CAknSelectionListDialog Class Reference

API published in: S60 1st Ed

Link against: avkon.lib eikctl.lib eikcoctl.lib

Capability Information

Required Capabilities


#include <

Inherits CAknDialog, and MEikListBoxObserver.

Inherited by CAknMarkableListDialog.

Detailed Description

CAknSelectionListDialog is the actual interface to the applications.

Use this class to get a full screen list.

This class only works in whole main pane. Do not try to use this directly for other places.

resource definition for this class:

 RESOURCE DIALOG r_res_id_for_a_dialog
   flags = EAknDialogSelectionList;
   items =
            type = EAknCtSingleGraphicListBox;
            id = ESelectionListControl;
            control = LISTBOX
                flags = EAknListBoxSelectionList;
     // the next dlg line is optional.
             itemflags = EEikDlgItemNonFocusing;
            id = EFindControl;
            type = EAknCtSelectionListFixedFind;
The listbox type can be one of the following (defined in avkon.hrh and aknlists.h):
   EAknCtSingleListBox                (See CAknSingleStyleListBox)
   EAknCtSingleNumberListBox          (See CAknSingleNumberStyleListBox)
   EAknCtSingleHeadingListBox         (See CAknSingleHeadingStyleListBox)
   EAknCtSingleGraphicListBox         (See CAknSingleGraphicStyleListBox)
   EAknCtSingleGraphicHeadingListBox  (See CAknSingleGraphicHeadingStyleListBox)
   EAknCtSingleNumberHeadingListBox   (See CAknSingleNumberHeadingStyleListBox)
   EAknCtSingleLargeListBox           (See CAknSingleLargeStyleListBox)
   EAknCtDoubleListBox                (See CAknDoubleStyleListBox)
   EAknCtDoubleNumberListBox          (See CAknDoubleNumberStyleListBox)
   EAknCtDoubleTimeListBox            (See CAknDoubleTimeStyleListBox)
   EAknCtDoubleLargeListBox           (See CAknDoubleLargeStyleListBox)
   EAknCtDoubleGraphicListBox         (See CAknDoubleGraphicStyleListBox)
The type field while defining find can be one of the following:

The menubar you give for selection list dialog should have one of the following as one of its menu panes (defined in avkon.hrh):

 RESOURCE MENU_BAR r_res_id_for_a_menubar
 titles =
C++ Usage:
    TInt openedItem = 0;
    MDesCArray *array = ...;
    CAknSelectionListDialog *dialog = CAknSelectionListDialog::NewL(openedItem, array, R_RES_ID_FOR_A_MENUBAR);
    TInt result = dialog->ExecuteLD(R_RES_ID_FOR_A_DIALOG);
    if (result)
        ...use openeditem here...
Alternatively, you can use:
    TInt openedItem = 0;
    MDesCArray *array = ...;
    CAknSelectionListDialog *dialog = CAknSelectionListDialog::NewL(openedItem, array, R_RES_ID_FOR_A_MENUBAR);
    // do some operations here, for example fill icon array 
    TInt result = dialog->RunLD();
    if (result)

Often it is also useful to derive from CAknSelectionListDialog and implement OkToExitL(), constructors and the NewL() methods. OkToExitL() implementation helps with providing navigation with other dialogs; OkToExitL() is ideal place to launch new dialogs when a list item is selected. This way when backstepping, the state of the first dialog is preserved...

Public Types

enum  TFindType { ENoFind, EFixedFind, EPopupFind }
 CAknSelectionListDialog::TFindType Determines what kind of findbox should be used. More...

Public Member Functions

IMPORT_C void ConstructL (TInt aMenuTitleResourceId)
 ConstructL() Second phase constructor.
IMPORT_C void SetupFind (TFindType aType)
IMPORT_C CArrayPtr< CGulIcon > * IconArray () const
IMPORT_C void SetIconArrayL (CArrayPtr< CGulIcon > *aIcons)
IMPORT_C void HandlePointerEventL (const TPointerEvent &aPointerEvent)
 From CCoeControl.

Static Public Member Functions

static IMPORT_C CAknSelectionListDialogNewL (TInt &aOpenedItem, MDesCArray *aArray, TInt aMenuBarResourceId, MEikCommandObserver *aCommand=0)
static IMPORT_C CAknSelectionListDialogNewLC (TInt &aOpenedItem, MDesCArray *aArray, TInt aMenuBarResourceId, MEikCommandObserver *aCommand=0)

Protected Member Functions

IMPORT_C CAknSelectionListDialog (TInt &aIndex, MDesCArray *aArray, MEikCommandObserver *aCommand)
 CAknSelectionListDialog() Default constructor.
IMPORT_C ~CAknSelectionListDialog ()
 ~CAknSelectionListDialog() Destructor.
virtual IMPORT_C void SelectionListProcessCommandL (TInt aCommand)
 SelectionListProcessCommandL() handles selection list and markable list default commands.
virtual IMPORT_C TBool IsAcceptableListBoxType (TInt aControlType, TBool &aIsFormattedCellList) const
 IsAcceptableListBoxType(): Detection of list and grid layouts.
IMPORT_C void ProcessCommandL (TInt aCommandId)
 ProcessCommandL() From CAknDialog.
IMPORT_C void PreLayoutDynInitL ()
 PreLayoutDynInitL() From CAknDialog.
IMPORT_C void PostLayoutDynInitL ()
 PreLayoutDynInitL() From CAknDialog.
IMPORT_C void SetSizeAndPosition (const TSize &aSize)
 SetSizeAndPosition() From CAknDialog.
IMPORT_C TBool OkToExitL (TInt aButtonId)
 OkToExitL() From CAknDialog.
IMPORT_C void HandleListBoxEventL (CEikListBox *aListBox, TListBoxEvent aEventType)
 HandleListBoxEventL() From MEikListBoxObserver Handles listbox events.
IMPORT_C TInt CountComponentControls () const
 CountComponentControls() From CCoeControl.
IMPORT_C CCoeControl * ComponentControl (TInt aIndex) const
 ComponentControl() From CCoeControl.
IMPORT_C TKeyResponse OfferKeyEventL (const TKeyEvent &aKeyEvent, TEventCode aType)
 OfferKeyEventL() From CCoeControl.
IMPORT_C SEikControlInfo CreateCustomControlL (TInt aControlType)
 CreateCustomControlL() creates own list or grid layouts.
virtual IMPORT_C CEikListBoxListBox () const
 ListBox() accessor to listbox control.
IMPORT_C CAknSearchFieldFindBox () const
 FindBox() accessor to findbox control.
IMPORT_C TBool IsFormattedCellListBox () const
 IsFormattedCellListBox() used to check whether listbox control is a CEikFormattedCellListBox or a CEikColumnListBox.
IMPORT_C void Draw (const TRect &) const
 Draw() from CCoeControl.

Static Protected Member Functions

static TInt ExitViaIdle (TAny *aSelectionList)

Protected Attributes

TBool iEnterKeyPressed
 iEnterKeyPressed Set as ETrue if EAknCmdOpen is handled in ProcessCommandL().

Member Enumeration Documentation

enum CAknSelectionListDialog::TFindType

CAknSelectionListDialog::TFindType Determines what kind of findbox should be used.

Note, that a fixed findbox is not available with all list types.

ENoFind  no findbox should be used
EFixedFind  fixed findbox should be used
EPopupFind  popup findbox should be used

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

IMPORT_C CAknSelectionListDialog::CAknSelectionListDialog TInt &  aIndex,
MDesCArray *  aArray,
MEikCommandObserver *  aCommand

CAknSelectionListDialog() Default constructor.

IMPORT_C CAknSelectionListDialog::~CAknSelectionListDialog  )  [protected]

~CAknSelectionListDialog() Destructor.

Member Function Documentation

IMPORT_C CCoeControl* CAknSelectionListDialog::ComponentControl TInt  aIndex  )  const [protected]

ComponentControl() From CCoeControl.

Reimplemented from CEikDialog.

IMPORT_C void CAknSelectionListDialog::ConstructL TInt  aMenuTitleResourceId  ) 

ConstructL() Second phase constructor.

aMenuTitleResourceId Menu items to be shown in options menu. Same as aMenuBarResourceId of NewL(C).

Reimplemented from CAknDialog.

Reimplemented in CAknMarkableListDialog.

IMPORT_C TInt CAknSelectionListDialog::CountComponentControls  )  const [protected]

CountComponentControls() From CCoeControl.

Reimplemented from CEikDialog.

IMPORT_C SEikControlInfo CAknSelectionListDialog::CreateCustomControlL TInt  aControlType  )  [protected, virtual]

CreateCustomControlL() creates own list or grid layouts.

Normal implementation of this method is:

 SEikControlInfo CreateCustomControlL(TInt aControlType)
     CCoeControl *control = NULL;
     if ( aControlType == EMyCtGridLayout )
         // CMyOddStyleGrid should be derived from CAknFormattedCellListBox or CEikColumnListBox.
         control = new(ELeave)CMyOddStyleGrid;
     SEikControlInfo info = {control,0,0};
     return info;
See also IsAcceptableListBoxType(). CreateCustomControlL() and IsAcceptableListBoxType() forms a pair that should be implemented together.

Reimplemented from CEikDialog.

IMPORT_C void CAknSelectionListDialog::Draw const TRect &   )  const [protected, virtual]

Draw() from CCoeControl.

Reimplemented from CAknDialog.

static TInt CAknSelectionListDialog::ExitViaIdle TAny *  aSelectionList  )  [static, protected]


Callback function to exit dialog after selecting something with tapping it. This prevents dialog to be destroyed before dialog page's handlepointereventl is fully completed.

aSelectionList pointer to current CAknSelectionList
IMPORT_C CAknSearchField* CAknSelectionListDialog::FindBox  )  const [protected]

FindBox() accessor to findbox control.

a pointer to the findbox
IMPORT_C void CAknSelectionListDialog::HandleListBoxEventL CEikListBox aListBox,
TListBoxEvent  aEventType

HandleListBoxEventL() From MEikListBoxObserver Handles listbox events.

aListBox currently ignored
aEventType type of the listbox event

Reimplemented in CAknMarkableListDialog.

IMPORT_C void CAknSelectionListDialog::HandlePointerEventL const TPointerEvent &  aPointerEvent  ) 

From CCoeControl.

Handles pointer events

aPointerEvent The pointer event.

Reimplemented from CAknDialog.

Reimplemented in CAknMarkableListDialog.

IMPORT_C CArrayPtr<CGulIcon>* CAknSelectionListDialog::IconArray  )  const


Icons, images and thumbnails are in this array.

The list items are tab separated strings with fixed format. Some of the numbers in the list item strings are indexes to this array.

This array can be modified by MDesCArray::MdcaPoint() method or at construction of dialog; after PrepareLC() call.

pointer to iconarray of the list
virtual IMPORT_C TBool CAknSelectionListDialog::IsAcceptableListBoxType TInt  aControlType,
TBool &  aIsFormattedCellList
const [protected, virtual]

IsAcceptableListBoxType(): Detection of list and grid layouts.

The CAknSelectionList only works with certain list and grid layouts.

You will get Panic() if you use your own list/grid layouts and you do not have this method implemented!

If you add new list layouts, you should implement this method to publish the type of the layout using this method. This is especially the case where you use CAknSelectionGrid with your own grid layout. (as there are no predefined grid layouts, you need to do this every time you use a selection grid)

The following aControlTypes are already implemented and requires no action:


Any other layout requires you to inherit from CAknSelectionList and implement the following methods:

 TBool IsAcceptableListBoxType(TInt aControlType, TBool &aIsFormattedCellList)
     if (aControlType == EMyCtGridLayout)
         // CAknGrid is-a formattedcelllistbox.
         aIsFormattedCellList = ETrue;
         return ETrue;
        return EFalse;
See also CreateCustomControlL(). IsAcceptableListBoxType() and CreateCustomControlL() forms a pair that should be implemented together.
aControlType type of the control. Ignored in current default implementation.
aIsFormattedCellList returns whetehr list is a formatted cell listbox or a column listbox. Ignored in current default implementation. In derived implementations this must be set according to dialog's listbox type.
whether layout can be used
IMPORT_C TBool CAknSelectionListDialog::IsFormattedCellListBox  )  const [protected]

IsFormattedCellListBox() used to check whether listbox control is a CEikFormattedCellListBox or a CEikColumnListBox.

If you derive from IsAcceptableListBoxType() you must take care of the aIsFormattedCellListParameter to make this method to work correctly.

whether listbox control is a CEikFormattedCellListBox
virtual IMPORT_C CEikListBox* CAknSelectionListDialog::ListBox  )  const [protected, virtual]

ListBox() accessor to listbox control.

a pointer to the listbox
static IMPORT_C CAknSelectionListDialog* CAknSelectionListDialog::NewL TInt &  aOpenedItem,
MDesCArray *  aArray,
TInt  aMenuBarResourceId,
MEikCommandObserver *  aCommand = 0


Static factory constructor. Uses two phase construction and leaves nothing on the CleanupStack.

aOpenedItem Variable to be modified when user selects a list item.
aArray Content of list items; A tab-separated string with texts and indexes to icon array
aMenuBarResourceId Menu items to be shown in options menu
aCommand Callback for state changes. EAknCmdOpen command is send by listbox. Options menu commands come here too.
A pointer to created object
static IMPORT_C CAknSelectionListDialog* CAknSelectionListDialog::NewLC TInt &  aOpenedItem,
MDesCArray *  aArray,
TInt  aMenuBarResourceId,
MEikCommandObserver *  aCommand = 0


Static factory constructor. Uses two phase construction and leaves created object in CleanupStack.

aOpenedItem Variable to be modified when user selects a list item.
aArray Content of list items; A tab-separated string with texts and indexes to icon array
aMenuBarResourceId Menu items to be shown in options menu
aCommand Callback for state changes. EAknCmdOpen command is send by listbox. Options menu commands come here too.
A pointer to created object
IMPORT_C TKeyResponse CAknSelectionListDialog::OfferKeyEventL const TKeyEvent &  aKeyEvent,
TEventCode  aType

OfferKeyEventL() From CCoeControl.

Reimplemented from CAknDialog.

Reimplemented in CAknMarkableListDialog.

IMPORT_C TBool CAknSelectionListDialog::OkToExitL TInt  aButtonId  )  [protected, virtual]

OkToExitL() From CAknDialog.

This is not called if the Cancel button is activated unless the EEikDialogFlagNotifyEsc flag has been set.

aButtonId The ID of the button that was activated.

Reimplemented from CAknDialog.

Reimplemented in CAknMarkableListDialog.

IMPORT_C void CAknSelectionListDialog::PostLayoutDynInitL  )  [protected, virtual]

PreLayoutDynInitL() From CAknDialog.

Reimplemented from CEikDialog.

Reimplemented in CAknMarkableListDialog.

IMPORT_C void CAknSelectionListDialog::PreLayoutDynInitL  )  [protected, virtual]

PreLayoutDynInitL() From CAknDialog.

Reimplemented from CEikDialog.

Reimplemented in CAknMarkableListDialog.

IMPORT_C void CAknSelectionListDialog::ProcessCommandL TInt  aCommandId  )  [protected, virtual]

ProcessCommandL() From CAknDialog.

Processes commands and passes commands to FindBox and ListBox as needed.

aCommandId id of the command.

Reimplemented from CAknDialog.

Reimplemented in CAknMarkableListDialog.

virtual IMPORT_C void CAknSelectionListDialog::SelectionListProcessCommandL TInt  aCommand  )  [protected, virtual]

SelectionListProcessCommandL() handles selection list and markable list default commands.

For markable lists, this method handles EAknCmdMark, EAknCmdUnmark, EAknMarkAll, EAknUnmarkAll defined in options menu pane R_AVKON_MENUPANE_MARKABLE_LIST.

Reimplemented in CAknMarkableListDialog.

IMPORT_C void CAknSelectionListDialog::SetIconArrayL CArrayPtr< CGulIcon > *  aIcons  ) 


Icons, images and thumbnails are in this array.

The list items are tab separated strings with fixed format. Some of the numbers in the list item strings are indexes to this array.

This array can be modified by MDesCArray::MdcaPoint() method or at construction of dialog; after PrepareLC() call.

aIcons a array containing icons.
IMPORT_C void CAknSelectionListDialog::SetSizeAndPosition const TSize &  aSize  )  [protected, virtual]

SetSizeAndPosition() From CAknDialog.

Sets dialog's size to whole main pane.

aSize ignored

Reimplemented from CEikDialog.

IMPORT_C void CAknSelectionListDialog::SetupFind TFindType  aType  ) 


Provides a way to enable and disable find and find popup on runtime. You still need entry with id EFindControl to resource file for the find, this is only for disabling existing find element.

aType type of findbox to be used.

Field Documentation

TBool CAknSelectionListDialog::iEnterKeyPressed [protected]

iEnterKeyPressed Set as ETrue if EAknCmdOpen is handled in ProcessCommandL().

This will eventually cause OkToExitL() to be called with EAknSoftkeyOk as aButtonId.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:

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