Controls can be added directly to this class but it is normal to create a subclass to handle the controls appearing on the dialog dynamically.
Public Member Functions |
| DECLARE_TYPE_ID (0x10282EA8) IMPORT_C CEikDialog() |
| C++ default constructor.
IMPORT_C | ~CEikDialog () |
| Destructor.
virtual IMPORT_C TInt | ExecuteLD (TInt aResourceId) |
| Loads, displays, and destroys the dialog.
virtual IMPORT_C void | PrepareLC (TInt aResourceId) |
| Prepares the dialog, constructing it from the specified resource.
IMPORT_C void | ReadResourceLC (TInt aResourceId) |
| Reads the dialog resources into the dialog, constructing it from the specified resource.
virtual IMPORT_C TInt | RunLD () |
| Runs the dialog and returns the ID of the button used to dismiss it.
IMPORT_C void | SetTitleL (const TDesC &aText) |
| Sets the dialog title text from a descriptor.
IMPORT_C void | SetTitleL (TInt aResourceId) |
| Sets the dialog title text from a resource.
IMPORT_C void | SetPageDimmedNow (TInt aPageId, TBool aDimmed) |
| Sets the specified page to be dimmed or undimmed.
IMPORT_C void | SetLineNonFocusing (TInt aControlId) |
| Sets the specified dialog line to a non-focusing state.
IMPORT_C void | SetLineDimmedNow (TInt aControlId, TBool aDimmed) |
| Dims and deactivates, or un-dims and re-activates, the specified line.
IMPORT_C void | MakeLineVisible (TInt aControlId, TBool aVisible) |
| Makes the specified control visible or invisible.
IMPORT_C void | MakeWholeLineVisible (TInt aControlId, TBool aVisible) |
| Makes the whole specified line visible and active or invisible and inactive.
IMPORT_C void | DeleteLine (TInt aControlId, TBool aRedraw=ETrue) |
| Deletes the specified dialog line.
IMPORT_C void | InsertLineL (TInt aIndex, TInt aResourceId, TInt aPageId=0) |
| Inserts a line in the dialog.
IMPORT_C void | MakePanelButtonVisible (TInt aButtonId, TBool aVisible) |
| Makes the specified panel button visible or invisible.
IMPORT_C void | TryChangeFocusToL (TInt aControlId) |
| Tries to change focus to the specified line.
IMPORT_C void | SwitchLineLatency (TInt aBecomesLatent, TInt aNoLongerLatent) |
| Switches the latent line.
IMPORT_C void | SetPageDensePacking (TInt aPageId, TBool aDensePacking) |
| Sets the specified page to be densely packed, or normally packed.
IMPORT_C void | ConstructAutoDialogLC (TInt aFlags, TInt aButtonsId) |
| Dynamically constructs a dialog with the specified flags and buttons and with a single activated empty page with ID 0.
IMPORT_C void | DeclareItemAuto (TInt aControlId, TInt aControlType, TAny *aReturnValue) |
| Sets controllers return value.
IMPORT_C void | Layout () |
| Lays out the dialog, setting it to take its preferred size and position for the screen.
IMPORT_C TSize | PreferredSize (const TSize &aMaxSize) const |
| Gets the preferred size of a dialog.
IMPORT_C CCoeControl * | CreateLineByTypeL (const TDesC &aCaption, TInt aControlId, TInt aControlType, TAny *aReturnValue) |
| Creates a control line on the page ID specified active page in the dialog.
IMPORT_C CCoeControl * | CreateLineByTypeL (const TDesC &aCaption, TInt aPageId, TInt aControlId, TInt aControlType, TAny *aReturnValue) |
| Creates a control line on the caption specified active page in the dialog.
IMPORT_C void | SetControlCaptionL (TInt aControlId, const TDesC &aText) |
| Sets the specified control's caption text from a descriptor.
IMPORT_C void | SetControlCaptionL (TInt aControlId, TInt aResourceId) |
| Sets the specified control's caption text from a resource.
IMPORT_C CEikLabel * | ControlCaption (TInt aControlId) const |
| Gets a pointer to the specified control's caption.
IMPORT_C CCoeControl * | Control (TInt aControlId) const |
| Returns a pointer to the specified control.
IMPORT_C CCoeControl * | ControlOrNull (TInt aControlId) const |
| Gets a pointer to the specified control.
IMPORT_C CEikButtonGroupContainer & | ButtonGroupContainer () const |
| Gets a reference to the dialog's command button container.
IMPORT_C CEikMover & | Title () const |
| Gets a reference to the dialog title bar.
IMPORT_C TInt | ActivePageId () const |
| Gets a page id for the current page.
IMPORT_C void | ActivateFirstPageL () const |
| Activates the first page on the dialog.
IMPORT_C void | SetEditableL (TBool aEditable) |
| Sets the dialog to either editable or uneditable.
IMPORT_C TBool | IsEditable () const |
| Checks if the dialog is editable.
IMPORT_C TKeyResponse | OfferKeyEventL (const TKeyEvent &aKeyEvent, TEventCode aType) |
| From CCoeControl .
IMPORT_C void | FocusChanged (TDrawNow aDrawNow) |
| From CCoeControl .
virtual IMPORT_C void | GetColorUseListL (CArrayFix< TCoeColorUse > &aColorUseList) const |
| From CCoeControl .
virtual IMPORT_C void | HandleResourceChange (TInt aType) |
| From CCoeControl .
IMPORT_C TCoeInputCapabilities | InputCapabilities () const |
| From CCoeControl .
IMPORT_C void | MakeVisible (TBool aVisible) |
| From CCoeControl .
IMPORT_C void | HandlePointerEventL (const TPointerEvent &aPointerEvent) |
| From CCoeControl .
virtual IMPORT_C SEikControlInfo | CreateCustomControlL (TInt aControlType) |
| From MEikDialogPageObserver .
IMPORT_C MEikDialogPageObserver::TFormControlTypes | ConvertCustomControlTypeToBaseControlType (TInt aControlType) const |
| From MEikDialogPageObserver .
virtual IMPORT_C void | GetCustomAutoValue (TAny *aReturnValue, TInt aControlType, const CCoeControl *aControl) |
| From MEikDialogPageObserver .
IMPORT_C CEikDialogExtension * | Extension () const |
| Access to CEikDialog's extension object.
IMPORT_C TInt | DialogFlags () |
| Gets flags of the dialog.
IMPORT_C void | DeclareAutoTextEditorL (TInt aId, TDes *aText) |
IMPORT_C void | DeclareAutoNumberEditor (TInt aId, TInt *aNumber) |
IMPORT_C void | DeclareAutoRangeEditor (TInt aId, SEikRange *aRange) |
IMPORT_C void | DeclareAutoTimeEditor (TInt aId, TTime *aTime) |
IMPORT_C void | DeclareAutoDateEditor (TInt aId, TTime *aDate) |
IMPORT_C void | DeclareAutoTimeAndDateEditor (TInt aId, TTime *aTimeAndDate) |
IMPORT_C void | DeclareAutoDurationEditor (TInt aId, TTimeIntervalSeconds *aDuration) |
IMPORT_C void | DeclareAutoTimeOffsetEditor (TInt aId, TTimeIntervalSeconds *aTimeOffset) |
IMPORT_C void | DeclareAutoFixedPointEditor (TInt aId, TInt *aValue) |
IMPORT_C void | DeclareAutoSecretEditor (TInt aId, TDes *aText) |
IMPORT_C void | AddAutoTextEditorL (const TDesC &aPrompt, TInt aId, TInt aFlags, TInt aWidthInChars, TInt aNoOfLines, TDes *aReturn) |
IMPORT_C void | AddAutoGlobalTextEditorL (const TDesC &aPrompt, TInt aId, TInt aFlags, TInt aWidthInChars, TInt aNoOfLines, TInt aTextLimit, CGlobalText *aReturn, TInt aFontControlFlags=EGulFontControlAll, TInt aFontNameFlags=EGulNoSymbolFonts) |
IMPORT_C void | AddAutoRichTextEditorL (const TDesC &aPrompt, TInt aId, TInt aFlags, TInt aWidthInChars, TInt aNoOfLines, TInt aTextLimit, CGlobalText *aReturn, TInt aFontControlFlags=EGulFontControlAll, TInt aFontNameFlags=EGulNoSymbolFonts) |
IMPORT_C void | AddAutoNumberEditorL (const TDesC &aPrompt, TInt aId, TInt aMin, TInt aMax, TInt *aReturn) |
IMPORT_C void | AddAutoRangeEditorL (const TDesC &aPrompt, TInt aId, TInt aMin, TInt aMax, HBufC *aSeparatorText, SEikRange *aReturn) |
IMPORT_C void | AddAutoTimeEditorL (const TDesC &aPrompt, TInt aId, const TTime &aMin, const TTime &aMax, TBool aNoSeconds, TTime *aReturn) |
IMPORT_C void | AddAutoDateEditorL (const TDesC &aPrompt, TInt aId, const TTime &aMin, const TTime &aMax, TBool aNoPopout, TTime *aReturn) |
IMPORT_C void | AddAutoTimeAndDateEditorL (const TDesC &aPrompt, TInt aId, const TTime &aMin, const TTime &aMax, TBool aNoSeconds, TBool aNoPopout, HBufC *aInterveningText, TTime *aReturn) |
IMPORT_C void | AddAutoDurationEditorL (const TDesC &aPrompt, TInt aId, const TTimeIntervalSeconds &aMin, const TTimeIntervalSeconds &aMax, TBool aNoSeconds, TTimeIntervalSeconds *aReturn) |
IMPORT_C void | AddAutoTimeOffsetEditorL (const TDesC &aPrompt, TInt aId, const TTimeIntervalSeconds &aMin, const TTimeIntervalSeconds &aMax, TBool aNoSeconds, TTimeIntervalSeconds *aReturn) |
IMPORT_C void | AddAutoFloatEditorL (const TDesC &aPrompt, TInt aId, const TReal &aMin, const TReal &aMax, TReal *aReturn) |
IMPORT_C void | AddAutoFixedPointEditorL (const TDesC &aPrompt, TInt aId, TInt aMin, TInt aMax, TInt *aRetValue, TInt aDecimalPlaces) |
IMPORT_C void | AddAutoSecretEditorL (const TDesC &aPrompt, TInt aId, TDes *aReturn) |
virtual IMPORT_C void | HandleDialogPageEventL (TInt aEventID) |
| From CEikDialog (MEikDialogPageObserver ).
IMPORT_C void | PublishDialogL (TInt aDialogIndex, TUid aCatUid=KNullUid) |
| Instantiates mediator support and send a command with given parameters when a dialog is brought to display.
IMPORT_C void | SetMediatorObserver (MAknDialogMediatorObserver *aObserver) |
| Instantiates mediator support and passes possible feedback to given intance.
IMPORT_C void | SlideDialog () |
IMPORT_C void | SetMultilineQuery (TBool aIsMultilineQuery) |
| Sets dialog to be multilinequery.
Protected Member Functions |
virtual IMPORT_C void | PrepareForFocusTransitionL () |
| From MEikDialogPageObserver .
virtual IMPORT_C void | PageChangedL (TInt aPageId) |
| From MEikDialogPageObserver .
virtual IMPORT_C void | LineChangedL (TInt aControlId) |
| From MEikDialogPageObserver .
IMPORT_C void | PrepareContext (CWindowGc &aGc) const |
| From MCoeControlContext .
IMPORT_C void | WriteInternalStateL (RWriteStream &aWriteStream) const |
| From CCoeControl .
IMPORT_C TInt | CountComponentControls () const |
| Returns the number of the control components.
IMPORT_C CCoeControl * | ComponentControl (TInt aIndex) const |
| Returns a pointer to the component control at the specified index in the component control list.
IMPORT_C TInt | GetNumberOfLinesOnPage (TInt aPageIndex) const |
| Gets number of lines in the specified page.
IMPORT_C TInt | GetNumberOfPages () const |
| Gets number of pages in the page selector.
IMPORT_C CEikCaptionedControl * | GetLineByLineAndPageIndex (TInt aLineIndex, TInt aPageIndex) const |
| Gets specified line from specified page.
IMPORT_C void | HandleControlEventL (CCoeControl *aControl, TCoeEvent aEventType) |
| From MCoeControlObserver .
IMPORT_C void | TryExitL (TInt aButtonId) |
| Tries to exit the dialog when the specified button is pressed, if this button should exit the dialog.
IMPORT_C void | AdjustAllIdsOnPage (TInt aPageId, TInt aControlIdDelta) |
| Adjusts the IDs of all controls on a specified page.
IMPORT_C void | ConstructSleepingDialogL (TInt aResourceId) |
| Protected constructor creates a sleeping dialog from a resource.
IMPORT_C void | ConstructSleepingAlertDialogL (TInt aResourceId) |
| Protected construction of a high priority sleeping dialog from a resource.
IMPORT_C TInt | RouseSleepingDialog () |
| Rouses a sleeping dialog by dynamically constructing the dialog and then bringing it to the front.
IMPORT_C void | ExitSleepingDialog () |
| Exits sleeping dialog without deleting it.
IMPORT_C TInt | IdOfFocusControl () const |
| Gets the ID of the control in the focused line.
IMPORT_C TInt | FindLineIndex (const CCoeControl &aControl) const |
| Gets the line index of the specified control.
IMPORT_C CEikCaptionedControl * | Line (TInt aControlId) const |
| Gets a pointer to the line containing the specified control.
IMPORT_C CEikCaptionedControl * | CurrentLine () const |
| Gets a pointer to the current line.
IMPORT_C TBool | RotateFocusByL (TInt aDelta) |
| Rotates the focus by a specified number of steps.
IMPORT_C TInt | ActivePageIndex () const |
| Gets the index of the dialog's active page.
IMPORT_C void | ResetLineMinimumSizes () |
| Recalculates the minimum sizes of the lines on the active page.
IMPORT_C CEikButtonGroupContainer * | SwapButtonGroupContainer (CEikButtonGroupContainer *aContainer) |
| Swaps the dialog's button group container with a new container.
IMPORT_C MEikCommandObserver * | ButtonCommandObserver () const |
| Gets a pointer to the dialog's internal button command observer.
virtual IMPORT_C TBool | OkToExitL (TInt aButtonId) |
| Not implemented.
virtual IMPORT_C void | PreLayoutDynInitL () |
| Initializes the dialog's controls before the dialog is sized and layed out.
virtual IMPORT_C void | PostLayoutDynInitL () |
| Initializes the dialog's controls after the dialog has been sized but before it has been activated.
virtual IMPORT_C void | SetInitialCurrentLine () |
| Sets the line which initally receives focus.
virtual IMPORT_C void | HandleControlStateChangeL (TInt aControlId) |
| Handles a state change in the control with id aControlId.
virtual IMPORT_C void | HandleInteractionRefused (TInt aControlId) |
| Should handle an attempt by the user to activate a dimmed button with id aControlId.
virtual IMPORT_C void | SetSizeAndPosition (const TSize &aSize) |
| Sets the size and position of the dialog given the specified size hint.
virtual IMPORT_C TInt | BorderStyle () |
| Returns the border style for this dialog.
virtual IMPORT_C TInt | MappedCommandId (TInt aButtonId) |
| Routine to map the button id ( Avkon softkey command id) to CEikBidCancel if it is a "cancel" type command type.
IMPORT_C TInt | FormFlagsFromActivePage () |
| Get form flags of the active page.
virtual IMPORT_C CEikCaptionedControl * | GetFirstLineOnFirstPageOrNull () |
| Gets first line of the first page.
IMPORT_C void | ControlsOnPage (RArray< CEikCaptionedControl * > &aControls, TInt aPageId) const |
| Gets all lines in the given page.
IMPORT_C TTypeUid::Ptr | MopSupplyObject (TTypeUid aId) |
| From MObjectProvider .
void | RegisterDialgWithPageSelector () |
| Sets the current Dialog into the Page selector.
IMPORT_C void | SetLabelL (TInt aControlId, const TDesC &aDes) |
IMPORT_C void | SetLabelL (TInt aControlId, TInt aResourceId) |
IMPORT_C void | SetLabelReserveLengthL (TInt aControlId, TInt aLength) |
IMPORT_C void | SetEdwinTextL (TInt aControlId, const TDesC *aDes) |
IMPORT_C void | SetTextEditorTextL (TInt aControlId, const CGlobalText *aGlobalText) |
IMPORT_C void | ResetSecretEditor (TInt aControlId) |
IMPORT_C void | SetFloatingPointEditorValueL (TInt aControlId, const TReal *aValue) |
IMPORT_C void | SetFixedPointEditorValueL (TInt aControlId, TInt aValue) |
IMPORT_C void | SetFixedPointEditorDecimal (TInt aControlId, TInt aDecimal) |
IMPORT_C void | SetNumberEditorMinAndMax (TInt aControlId, TInt aMinimumValue, TInt aMaximumValue) |
IMPORT_C void | SetNumberEditorValue (TInt aControlId, TInt aNumber) |
IMPORT_C void | SetFloatEditorMinAndMax (TInt aControlId, TInt aMin, TInt aMax) |
IMPORT_C void | SetFloatEditorValueL (TInt aControlId, TReal aFloat) |
IMPORT_C void | SetRangeEditorMinAndMax (TInt aControlId, TInt aMinimumValue, TInt aMaximumValue) |
IMPORT_C void | SetRangeEditorValue (TInt aControlId, const SEikRange &aRange) |
IMPORT_C void | SetTTimeEditorMinAndMax (TInt aControlId, const TTime &aMinimumTime, const TTime &aMaximumTime) |
IMPORT_C void | SetTTimeEditorValue (TInt aControlId, const TTime &aTime) |
IMPORT_C void | SetDurationEditorMinAndMax (TInt aControlId, const TTimeIntervalSeconds &aMinimumDuration, const TTimeIntervalSeconds &aMaximumDuration) |
IMPORT_C void | SetDurationEditorValue (TInt aControlId, const TTimeIntervalSeconds &aDuration) |
IMPORT_C void | SetTimeOffsetEditorMinAndMax (TInt aControlId, const TTimeIntervalSeconds &aMinimumTimeOffset, const TTimeIntervalSeconds &aMaximumTimeOffset) |
IMPORT_C void | SetTimeOffsetEditorValue (TInt aControlId, const TTimeIntervalSeconds &aTimeOffset) |
IMPORT_C void | SetListBoxCurrentItem (TInt aControlId, TInt aItem) |
IMPORT_C void | SetFileNameL (TInt aControlId, const TDesC *aFileName) |
IMPORT_C void | GetLabelText (TDes &aDes, TInt aControlId) const |
IMPORT_C void | GetEdwinText (TDes &aDes, TInt aControlId) const |
IMPORT_C void | GetTextEditorText (CGlobalText *&aGlobalText, TInt aControlId) |
IMPORT_C void | GetSecretEditorText (TDes &aDes, TInt aControlId) const |
IMPORT_C TReal | FloatingPointEditorValue (TInt aControlId) const |
IMPORT_C TInt | FixedPointEditorValue (TInt aControlId) const |
IMPORT_C TInt | FixedPointEditorDecimal (TInt aControlId) const |
IMPORT_C TReal | FloatEditorValue (TInt aControlId) const |
IMPORT_C TInt | NumberEditorValue (TInt aControlId) const |
IMPORT_C SEikRange | RangeEditorValue (TInt aControlId) const |
IMPORT_C TTime | TTimeEditorValue (TInt aControlId) const |
IMPORT_C TTimeIntervalSeconds | DurationEditorValue (TInt aControlId) const |
IMPORT_C TTimeIntervalSeconds | TimeOffsetEditorValue (TInt aControlId) const |
IMPORT_C void | GetAutoValuesFromPage (CEikCapCArray *aLines) |
IMPORT_C TInt | ListBoxCurrentItem (TInt aControlId) const |
IMPORT_C void | GetFileName (TFileName *aFileName, TInt aControlId) const |
IMPORT_C void | UpdatePageL (TBool aRedraw) |
| Only has effect on forms, call this after adding or deleting lines.
Friends |
class | CEikDialogButtonCommandObserver |
class | CEikDialogExtension |
class | CAknDialog |
class | CAknCharMap |
class | CAknCharMapDialog |
class | CAknNoteDialog |
class | CAknMediatorFacade |