1.0: Final Release

Interface ReverbSourceControl

All Superinterfaces:

public interface ReverbSourceControl
extends javax.microedition.media.Control

ReverbSourceControl is an interface for manipulating the feeding from an object to the audio effect called reverb. A ReverbSourceControl can only be fetched from an EffectModule or a SoundSource3D (the terminal nodes of the effects network) (if ReverbSourceControl is supported at all).

Default Values

The default value for all reverb source controls (whether the application has obtained them or not) is:

level = 0 mB (natural room gain)

See Also:

Field Summary
static int DISCONNECT
          The application can use this for setRoomLevel when it does not intend to connect this object (typically EffectModule or SoundSource3D) to the reverb.
Method Summary
 int getRoomLevel()
          Gets the object specific level for the reverberant sound.
 void setRoomLevel(int level)
          Sets the object specific level for the reverberant sound.

Field Detail


public static final int DISCONNECT
The application can use this for setRoomLevel when it does not intend to connect this object (typically EffectModule or SoundSource3D) to the reverb. Setting this value will disconnect the object from the global reverb. Also, the implementation can use this to optimize the performance and totally remove feeds into the reverb that never will be used. The method setRoomLevel can throw a MediaException if the application tries to changed this in a non-supported state. Typically, it may be supported to use the DISCONNECT in the REALIZED state but not in any other state of the involved Players.

See Also:
Constant Field Values
Method Detail


public void setRoomLevel(int level)
                  throws javax.microedition.media.MediaException
Sets the object specific level for the reverberant sound.

level - the level of the reflected sound compared to the natural room gain in millibels (mB, 1 mB = 1/100 dB); must be a non-positive value. The default value is 0 meaning the natural room gain (set by ReverbControl's presets). Setting this value as Integer.MIN_VALUE disables the reflected sound for the given object. With the value DISCONNECT, the object can be disconnected from the reverb.
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if the factor is not DISCONNECT, and factor > 0
javax.microedition.media.MediaException - if the value (typically for DISCONNECTing or connecting) has been attempted to be set in a wrong state of the associated Player(s). (Typically, DISCONNECTing or connecting is possible only in the REALIZED state of the associated Players.)
See Also:


public int getRoomLevel()
Gets the object specific level for the reverberant sound.

the current level of the reflected sound compared to the natural room level in millibels or DISCONNECT

1.0: Final Release

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