API published in: S60 3rd Ed
Link against: ptiengine.lib
Required Capabilities
#include <ptiengine.h>
This is the main client side API for PtiEngine. The purpose of PtiEngine API is to provide a single calling point for low level (below UI) text input functionality. The API provides methods for querying and activating installed input languages, changing input modes and text cases and performing text input operations. The API contains set of methods for latin based, Chinese and Japanese text input. Some of the methods are common for all of those variants. PtiEngine also provides access to predictive text input functionality, in case there is need to use it directly without standard CEikEdwin / FEP chain (hence the name 'predictive text input engine')
Usage: PtiEngine is created by calling CPtiEngine::NewL method. In typical use case there is no need to pass core uid parameter to NewL method. Constructor will load and set up available core objects.
Typical use cases:
Entering text in latin multitapping mode: CPtiEngine* aEngine = CPtiEngine::NewL(); aEngine->ActivateLanguageL(ELangEnglish, EPtiEngineMultitapping); aEngine->AppendKeyPress(EPtiKey3); aEngine->AppendKeyPress(EPtiKey6); aEngine->AppendKeyPress(EPtiKey6); aEngine->AppendKeyPress(EPtiKey6); aEngine->AppendKeyPress(EPtiKey4); TBuf<100> temp; temp.Copy(aEngine->CurrentWord()); // At this point temp would contain // word "dog".
Entering text in latin predictive mode: CPtiEngine* aEngine = CPtiEngine::NewL(); aEngine->ActivateLanguageL(ELangEnglish, EPtiEnginePredicitve); aEngine->AppendKeyPress(EPtiKey8); aEngine->AppendKeyPress(EPtiKey4); aEngine->AppendKeyPress(EPtiKey4); aEngine->AppendKeyPress(EPtiKey7); TBuf<100> temp; temp.Copy(aEngine->CurrentWord()); // At this point temp would contain // (depending on the underlying engine) // word "this". temp.Copy(aEngine->NextCandidate()); // Move on to next candidate. aEngine->CommitCurrentWord(); // Tell engine that current word was accepted, // so that the underlyinbg engine keeps // frequency information up-to-date. Entering text in latin qwerty mode: CPtiEngine* aEngine = CPtiEngine::NewL(); aEngine->ActivateLanguageL(ELangEnglish, EPtiEngineQwerty); aEngine->AppendKeyPress(EPtiKeyQwertyQ); aEngine->AppendKeyPress(EPtiKeyQwertyW); aEngine->AppendKeyPress(EPtiKeyQwertyE); aEngine->AppendKeyPress(EPtiKeyQwertyR); aEngine->AppendKeyPress(EPtiKeyQwertyT); aEngine->AppendKeyPress(EPtiKeyQwertyY); TBuf<100> temp; temp.Copy(aEngine->CurrentWord()); // At this point temp would contain // word "qwerty". // Next line requires that French key mappings are available in device. aEngine->ActivateLanguageL(ELangFrench, EPtiEngineQwerty); aEngine->SetCase(EPtiCaseUpper); aEngine->ClearCurrentWord(); aEngine->AppendKeyPress(EPtiKeyQwertyQ); aEngine->AppendKeyPress(EPtiKeyQwertyW); aEngine->AppendKeyPress(EPtiKeyQwertyE); aEngine->AppendKeyPress(EPtiKeyQwertyR); aEngine->AppendKeyPress(EPtiKeyQwertyT); aEngine->AppendKeyPress(EPtiKeyQwertyY); temp.Copy(aEngine->CurrentWord()); // At this point temp would contain // word "AZERTY".
Public Member Functions | |
IMPORT_C | ~CPtiEngine () |
Destructor. | |
IMPORT_C TInt | ActivateLanguageL (TInt aEpocLanguageID, TPtiEngineInputMode aMode=EPtiEngineInputModeNone) |
Activates language in requested input mode. | |
IMPORT_C void | CloseCurrentLanguageL () |
Closes current active language. | |
IMPORT_C MPtiCoreInfo * | CoreInfo (TPtiEngineInputMode aMode) const |
Returns core info struct for given input mode. | |
IMPORT_C MPtiLanguage * | CurrentLanguage () |
Returns pointer to constant language object representing currently active language. | |
IMPORT_C MPtiLanguage * | GetLanguage (TInt aCode) const |
Returns pointer to constant language object representing given language code. | |
IMPORT_C TInt | NumberOfCandidates () |
Returns number of candidate words for current input sequence. | |
IMPORT_C TPtrC | AppendKeyPress (TPtiKey aKey) |
This method handles key press and forwards it to right core depending on currently selected language and input mode. | |
IMPORT_C TPtrC | DeleteKeyPress () |
Deletes last character in current word buffer and updates candidate list accordingly. | |
IMPORT_C TInt | AddCoreL (const TDesC &aFileName, TBool aUseDefaultUserDictionary=EFalse) |
DEPRECATED (will leave if called). | |
IMPORT_C TInt | AddCoreL (const TUid aCoreUid, TBool aUseDefaultUserDictionary=EFalse) |
Loads and constructs new core object. | |
IMPORT_C TInt | GetCandidateListL (CDesCArray &aList) |
Returns list of candidate words for current input sequence. | |
IMPORT_C TInt | GetNextWordCandidateListL (CDesCArray &aList) |
Returns next word candidate list. | |
IMPORT_C TPtrC | FirstCandidate () |
Returns pointer to first word in candidate list. | |
IMPORT_C TPtrC | NextCandidate () |
Returns pointer to next word in candidate list. | |
IMPORT_C TPtrC | PreviousCandidate () |
Returns pointer to previous word in candidate list. | |
IMPORT_C TInt | SetInputMode (TPtiEngineInputMode aMode) |
Activates given input mode for current language. | |
IMPORT_C TPtiEngineInputMode | InputMode () const |
Returns current input mode. | |
IMPORT_C TInt | SetReordering (TBool aStatus) |
Turns reordering feature on or off. | |
IMPORT_C TInt | SetCurrentWord (TPtrC aWord) |
Fills text buffer with given word, refreshes current input sequence and asks current core object to update candidate list accordingly. | |
IMPORT_C TPtrC | CurrentWord () |
Returns pointer to current word buffer. | |
IMPORT_C void | ClearCurrentWord () |
Clears current word buffer. | |
IMPORT_C void | SetCase (TPtiTextCase aCase) |
Sets text case. | |
IMPORT_C TPtiTextCase | Case () const |
Returns current text case. | |
IMPORT_C void | GetAvailableLanguagesL (CArrayFix< TInt > *aResult) |
Returns list of available languages. | |
IMPORT_C void | GetAvailableLanguagesL (RArray< TInt > &aResult) |
Returns list of available languages. | |
IMPORT_C TInt | NumberOfLanguages () const |
Returns number of available languages. | |
IMPORT_C TInt | CreateUserDictionaryL (TDesC &aFileName, CDesCArrayFlat *aWords, TPtiEngineInputMode aMode) |
Creates new user dictionary file, inserts given list of words into it and attaches it to currently active core object for requested input mode. | |
IMPORT_C MPtiUserDictionary * | AttachUserDictionaryL (TDesC &aFileName) |
Attach user dictionary in given file to core for given input mode. | |
IMPORT_C MPtiUserDictionary * | AttachDefaultUserDictionaryL (TUid aCoreUid, TInt aSymbolClass) |
Attach default user dictionary for input mode. | |
IMPORT_C TInt | DetachUserDictionary (TDesC &aFileName) |
Detaches currently attached user dictionary. | |
IMPORT_C TInt | DetachUserDictionary (TInt aId) |
Detaches currently attached user dictionary. | |
IMPORT_C void | GetLocalizedLanguageName (TInt aLangCode, TDes &aResult) |
Returns localized language name for given language. | |
IMPORT_C TInt | CommitCurrentWord () |
Commits current word. | |
IMPORT_C TInt | CharConversion (TPtiCharConversion aType, TAny *aInput, TInt aInputLength, TAny *aOutput) |
Converts given string of characters to one coding system to another. | |
IMPORT_C TUint32 | AvailableCharConversions () const |
Returns value indicating currently available character conversions. | |
IMPORT_C TInt | SetExternalKeyMapL (TPtiEngineInputMode aMode, TPtiKey aKey, TDesC &aKeyMap, TPtiTextCase aCase) |
Replaces key map for single key. | |
IMPORT_C TPtiKey | LastEnteredKey () const |
Returns last entered key press. | |
IMPORT_C TPtrC8 | CurrentInputSequence () const |
Returns current input sequence (a list of key presses). | |
IMPORT_C TInt | GetSpelling (TUint16 aInput, TDes &aOutput, TPtiSpelling aType) |
Returns alternate spelling for given character. | |
IMPORT_C TInt | CancelTimerActivity () |
Front end processeor uses this method for indicating PtiEngine that all key press related timers should be canceled. | |
IMPORT_C TPtiKey | CharacterToKey (TUint16 aChar) |
Returns key for given character. | |
IMPORT_C TInt | AddUserDictionaryEntry (MPtiUserDictionaryEntry &aEntry) |
Adds new entry (in most cases a word) to default user dictionary of currently active core object. | |
IMPORT_C TInt | AddUserDictionaryEntry (MPtiUserDictionaryEntry &aEntry, TInt aId) |
Adds entry to specific user dictionary. | |
IMPORT_C TInt | RemoveEntryFromUserDictionary (MPtiUserDictionaryEntry &aEntry) |
Removes entry from default user dictionary of currently active core object. | |
IMPORT_C TInt | RemoveEntryFromUserDictionary (MPtiUserDictionaryEntry &aEntry, TInt aId) |
Removes word from specific user dictionary. | |
IMPORT_C TInt | NumberOfEntriesInUserDictionary () |
Returns number of entries in default user dictionary. | |
IMPORT_C TInt | GetUserDictionaryEntry (TInt aIndex, MPtiUserDictionaryEntry &aResult) |
Returns entry for given index in default user dictionary. | |
IMPORT_C MPtiUserDictionary * | DefaultUserDictionary (TPtiEngineInputMode aMode) |
Returns default user dictionary for given input mode. | |
IMPORT_C void | SetObserver (MPtiObserver *aObserver) |
Sets observer. | |
IMPORT_C MPtiObserver * | Observer () |
Returns current observer. | |
IMPORT_C TInt | HandleCommandL (TPtiEngineCommand aCommand, TAny *aParams=NULL) |
General command handling method. | |
IMPORT_C TPtrC | CandidatePage () |
Returns pointer to current Chinese candidate page. | |
IMPORT_C TBool | NextCandidatePage () |
Changes to next Chinese candidate page. | |
IMPORT_C TBool | PreviousCandidatePage () |
Changes to previous Chinese candidate page. | |
IMPORT_C TBool | MoreCandidatePages () |
Returns a boolean value indicating whether there are more candidate pages available. | |
IMPORT_C void | SetCandidatePageLength (TInt aLength) |
Sets length of Chinese candidate page. | |
IMPORT_C TPtrC | GetPhoneticSpelling (TInt aIndex) const |
Returns phonetic spelling for current input. | |
IMPORT_C TInt | PhoneticSpellingCount () const |
Returns a value specifying how many phonetic spellings there is available for current input. | |
IMPORT_C TBool | SelectPhoneticSpelling (TInt aIndex) |
Selects given phonetic spelling for current input. | |
IMPORT_C TInt | SelectedPhoneticSpelling () const |
Returns the index of currently selected phonetic spelling. | |
IMPORT_C void | EnableToneMarks (TBool aValue) |
Enables or disables tone marks. | |
IMPORT_C void | ResetToneMark () |
Resets tone mark. | |
IMPORT_C TBool | ToneMark (TText &aToneMark) const |
Returns unicode value for current tone mark. | |
IMPORT_C TBool | IsToneMarkValidForSpelling () const |
Returns boolean value indicating whether current tone mark is valid for spelling. | |
IMPORT_C TBool | IncrementToneMark (TBool aOverrideInvalid) |
Cycles to next tone mark in core related tone mark list. | |
IMPORT_C TBool | SetPredictiveChineseChar (const TDesC &aChar) |
Selects Chinese character (meaning that user has accepted character to be inserted into editor). | |
IMPORT_C MPtiEngineCompositionDataInterface * | CompositionData () |
Returns pointer to composition data interface (used with Japanese input). | |
IMPORT_C TPtrC | ReadingTextL () |
Returns reading text for Japanese input. | |
IMPORT_C void | GetModeNameIndexL (TPtiChineseVariant aVariant, RArray< TInt > &aResult) |
Returns mode name index table for given Chinese variant. | |
IMPORT_C TInt | GetPhoneticSpellingsL (CDesCArray &aList) |
Fills list with all the phonetic spellings for current input sequence. | |
IMPORT_C TInt | GetChinesePhraseCandidatesL (CDesCArray &aList) |
Fills list with phrase candidates for currently selected phonetic spelling. | |
IMPORT_C TBool | SetToneMark (TInt aToneMark) |
Sets tone mark directly. | |
TBool | IsQwertyBasedMode (TPtiEngineInputMode aMode) const |
A convinience method for cheking qwerty based input mode. | |
IMPORT_C void | CreateDefaultUserDictionaryFileL (TUid aCoreUid, TInt aSymbolClass) |
Creates empty user default dictionary file for given core object and initializes it to PtiEngine user dictionary format. | |
IMPORT_C void | WriteSecondaryDataFileL (TUid aCoreUid, TInt aIndexNumber, HBufC8 *aData) |
Creates secondary data file for given core object. | |
IMPORT_C HBufC8 * | ReadSecondaryDataFileL (TUid aCoreUid, TInt aIndexNumber) |
Returns a heap buffer containing data from given secondary data file. | |
IMPORT_C void | MappingDataForKey (TPtiKey aKey, TDes &aResult, TPtiTextCase aCase) |
Returns keymapping data for given key. | |
IMPORT_C void | GetNumericModeKeysForQwertyL (TInt aLanguage, RArray< TPtiNumericKeyBinding > &aResult) |
Qwerty input mode has different keymapping layout for each language. | |
IMPORT_C HBufC * | GetCandidatesByInputString (const TDesC &aInputString, RPointerArray< HBufC > &aList, const TBool aIsPredictive) |
IMPORT_C MPtiHwrRecognizer * | GetHwrRecognizerL (TLanguage aLanguage) |
Get first hwr implementation support the specified language. | |
IMPORT_C MPtiHwrRecognizer * | GetHwrRecognizerL (TInt aImpId) |
Get hwr implementation by give implementation uid. | |
IMPORT_C RArray< TUid > & | ListHwrRecognizerL (TLanguage aLanguage) |
Get hwr implementation uid list which support given language. | |
IMPORT_C void | GetHwrAvailableLanguagesL (RArray< TInt > &aResult) |
Get hwr available languages list. | |
Static Public Member Functions | |
static IMPORT_C CPtiEngine * | NewL (TBool aUseDefaultUserDictionary=EFalse) |
Two phase constructor. | |
static IMPORT_C CPtiEngine * | NewL (const TDesC &aCoreName, TBool aUseDefaultUserDictionary=EFalse) |
Two phase constructor. | |
static IMPORT_C CPtiEngine * | NewL (const TUid aCoreUid, TBool aUseDefaultUserDictionary=EFalse) |
Two phase constructor. |
Destructor. |
Activates language in requested input mode. After calling this method language is ready to be used with all input modes it supports.
Loads and constructs new core object. Core object is added to the list of available cores and is ready to be used after that.
DEPRECATED (will leave if called). |
Adds entry to specific user dictionary.
Adds new entry (in most cases a word) to default user dictionary of currently active core object.
This method handles key press and forwards it to right core depending on currently selected language and input mode. The current word buffer is updated accordingly. If input sequence buffer has reached its maximum length then nothing will be done.
Attach default user dictionary for input mode.
Attach user dictionary in given file to core for given input mode.
Returns value indicating currently available character conversions.
Front end processeor uses this method for indicating PtiEngine that all key press related timers should be canceled.
Returns pointer to current Chinese candidate page.
Returns current text case.
Returns key for given character. Returned key depends on current language and input mode.
Converts given string of characters to one coding system to another. See definition of TPtiCharConversion for list of supported conversion types. It is possible that only a small subset of supported conversion types is actually available at run time (that depends on available core objects). AvailableCharConversions() method can be used for querying available conversion types before using this method.
Clears current word buffer. Calling this method means that current word was reject and will not be part of edited text. Either this method or CommitCurrentWord() must be called before starting a new word. |
Closes current active language. After calling this method there won't be active language and most PtiEngine API methods will return error until ActivateLanguageL is called again. Core objects for active language are asked to release related resources. |
Commits current word. Commiting means that core object is informed that current word was accepted to be part of edited text. Word buffer is cleared. Either this method or ClearCurrentWord() must be called before starting a new word.
Returns pointer to composition data interface (used with Japanese input).
Returns core info struct for given input mode. Core depends on current language.
Creates empty user default dictionary file for given core object and initializes it to PtiEngine user dictionary format. If file already exists, then this method does nothing. Normally this method is only used by core objects.
Creates new user dictionary file, inserts given list of words into it and attaches it to currently active core object for requested input mode. Active language must support requested input mode.
Returns current input sequence (a list of key presses). Bytes in returned descriptor are TPtiKey enum values.
Returns pointer to constant language object representing currently active language.
Returns pointer to current word buffer.
Returns default user dictionary for given input mode.
Deletes last character in current word buffer and updates candidate list accordingly.
Detaches currently attached user dictionary.
Detaches currently attached user dictionary.
Enables or disables tone marks.
Returns pointer to first word in candidate list. If there isn't any candidate words the returned pointer will point to empty descriptor.
Returns list of available languages.
Returns list of available languages.
Returns list of candidate words for current input sequence. If word completion feature is on, then words accepted to result list may contain more letters than the number of key presses in current input sequence.
Fills list with phrase candidates for currently selected phonetic spelling.
Get hwr available languages list.
Get hwr implementation by give implementation uid.
Get first hwr implementation support the specified language.
Returns pointer to constant language object representing given language code.
Returns localized language name for given language. This method is quite inefficient (first reads name table from resource file), when possible use Getlanguage()->LocalizedName() instead. This method can be used also when requested language is not among available languages.
Returns mode name index table for given Chinese variant.
Returns next word candidate list. This method requires that current core object supports next word prediction feature and it is turned on.
Qwerty input mode has different keymapping layout for each language. Therefore the characters for numeric input mode may be mapped to different keys depending on language. There are several situations where client application needs to know which key and case combination produce numeric characters for given language. This convinience method can be used for extracting that information easily (it is also possible to achieve same result directly via CPtiCoreLanguage object). Result array will be left empty if requested language is not available or it doesn't support qwerty input mode. Returned list includes key bindings for characters: "0123456789pw+#*" (Not necessarily in this order). See also ExtendedNumericModeKeysForQwertyL.
Returns phonetic spelling for current input.
Fills list with all the phonetic spellings for current input sequence.
Returns alternate spelling for given character.
Returns entry for given index in default user dictionary.
General command handling method. This method can be used for controlling core objects that require more information than just sequence of key presses.
Cycles to next tone mark in core related tone mark list.
Returns current input mode.
A convinience method for cheking qwerty based input mode.
Returns boolean value indicating whether current tone mark is valid for spelling.
Returns last entered key press.
Get hwr implementation uid list which support given language.
Returns keymapping data for given key. Returned data depends on active language and input mode. Result string will be empty if there isn't key mapping adta available.
Returns a boolean value indicating whether there are more candidate pages available.
Two phase constructor.
Two phase constructor.
Returns pointer to next word in candidate list. Cycles over to the first candidate in the list after reaching the last candidate. When that happens, the framework calls MPtiObserver::FirstWordInSelectionList() for an observer given with CPtiEngine::SetObserver()
Changes to next Chinese candidate page.
Returns number of candidate words for current input sequence.
Returns number of entries in default user dictionary.
Returns number of available languages.
Returns current observer.
Returns a value specifying how many phonetic spellings there is available for current input.
Returns pointer to previous word in candidate list. Cycles over to the last candidate in the list after reaching the first candidate. When that happens, the framework calls MPtiObserver::LastWordInSelectionList() for an observer given with CPtiEngine::SetObserver().
Changes to previous Chinese candidate page.
Returns reading text for Japanese input.
Returns a heap buffer containing data from given secondary data file. Returns null if file is not found.
Removes word from specific user dictionary.
Removes entry from default user dictionary of currently active core object.
Resets tone mark. |
Returns the index of currently selected phonetic spelling.
Selects given phonetic spelling for current input.
Sets length of Chinese candidate page.
Sets text case.
Fills text buffer with given word, refreshes current input sequence and asks current core object to update candidate list accordingly.
Replaces key map for single key.
Activates given input mode for current language.
Sets observer.
Selects Chinese character (meaning that user has accepted character to be inserted into editor). Predictive candidate lists will be updated with Chinese characters associated to selected character. Associated charcaters can be accessed via ...CandidatePage() -methods. Return value can be ignored in current implementation.
Turns reordering feature on or off. This method can be used only if currently active core object supports reordering feature. It is also possible that core object supports reordering feature, but it can't be turned off. Reordeing feature keeps track of usage frequency for entered words and makes it possible for most frequently used words to have higher priority in candidate list. Details depend on underlying prediction engine.
Sets tone mark directly. This method is used if client wants to override default core dependant tone mark set or traditional cycle-through tone mark system doesn't suit its porposes.
Returns unicode value for current tone mark.
Creates secondary data file for given core object. Existing file will be overwritten. This data file may contain any additional data that the core object needs to store between sessions (for example used word dictionary, if the engine keeps reordering data in separate memory area).