CClkDateTimeView Class Reference

API published in: S60 1st Ed
API deprecated in: S60 3rd Ed FP 1

Link against: clkdatetimeview.lib

Capability Information

Required Capabilities


#include <

Inherits CAknView, MEikListBoxObserver, and MClkModelObserver.

Detailed Description

common "Date & Time" settings view class This is a dynamic link library which provides APIs for using the common Date and Time Settings view.

The Clock and General Settings applications make use of this.

Public Member Functions

IMPORT_C ~CClkDateTimeView ()
TUid Id () const
 From CAknView Returns this view Id.
void HandleCommandL (TInt aCommandId)
 From MEikCommandObserver Handles commands.
void HandleUpdateL (TInt aNotification)
 From MClkModelObserver Called when the model is changed.
IMPORT_C void InitCurrentItem ()
 Moves the current item to the top of the list items.
void HandleSettingsChangeL (const TInt aChange)
 Handle options changed by system.
void IncCurrentItem ()
 Increments the current list item to handle the task swapping event.
void DecCurrentItem ()
 Decrements the current list item to handle the task swapping event.
TBool IsClockInUse () const
 Gets a flag meaning that Clock application is using.
TVwsViewId PrevViewId () const
 Gets a previous view id.
void HandleChangeCmdL (const TInt aItemId)
 Handles a softkey event "Change".
void DynInitMenuPaneL (TInt aResourceId, CEikMenuPane *aMenuPane)
 From MEikMenuObserver Intialize the menu dynamically.
void UpdateDTViewL (TUint32 aId, const TDesC16 &aNewValue)
 When an alarm tone / snooze time is changed through general settings, it gets updated in the clock settings.

Static Public Member Functions

static IMPORT_C CClkDateTimeViewNewLC (TUid aViewId, TBool aClockUse=EFalse)
 Two-phased constructor returned value is also kept on the CleanupStack.

Protected Member Functions

void DoActivateL (const TVwsViewId &aPrevViewId, TUid aCustomMessageId, const TDesC8 &aCustomMessage)
 From CAknView Activates this view.
void DoDeactivate ()
 From CAknView Deactivates this view.
void HandleListBoxEventL (CEikListBox *aListBox, TListBoxEvent aEventType)
 From MEikListBoxObserver Handles an event happend in aListBox.
void ConstructL (TUid aViewId, TBool aClockUse)
 Second-phase constructor.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

IMPORT_C CClkDateTimeView::~CClkDateTimeView  ) 


Member Function Documentation

void CClkDateTimeView::ConstructL TUid  aViewId,
TBool  aClockUse

Second-phase constructor.

aViewId Id of a view which is changed to, when Back softkey is pressed. It is ignored when aClockUse is ETrue.
aClockUse ETrue means Clock application uses. EFalse means any application except Clock uses.
void CClkDateTimeView::DecCurrentItem  ) 

Decrements the current list item to handle the task swapping event.

void CClkDateTimeView::DoActivateL const TVwsViewId &  aPrevViewId,
TUid  aCustomMessageId,
const TDesC8 &  aCustomMessage
[protected, virtual]

From CAknView Activates this view.

aPrevViewId The view id for the view from where the date time view setting called
aCustomMessageId Not used for the implementation
aCustomMessage Not used for the implementation

Implements CAknView.

void CClkDateTimeView::DoDeactivate  )  [protected, virtual]

From CAknView Deactivates this view.

Implements CAknView.

void CClkDateTimeView::DynInitMenuPaneL TInt  aResourceId,
CEikMenuPane aMenuPane

From MEikMenuObserver Intialize the menu dynamically.

aResourceId The resource id for the option popup menu
aMenuPane The dynamic menupane to delete the help cmd from the menu
void CClkDateTimeView::HandleChangeCmdL const TInt  aItemId  ) 

Handles a softkey event "Change".

aItemId The current item id of the settings list box.
void CClkDateTimeView::HandleCommandL TInt  aCommandId  )  [virtual]

From MEikCommandObserver Handles commands.

aCommandId It is the value of the command to be handled in the setting.

Reimplemented from CAknView.

void CClkDateTimeView::HandleListBoxEventL CEikListBox aListBox,
TListBoxEvent  aEventType

From MEikListBoxObserver Handles an event happend in aListBox.

aListBox The pointer to the ListBox in date time setting view
aEventType The type of the event on the ListBox
void CClkDateTimeView::HandleSettingsChangeL const TInt  aChange  ) 

Handle options changed by system.

aChange It indicates a cause of the change.
void CClkDateTimeView::HandleUpdateL TInt  aNotification  )  [virtual]

From MClkModelObserver Called when the model is changed.

aNotification The cause of the notification.

Implements MClkModelObserver.

TUid CClkDateTimeView::Id  )  const [virtual]

From CAknView Returns this view Id.

TUid The view id

Implements CAknView.

void CClkDateTimeView::IncCurrentItem  ) 

Increments the current list item to handle the task swapping event.

IMPORT_C void CClkDateTimeView::InitCurrentItem  ) 

Moves the current item to the top of the list items.

TBool CClkDateTimeView::IsClockInUse  )  const

Gets a flag meaning that Clock application is using.

ETrue means the ClockApp uses this object. EFalse means the ClockApp doesn't use this object.
static IMPORT_C CClkDateTimeView* CClkDateTimeView::NewLC TUid  aViewId,
TBool  aClockUse = EFalse

Two-phased constructor returned value is also kept on the CleanupStack.

aViewId Id of a view which is changed to, when Back softkey is pressed. It is ignored when aClockUse is ETrue.
aClockUse ETrue means Clock application uses this. EFalse means any application except Clock uses this.
CClkDateTimeView* Constructed CClkDateTimeView object
TVwsViewId CClkDateTimeView::PrevViewId  )  const

Gets a previous view id.

void CClkDateTimeView::UpdateDTViewL TUint32  aId,
const TDesC16 &  aNewValue

When an alarm tone / snooze time is changed through general settings, it gets updated in the clock settings.

aId Id which has changed
aNewValue Update cenrep value

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