the device ID.
virtual IMPORT_C void SetDeviceIDL (const TDesC8 &aDeviceID)
 Sets the Device ID.
virtual IMPORT_C TInt SoapActionL (TPtrC8 &aAction)
 Gets the Action of message.
virtual IMPORT_C void SetSoapActionL (const TDesC8 &aAction)
 Sets the Action.
virtual IMPORT_C void ApplyBindingL (TSOAPVersion aSoapVersion)
 Apply binding.
virtual IMPORT_C TInt DownloadFolderL (TPtrC8 &aDownloadFolder)
 Gets download folder for incoming BLOB (binary large objects).
virtual IMPORT_C void SetDownloadFolderL (const TDesC8 &aDownloadFolder)
 Sets download folder for incoming BLOB (binary large objects).
virtual IMPORT_C TInt FileAttachmentL (const TDesC8 &aCid, HBufC8 *&aFileName)
 Gets filename of file attachment.
virtual IMPORT_C TInt SetFileAttachmentL (const TDesC8 &aCid, const TDesC8 &aFileName)
 Sets filename of file attachment.
virtual IMPORT_C TInt MwsNamespaceL (TPtrC8 &aMwsNamespace)
 Gets namespace of Microsoft schema.
virtual IMPORT_C void SetMwsNamespaceL (const TDesC8 &aMwsNamespace)
 Sets namespace of Microsoft schema.
virtual IMPORT_C TInt MessageIdL (TPtrC8 &aMessageId)
 Gets message ID.
virtual IMPORT_C void SetMessageIdL (const TDesC8 &aMessageId)
 Sets message ID.
virtual IMPORT_C TInt OnewayMessageOnOffL (TBool &aOnewayMessageOnOff)
 Gets one-way message mode.
virtual IMPORT_C void SetOnewayMessageOnOffL (TBool aOnewayMessageOnOff)
 Sets the one-way message mode on/off.
virtual IMPORT_C TInt SetMaxTimeToLiveL (TInt aMaxTTL)
 Sets the (connection) Max TTL for longlive connection.
virtual IMPORT_C TInt MaxTimeToLiveL (TInt &aMaxTTL)
 Gets the (connection) max TTL property value as int.
virtual IMPORT_C TInt SetMinTimeToLiveL (TInt aMinTTL)
 Sets the (connection) Min TTL.
virtual IMPORT_C TInt MinTimeToLiveL (TInt &aMinTTL)
 Gets the (connection) min TTL property value as int.
virtual IMPORT_C TInt SetEndpointResourceL (const TDesC8 &aEndpointResource)
 Sets resource property value for endpoint.
virtual IMPORT_C TInt EndpointResourceL (TPtrC8 &aEndpointResource)
 Gets resource property value for endpoint.
IMPORT_C void SetSnapIdL (TUint32 aSnapId)
 Sets the SNAP ID.
IMPORT_C TInt SnapIdL (TUint32 &aCurrentSnapId)
 Gets the SNAP ID.

Static Public Member Functions

static IMPORT_C CSenTransportPropertiesNewL ()
 Basic constructor.
static IMPORT_C CSenTransportPropertiesNewLC ()
 Basic constructor.
static IMPORT_C CSenTransportPropertiesNewL (const TDesC8 &aXmlUtf8, CSenXmlReader &aParser)
 Basic constructor.
static IMPORT_C CSenTransportPropertiesNewLC (const TDesC8 &aXmlUtf8, CSenXmlReader &aParser)
 Basic constructor.
static IMPORT_C CSenTransportPropertiesNewL (const CSenElement &aElement)
 Basic constructor.
static IMPORT_C CSenTransportPropertiesNewLC (const CSenElement &aElement)
 Basic constructor.

Protected Member Functions

virtual IMPORT_C void BaseConstructL (const TDesC8 &aLocalname, const TDesC8 &aXml, CSenXmlReader *aParser=NULL)
virtual IMPORT_C void BaseConstructL (const TDesC8 &aNamespace, const TDesC8 &aLocalname, const TDesC8 &aXml, CSenXmlReader *aParser=NULL)
virtual IMPORT_C void BaseConstructL (const TDesC8 &aNamespace, const TDesC8 &aLocalname, const TDesC8 &aQualifiedName, const TDesC8 &aXml, CSenXmlReader *aParser=NULL)
virtual IMPORT_C void BaseConstructL (const CSenElement &aElement)
IMPORT_C CSenTransportProperties ()

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

virtual IMPORT_C CSenTransportProperties::~CSenTransportProperties  )  [virtual]


IMPORT_C CSenTransportProperties::CSenTransportProperties  )  [protected]


Member Function Documentation

virtual IMPORT_C void CSenTransportProperties::ApplyBindingL TSOAPVersion  aSoapVersion  )  [virtual]

Apply binding.

aSoapVersion is the version of Soap (1.1 or 1.2).

Reimplemented in CSenHttpTransportProperties.

virtual IMPORT_C HBufC8* CSenTransportProperties::AsUtf8L  )  [virtual]

Get these properties as UTF-8 charset encoded descriptor.

a pointer to UTF-8 encoded descriptor. Caller takes ownership.

Reimplemented from CSenXmlProperties.

Reimplemented in CSenHttpTransportProperties.

virtual IMPORT_C HBufC8* CSenTransportProperties::AsUtf8LC  )  [virtual]

Get these properties as UTF-8 charset encoded descriptor.

a pointer to UTF-8 encoded descriptor, which is has been left on cleanup stack. Caller takes ownership.

Reimplemented from CSenXmlProperties.

Reimplemented in CSenHttpTransportProperties.

virtual IMPORT_C void CSenTransportProperties::BaseConstructL const CSenElement aElement  )  [protected, virtual]

Reimplemented from CSenXmlProperties.

Reimplemented in CSenHttpTransportProperties.

virtual IMPORT_C void CSenTransportProperties::BaseConstructL const TDesC8 &  aNamespace,
const TDesC8 &  aLocalname,
const TDesC8 &  aQualifiedName,
const TDesC8 &  aXml,
CSenXmlReader aParser = NULL
[protected, virtual]

Reimplemented from CSenXmlProperties.

Reimplemented in CSenHttpTransportProperties.

virtual IMPORT_C void CSenTransportProperties::BaseConstructL const TDesC8 &  aNamespace,
const TDesC8 &  aLocalname,
const TDesC8 &  aXml,
CSenXmlReader aParser = NULL
[protected, virtual]

Reimplemented from CSenXmlProperties.

Reimplemented in CSenHttpTransportProperties.

virtual IMPORT_C void CSenTransportProperties::BaseConstructL const TDesC8 &  aLocalname,
const TDesC8 &  aXml,
CSenXmlReader aParser = NULL
[protected, virtual]

Reimplemented from CSenXmlProperties.

Reimplemented in CSenHttpTransportProperties.

virtual IMPORT_C TInt CSenTransportProperties::BoolPropertyL const TDesC8 &  aName,
TBool &  aValue

Gets the boolean value of the property behind certain name.

aName The name identifying this property.
aValue A TBool reference to be filled in with the value of the property.
KErrNone on success, KErrSenOmitted if property has been omitted, or some of the system-wide error codes otherwise.

Reimplemented from CSenXmlProperties.

Reimplemented in CSenHttpTransportProperties.

virtual IMPORT_C MSenProperties* CSenTransportProperties::Clone TInt &  aOkOrError  )  const [virtual]

Method creates exact copy of the properties, preserving the real, concrete subclass type (this can be resolved via PropertiesClassType() method.

Furthermore, the IsSafeToCast() method can be used to reflect the returned pointer to a concrete class. NOTE: one must cast the returned pointer to concrete class in order to safely de-allocate any memory allocated by this method.

aOkOrError is KErrNone when clone is successfully allocated, or some system-wide error otherwise.
pointer to *concrete* properties object, which MUST be class cast to known subclass(!).

Reimplemented from CSenXmlProperties.

virtual IMPORT_C MSenProperties* CSenTransportProperties::CloneL  )  const [virtual]

Method creates exact copy of the properties, preserving the real, concrete subclass type (this can be resolved via PropertiesClassType() method.

Furthermore, the IsSafeToCast() method can be used to reflect the returned pointer to a concrete class. NOTE: one must cast the returned pointer to concrete class in order to safely de-allocate any memory allocated by this method.

pointer to *concrete* properties object, which MUST be class cast to known subclass(!).

Reimplemented from CSenXmlProperties.

Reimplemented in CSenHttpTransportProperties.

virtual IMPORT_C TInt CSenTransportProperties::DeviceIDL TPtrC8 &  aDeviceID  )  [virtual]

Gets the device ID.

aDeviceID A TPtrC8 reference to be filled in with the value of the Device ID.
KErrNone if no error, or some of the system wide error codes.

Reimplemented in CSenHttpTransportProperties.

virtual IMPORT_C TInt CSenTransportProperties::DownloadFolderL TPtrC8 &  aDownloadFolder  )  [virtual]

Gets download folder for incoming BLOB (binary large objects).

aDownloadFolder - A TPtrC8 reference to be filled in with the value of the shared, public folder for downloaded content
KErrNone if no error, or some of the system wide error codes.

Reimplemented in CSenHttpTransportProperties.

virtual IMPORT_C TInt CSenTransportProperties::EndpointResourceL TPtrC8 &  aEndpointResource  )  [virtual]

Gets resource property value for endpoint.

aEndpointResource - is the suffix for endpoint
KErrNone if no error, or some of the system wide error codes.
virtual IMPORT_C TInt CSenTransportProperties::FileAttachmentL const TDesC8 &  aCid,
HBufC8 *&  aFileName

Gets filename of file attachment.

aCid - cid for filename
aFileName - filename of file attachment with current cid
KErrNone if no error, or some of the system wide error codes.

Reimplemented in CSenHttpTransportProperties.

virtual IMPORT_C TInt CSenTransportProperties::HeartbeatL TInt &  aDelta  )  [virtual]

Gets the (connection) heartbeat property value as int.

aDelta A TInt reference to be filled in with the value of the heartbeat (in seconds). Positive value means that a heartbeat messages are sent to backend, keeping the socket connection open (longlived connection). Keeping heartbeat may be costy, but increases performance in scenarios, where multiple network transactions take place within short period (time window).
KErrNone if no error, or some of the system wide error codes. KErrNotFound if shortlive connection defined
virtual IMPORT_C TInt CSenTransportProperties::IapIdL TUint32 &  aCurrentIapId  )  [virtual]

Gets the IAP ID.

aCurrentIapId A TUint32 reference to be filled in with the value of the IAP ID.
KErrNone if no error, or some of the system wide error codes.

Reimplemented in CSenHttpTransportProperties.

virtual IMPORT_C TInt CSenTransportProperties::IntPropertyL const TDesC8 &  aName,
TInt &  aValue

Gets the integer value of the property behind certain name.

aName The name identifying this property.
aValue A TInt reference to be filled in with the value of the property.
KErrNone on success, KErrSenOmitted if property has been omitted, or some of the system-wide error codes otherwise.

Reimplemented from CSenXmlProperties.

Reimplemented in CSenHttpTransportProperties.

virtual IMPORT_C TBool CSenTransportProperties::IsSafeToCast TSenPropertiesClassType  aClass  )  [virtual]

Reimplemented from CSenXmlProperties.

Reimplemented in CSenHttpTransportProperties.

virtual IMPORT_C TInt CSenTransportProperties::MaxTimeToLiveL TInt &  aMaxTTL  )  [virtual]

Gets the (connection) max TTL property value as int.

See also:
SetHeartbeatL(TInt aDelta)
aMaxTTL A TInt reference to be filled in with the value of the max TTL (in seconds).
KErrNotFound if shortlive connection defined KErrNone if no error, or some of the system wide error codes.
virtual IMPORT_C TInt CSenTransportProperties::MessageIdL TPtrC8 &  aMessageId  )  [virtual]

Gets message ID.

aMessageId - is the id of the message
KErrNone if no error, or some of the system wide error codes.
virtual IMPORT_C TInt CSenTransportProperties::MinTimeToLiveL TInt &  aMinTTL  )  [virtual]

Gets the (connection) min TTL property value as int.

See also:
SetHeartbeatL(TInt aDelta)
aMinTTL A TInt reference to be filled in with the value of the min TTL (in seconds).
KErrNone if no error, or some of the system wide error codes.
virtual IMPORT_C TInt CSenTransportProperties::MwsNamespaceL TPtrC8 &  aMwsNamespace  )  [virtual]

Gets namespace of Microsoft schema.

aMwsNamespace - namespace
KErrNone if no error, or some of the system wide error codes.

Reimplemented in CSenHttpTransportProperties.

static IMPORT_C CSenTransportProperties* CSenTransportProperties::NewL const CSenElement aElement  )  [static]

Basic constructor.

a pointer to new CSenTransportProperties class instance.

Reimplemented from CSenXmlProperties.

Reimplemented in CSenHttpTransportProperties.

static IMPORT_C CSenTransportProperties* CSenTransportProperties::NewL const TDesC8 &  aXmlUtf8,
CSenXmlReader aParser

Basic constructor.

aParser It is a XML reader
a pointer to new CSenTransportProperties class instance.

Reimplemented from CSenXmlProperties.

Reimplemented in CSenHttpTransportProperties.

static IMPORT_C CSenTransportProperties* CSenTransportProperties::NewL  )  [static]

Basic constructor.

a pointer to new CSenTransportProperties class instance.

Reimplemented from CSenXmlProperties.

Reimplemented in CSenHttpTransportProperties.

static IMPORT_C CSenTransportProperties* CSenTransportProperties::NewLC const CSenElement aElement  )  [static]

Basic constructor.

a pointer to new CSenTransportProperties class instance.

Reimplemented from CSenXmlProperties.

Reimplemented in CSenHttpTransportProperties.

static IMPORT_C CSenTransportProperties* CSenTransportProperties::NewLC const TDesC8 &  aXmlUtf8,
CSenXmlReader aParser

Basic constructor.

aParser It is a XML reader
a pointer to new CSenTransportProperties class instance.

Reimplemented from CSenXmlProperties.

Reimplemented in CSenHttpTransportProperties.

static IMPORT_C CSenTransportProperties* CSenTransportProperties::NewLC  )  [static]

Basic constructor.

a pointer to new CSenTransportProperties class instance.

Reimplemented from CSenXmlProperties.

Reimplemented in CSenHttpTransportProperties.

virtual IMPORT_C TInt CSenTransportProperties::OnewayMessageOnOffL TBool &  aOnewayMessageOnOff  )  [virtual]

Gets one-way message mode.

aOnewayMsgOnOff A TBool reference to be filled in with the value of the one-way message mode.
KErrNone if no error, or some of the system wide error codes.
virtual IMPORT_C TSenPropertiesClassType CSenTransportProperties::PropertiesClassType  )  [virtual]

Get an integer identifying properties class type.

All subclasses MUST return use unique integer value.

unique TInt identifying this properties class type

Reimplemented from CSenXmlProperties.

Reimplemented in CSenHttpTransportProperties.

virtual IMPORT_C TInt CSenTransportProperties::PropertyL const TDesC8 &  aName,
TPtrC8 &  aValue,
TPtrC8 &  aType

Gets the value of the property behind certain name.

aName The name identifying this property.
aValue A TPtrC8 reference to be filled in with the value of the property.
aType A TPtrC8 reference to be filled in with the type of the property.
KErrNone if no error, or some of the system wide error codes.

Reimplemented from CSenXmlProperties.

Reimplemented in CSenHttpTransportProperties.

virtual IMPORT_C TInt CSenTransportProperties::PropertyL const TDesC8 &  aName,
TPtrC8 &  aValue

Gets the value of the property behind certain name.

aName The name identifying this property.
aValue The value of the property, or KNullDesC8 if property is not found.
KErrNone on success, KErrSenOmitted if property has been omitted, or some of the system-wide error codes otherwise.

Reimplemented from CSenXmlProperties.

Reimplemented in CSenHttpTransportProperties.

virtual IMPORT_C TInt CSenTransportProperties::ProxyHostL TPtrC8 &  aProxyHost  )  [virtual]

Gets the Proxy Host.

aProxyHost A TPtrC8 reference to be filled in with the value of the Proxy Host.
KErrNone if no error, or some of the system wide error codes.

Reimplemented in CSenHttpTransportProperties.

virtual IMPORT_C TInt CSenTransportProperties::ProxyPortL TInt &  aProxyPort  )  [virtual]

Gets the Proxy Port.

aProxyPort A TInt reference to be filled in with the value of the Proxy Port.
KErrNone if no error, or some of the system wide error codes.

Reimplemented in CSenHttpTransportProperties.

virtual IMPORT_C TInt CSenTransportProperties::ProxyUsageL TBool &  aProxyUsage  )  [virtual]

Gets the Proxy Usage flag.

aProxyUsage A TBool reference to be filled in with the value of the Proxy Usage.
KErrNone if no error, or some of the system wide error codes.

Reimplemented in CSenHttpTransportProperties.

virtual IMPORT_C void CSenTransportProperties::ReadFromL const TDesC8 &  aBuffer  )  [virtual]

Reads this properties object from the descriptor.

UTF-8 charset encoding should be used.

aBuffer The buffer to read from.

Reimplemented from CSenXmlProperties.

Reimplemented in CSenHttpTransportProperties.

virtual IMPORT_C TInt CSenTransportProperties::RemovePropertyL const TDesC8 &  aName  )  [virtual]

Reimplemented from CSenXmlProperties.

Reimplemented in CSenHttpTransportProperties.

virtual IMPORT_C TInt CSenTransportProperties::SecureDialogL TBool &  aSecureDialog  )  [virtual]

Gets the information if SecureDialog is shown or not.

aProxyUsage A TBool reference to be filled in with the value of the SecureDialog flag.
KErrNone if no error, or some of the system wide error codes.

Reimplemented in CSenHttpTransportProperties.

virtual IMPORT_C TInt CSenTransportProperties::SetBoolPropertyL const TDesC8 &  aName,
const TBool  aValue
See also:
MSenProperties Leave codes: KErrSenInvalidCharacters if aName contains illegal characters. KErrSenZeroLengthDescriptor if aName is zero length.

Reimplemented from CSenXmlProperties.

Reimplemented in CSenHttpTransportProperties.

virtual IMPORT_C void CSenTransportProperties::SetDeviceIDL const TDesC8 &  aDeviceID  )  [virtual]

Sets the Device ID.

aDeviceID is the new Device ID.

Reimplemented in CSenHttpTransportProperties.

virtual IMPORT_C void CSenTransportProperties::SetDownloadFolderL const TDesC8 &  aDownloadFolder  )  [virtual]

Sets download folder for incoming BLOB (binary large objects).

aDownloadFolder shared, public folder for downloaded content

Reimplemented in CSenHttpTransportProperties.

virtual IMPORT_C TInt CSenTransportProperties::SetEndpointResourceL const TDesC8 &  aEndpointResource  )  [virtual]

Sets resource property value for endpoint.

aEndpointResource - is the suffix for endpoint
KErrNone if no error, or some of the system wide error codes.
virtual IMPORT_C TInt CSenTransportProperties::SetFileAttachmentL const TDesC8 &  aCid,
const TDesC8 &  aFileName

Sets filename of file attachment.

aCid - cid for filename
aFileName - filename of file attachment with current cid
KErrNone if no error, or some of the system wide error codes.

Reimplemented in CSenHttpTransportProperties.

virtual IMPORT_C TInt CSenTransportProperties::SetHeartbeatL TInt  aDelta  )  [virtual]

Sets the (connection) heartbeat property value as int.

Note, that with some transports, like vTCP, the heartbeat can also be used to control connection modes (longlive vs. shortlive connection). Hertbeat value is called also as delta.

Together with delta You can also set parameters Min & Max TTL Long and short connection is set in different way, below guider.

To setup longlive connection: delta : user defined min TTL : If not specified then the default value of 90 sec will be used max TTL : If not specified then the default value 1800 sec will be used

To setup shortlive connection: delta : -1 min TTL : If not specified then the default value of 90 sec will be used max TTL : ignored

So, providing a negative value (-1) can be utilized to disable heartbeat and to switch the connection mode to a short lived state. With vTCP transport, if heartbeat of -1 is set, the socket will be kept open only for effective timeout value (shortlived),

aDelta TInt reference to be filled in with the value of the heartbeat (in seconds)
KErrNone if no error, or some of the system wide error codes.
virtual IMPORT_C void CSenTransportProperties::SetIapIdL TUint32  aIapId  )  [virtual]

Sets the IAP ID.

aIapId is the new IAP ID.

Reimplemented in CSenHttpTransportProperties.

virtual IMPORT_C TInt CSenTransportProperties::SetIntPropertyL const TDesC8 &  aName,
const TInt  aValue
See also:
MSenProperties Leave codes: KErrSenInvalidCharacters if aName contains illegal characters. KErrSenZeroLengthDescriptor if aName is zero length.

Reimplemented from CSenXmlProperties.

Reimplemented in CSenHttpTransportProperties.

virtual IMPORT_C TInt CSenTransportProperties::SetMaxTimeToLiveL TInt  aMaxTTL  )  [virtual]

Sets the (connection) Max TTL for longlive connection.

See also:
SetHeartbeatL(TInt aDelta)
aMaxTTL TInt reference to be filled in with the value of the max TTL (in seconds)
KErrNone if no error, or some of the system wide error codes.
virtual IMPORT_C void CSenTransportProperties::SetMessageIdL const TDesC8 &  aMessageId  )  [virtual]

Sets message ID.

Typically, this property is set per each message, instead of applying the same message ID for whole consumer session (service connection)

aMessageID - is the ID of the message
KErrNone if no error, or some of the system wide error codes.
virtual IMPORT_C TInt CSenTransportProperties::SetMinTimeToLiveL TInt  aMinTTL  )  [virtual]

Sets the (connection) Min TTL.

See also:
SetHeartbeatL(TInt aDelta)
aMaxTTL TInt reference to be filled in with the value of the min TTL (in seconds)
KErrNone if no error, or some of the system wide error codes.
virtual IMPORT_C void CSenTransportProperties::SetMwsNamespaceL const TDesC8 &  aMwsNamespace  )  [virtual]

Sets namespace of Microsoft schema.

aMwsNamespace - namespace
KErrNone if no error, or some of the system wide error codes.

Reimplemented in CSenHttpTransportProperties.

virtual IMPORT_C TInt CSenTransportProperties::SetOmittedL const TDesC8 &  aName,
TBool  aValue

Reimplemented from CSenXmlProperties.

Reimplemented in CSenHttpTransportProperties.

virtual IMPORT_C void CSenTransportProperties::SetOnewayMessageOnOffL TBool  aOnewayMessageOnOff  )  [virtual]

Sets the one-way message mode on/off.

Typically, one-way messages are rarely used by default: instead, a request- response pair (consumer[request]<->[response]provider) transaction takes place. However, if one-way message mode is enabled, sending such message will typically result immediate callback from the transport (plug-in) itself. This means, that the actual service response from the provider is not being waited. Common use case to enable one-way message is when service connection is used in transmitting *responses* to notification request(s) that some remote consumer (from outside device) has sent earlier. Such notification requests may thus be received via hostlet connection (hc), and by enabling one-way message, once can reply via service connection, instead of calling hc->RespondL method. Furthermore, application might wish to enable one-way message mode to hostlet connection, if it is not interested of replying to these two-way notifications via hostlet connection, but wishes to use service connection instead.

aOnewayMessageOnOff is the new value of one-way message mode.
virtual IMPORT_C TInt CSenTransportProperties::SetPropertyL const TDesC8 &  aName,
const TDesC8 &  aValue,
const TDesC8 &  aType

Sets new property.

If property with given name does not exist, new property with given value will be added. Otherwise the value of existing property will be updated.

aName Name of the property, which can be later used to refer the given value.
aValue Is the value of this property.
aType Is the type of this property.
KErrNone if no error, or some of the system wide error codes.

Reimplemented from CSenXmlProperties.

Reimplemented in CSenHttpTransportProperties.

virtual IMPORT_C TInt CSenTransportProperties::SetPropertyL const TDesC8 &  aName,
const TDesC8 &  aValue
See also:
MSenProperties Leave codes: KErrSenInvalidCharacters if aName contains illegal characters. KErrSenZeroLengthDescriptor if aName is zero length.

Reimplemented from CSenXmlProperties.

Reimplemented in CSenHttpTransportProperties.

virtual IMPORT_C void CSenTransportProperties::SetProxyHostL const TDesC8 &  aProxyHost  )  [virtual]

Sets the Proxy Host.

aProxyHost is the new Proxy Host.

Reimplemented in CSenHttpTransportProperties.

virtual IMPORT_C void CSenTransportProperties::SetProxyPortL TInt  aProxyPort  )  [virtual]

Sets the Proxy Port.

aProxyPort is the new Proxy Port.

Reimplemented in CSenHttpTransportProperties.

virtual IMPORT_C void CSenTransportProperties::SetProxyUsageL TBool  aProxyUsage  )  [virtual]

Sets the Proxy Usage flag.

aProxyUsage is the new value for Proxy Usage.

Reimplemented in CSenHttpTransportProperties.

virtual IMPORT_C void CSenTransportProperties::SetReader CSenXmlReader aReader  )  [virtual]

Sets the XML reader to be used for parsing.

aReader,: the reader to be used. Ownership is NOT transferred.

Reimplemented from CSenXmlProperties.

Reimplemented in CSenHttpTransportProperties.

virtual IMPORT_C void CSenTransportProperties::SetSecureDialogL TBool  aSecureDialog  )  [virtual]

Sets the flag which controls showing of SecureDialog.

aSecureDialog is the new value for SecureDialog flag.

Reimplemented in CSenHttpTransportProperties.

IMPORT_C void CSenTransportProperties::SetSnapIdL TUint32  aSnapId  ) 

Sets the SNAP ID.

aSnapId is the new SNAP ID.

Reimplemented in CSenHttpTransportProperties.

virtual IMPORT_C void CSenTransportProperties::SetSoapActionL const TDesC8 &  aAction  )  [virtual]

Sets the Action.

aAction is the new Soap Action.

Reimplemented in CSenHttpTransportProperties.

virtual IMPORT_C void CSenTransportProperties::SetUserAgentL const TDesC8 &  aUserAgent  )  [virtual]

Sets the UserAgent.

aUserAgent is the new User Agent.

Reimplemented in CSenHttpTransportProperties.

IMPORT_C TInt CSenTransportProperties::SnapIdL TUint32 &  aCurrentSnapId  ) 

Gets the SNAP ID.

aCurrentSnapId A TUint32 reference to be filled in with the value of the SNAP ID.
KErrNone if no error, or some of the system wide error codes.

Reimplemented in CSenHttpTransportProperties.

virtual IMPORT_C TInt CSenTransportProperties::SoapActionL TPtrC8 &  aAction  )  [virtual]

Gets the Action of message.

aAction A TPtrC8 reference to be filled in with the value of the Action.
KErrNone if no error, or some of the system wide error codes.

Reimplemented in CSenHttpTransportProperties.

virtual IMPORT_C TInt CSenTransportProperties::UserAgentL TPtrC8 &  aUserAgent  )  [virtual]

Gets the UserAgent.

aUserAgent A TPtrC8 reference to be filled in with the value of the UserAgent.
KErrNone if no error, or some of the system wide error codes.

Reimplemented in CSenHttpTransportProperties.

virtual IMPORT_C void CSenTransportProperties::WriteToL RWriteStream &  aWriteStream  )  [virtual]

Writes this properties object as descriptor into a stream.

UTF-8 charset encoding will be used.

aWriteStream The stream to write to.

Reimplemented from CSenXmlProperties.

Reimplemented in CSenHttpTransportProperties.

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