Class LocaleManager


public class LocaleManager
extends java.lang.Object

LocaleManager provides the access point to locale details of the device. By using this class, a caller may:

Clients may use this class to register a LocaleListener for changes in locale setting.

Method Summary
 void addLocaleListener(LocaleListener listener)
          Registers a LocaleListener for locale related change notifications.
 Locale[] getAvailableLocales()
          Retrieves all locales that the device supports.
 Locale getDefaultLocale()
          Retrieves the default (currently selected) locale from the device.
static LocaleManager getInstance()
          Gets a reference to the LocaleManager instance.
 void removeLocaleListener(LocaleListener listener)
          Deregisters a LocaleListener from locale related change notifications.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Method Detail


public static LocaleManager getInstance()

Gets a reference to the LocaleManager instance.

In case LocaleManager cannot be instantiated null is returned.

A reference to LocaleManager instance.


public void addLocaleListener(LocaleListener listener)

Registers a LocaleListener for locale related change notifications.

listener - An instance of LocaleListener to be registered.


public void removeLocaleListener(LocaleListener listener)

Deregisters a LocaleListener from locale related change notifications.

listener - An instance of LocaleListener to be deregistered.


public Locale[] getAvailableLocales()

Retrieves all locales that the device supports.

An array of supported Locales in the device. Array is always non-null and contains at least one element.


public Locale getDefaultLocale()

Retrieves the default (currently selected) locale from the device.

The default locale. Value is always non-null.

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