1.0: Final Release

Interface EffectOrderControl

All Superinterfaces:

public interface EffectOrderControl
extends javax.microedition.media.Control

EffectOrderControl is an interface designed to specify the order of effects represented by EffectControls. It is intended that an EffectOrderControl might be exposed by Players, EffectModules, MediaProcessors, MIDIChannelControls and by the GlobalManager.

Effects with a smaller order are processed first.

If an EffectOrderControl is not used, the default ordering of effects will be used. The default ordering is implementation specific.

Method Summary
 int getEffectOrder(EffectControl effect)
          Returns the current position of the effect in the effect processing chain.
 EffectControl[] getEffectOrders()
          Returns the current positions of the effects in the effect processing chain.
 int setEffectOrder(EffectControl effect, int order)
          Sets the order of the effect in the effect chain.

Method Detail


public int setEffectOrder(EffectControl effect,
                          int order)
Sets the order of the effect in the effect chain. If the implementation does not allow a certain ordering of the effects, it may reorder the effects as it sees fit.

effect - the effect whose order is to be set
order - the desired position of the effect in the effect chain. The range is the whole Integer range.
the actual order of the effect that was set
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if the effect cannot be fetched from this class or if the effect is null


public int getEffectOrder(EffectControl effect)
Returns the current position of the effect in the effect processing chain.

effect - the effect whose order is queried
a value ranged to the whole Integer range, smaller values meaning earlier effects
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if the effect cannot be fetched from this class or if the effect is null


public EffectControl[] getEffectOrders()
Returns the current positions of the effects in the effect processing chain.

an array of EffectControls in the their current order where the first item in the array means the effect that is processed first

1.0: Final Release

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