Uses of Class

Packages that use Transition
com.sun.lwuit Main widget package containing the component/container "composite" similar both in terminology and design to Swing/AWT. 
com.sun.lwuit.animations All components are animatable by potential and additional animations (unrelated to a specific component) can be installed on the fly, transitions between forms are also handled as part of this package. 
com.sun.lwuit.plaf Look of the application can be fully customized via this package, it represents a rendering layer that can be plugged in separately in runtime and themed to provide any custom look. 

Uses of Transition in com.sun.lwuit

Methods in com.sun.lwuit that return Transition
static Transition VirtualKeyboard.getTransitionIn()
          The transition in for the VKB
 Transition Form.getTransitionInAnimator()
          This property allows us to define a an animation that will draw the transition for entering this form.
 Transition TabbedPane.getTransitionLeft()
          Deprecated. Indicates the transition to use when switching between tabs from right to left.
static Transition VirtualKeyboard.getTransitionOut()
          The transition out for the VKB
 Transition Form.getTransitionOutAnimator()
          This property allows us to define a an animation that will draw the transition for exiting this form.
 Transition TabbedPane.getTransitionRight()
          Deprecated. Indicates the transition to use when switching between tabs from left to right.

Methods in com.sun.lwuit with parameters of type Transition
 void Form.replace(Component current, Component next, Transition t)
 void Container.replace(Component current, Component next, Transition t)
          This method replaces the current Component with the next Component.
 void Container.replace(Component current, Component next, Transition t, java.lang.Runnable onFinish, int growSpeed)
          This method replaces the current Component with the next Component
 void Form.replaceAndWait(Component current, Component next, Transition t)
 void Container.replaceAndWait(Component current, Component next, Transition t)
          This method replaces the current Component with the next Component.
 void Container.replaceAndWait(Component current, Component next, Transition t, boolean dropEvents)
          This method replaces the current Component with the next Component.
 void Container.replaceAndWait(Component current, Component next, Transition t, int layoutAnimationSpeed)
          This method replaces the current Component with the next Component.
 void Form.setMenuTransitions(Transition transitionIn, Transition transitionOut)
          Sets the menu transitions for showing/hiding the menu, can be null...
 void Form.setTitleComponent(Label title, Transition t)
          Allows replacing the title with a different title component, thus allowing developers to create more elaborate title objects.
 void Dialog.setTitleComponent(Label title, Transition t)
static void VirtualKeyboard.setTransitionIn(Transition aTransitionIn)
          The transition in for the VKB
 void Form.setTransitionInAnimator(Transition transitionInAnimator)
          This property allows us to define a an animation that will draw the transition for entering this form.
 void TabbedPane.setTransitionLeft(Transition transitionLeft)
          Deprecated. Indicates the transition to use when switching between tabs from right to left.
static void VirtualKeyboard.setTransitionOut(Transition aTransitionOut)
          The transition out for the VKB
 void Form.setTransitionOutAnimator(Transition transitionOutAnimator)
          This property allows us to define a an animation that will draw the transition for exiting this form.
 void TabbedPane.setTransitionRight(Transition transitionRight)
          Deprecated. Indicates the transition to use when switching between tabs from left to right.
 void MenuBar.setTransitions(Transition transitionIn, Transition transitionOut)
          Sets the menu transitions for showing/hiding the menu, can be null...
static Command title, Component body, Command[] cmds, int type, Image icon, long timeout, Transition transition)
          Shows a modal dialog with the given component as its "body" placed in the center.
static Command title, Component body, Command defaultCommand, Command[] cmds, int type, Image icon, long timeout, Transition transition)
          Shows a modal dialog with the given component as its "body" placed in the center.
static Command title, java.lang.String text, Command[] cmds, int type, Image icon, long timeout, Transition transition)
          Shows a modal prompt dialog with the given title and text.
static Command title, java.lang.String text, Command defaultCommand, Command[] cmds, int type, Image icon, long timeout, Transition transition)
          Shows a modal prompt dialog with the given title and text.

Uses of Transition in com.sun.lwuit.animations

Subclasses of Transition in com.sun.lwuit.animations
 class CommonTransitions
          Contains common transition animations including the following: Slide - the exiting form slides out of the screen while the new form slides in.
 class Transition3D
          Transitions utilizing the M3G API for 3D effects, this transition requires M3G (JSR 184) support on the device in order to work properly.

Methods in com.sun.lwuit.animations that return Transition
 Transition Transition3D.copy()
 Transition Transition.copy(boolean reverse)
          Create a copy of the transition, usually the transition used is a copy.
 Transition CommonTransitions.copy(boolean reverse)

Uses of Transition in com.sun.lwuit.plaf

Methods in com.sun.lwuit.plaf that return Transition
 Transition LookAndFeel.getDefaultDialogTransitionIn()
          Allows us to define a default animation that will draw the transition for entering a dialog
 Transition LookAndFeel.getDefaultDialogTransitionOut()
          Allows us to define a default animation that will draw the transition for exiting a dialog
 Transition LookAndFeel.getDefaultFormTransitionIn()
          Allows us to define a default animation that will draw the transition for entering a form
 Transition LookAndFeel.getDefaultFormTransitionOut()
          Allows us to define a default animation that will draw the transition for exiting a form
 Transition LookAndFeel.getDefaultMenuTransitionIn()
          Allows us to define a default animation that will draw the transition for entering a Menu
 Transition LookAndFeel.getDefaultMenuTransitionOut()
          Allows us to define a default animation that will draw the transition for exiting a Menu

Methods in com.sun.lwuit.plaf with parameters of type Transition
 void LookAndFeel.setDefaultDialogTransitionIn(Transition defaultDialogTransitionIn)
          Allows us to define a default animation that will draw the transition for entering a dialog
 void LookAndFeel.setDefaultDialogTransitionOut(Transition defaultDialogTransitionOut)
          Allows us to define a default animation that will draw the transition for exiting a dialog
 void LookAndFeel.setDefaultFormTransitionIn(Transition defaultFormTransitionIn)
          Allows us to define a default animation that will draw the transition for entering a form
 void LookAndFeel.setDefaultFormTransitionOut(Transition defaultFormTransitionOut)
          Allows us to define a default animation that will draw the transition for exiting a form
 void LookAndFeel.setDefaultMenuTransitionIn(Transition defaultMenuTransitionIn)
          Allows us to define a default animation that will draw the transition for entering a Menu
 void LookAndFeel.setDefaultMenuTransitionOut(Transition defaultMenuTransitionOut)
          Allows us to define a default animation that will draw the transition for exiting a Menu