Uses of Class

Packages that use Form
com.sun.lwuit Main widget package containing the component/container "composite" similar both in terminology and design to Swing/AWT. 
com.sun.lwuit.impl The implementation package should not be used by developers, it is an internal implementation detail which will break compatibility between major LWUIT releases. 
com.sun.lwuit.painter Painter allows us to draw arbitrary elements of graphics from plain/scaled/tiled images to gradients and pretty much any form of graphic drawing we can imagine. 
com.sun.lwuit.util Utility features that are either too domain specific or don't "fit" into any other packages. 

Uses of Form in com.sun.lwuit

Subclasses of Form in com.sun.lwuit
 class Dialog
          A dialog is a form that occupies a part of the screen and appears as a modal entity to the developer.
 class VirtualKeyboard
          This class represent the LWUIT Light Weight Virtual Keyboard

Methods in com.sun.lwuit that return Form
 Form Form.getComponentForm()
 Form Component.getComponentForm()
          Returns the Component Form or null if this Component is not added yet to a form
 Form Display.getCurrent()
          Return the form currently displayed on the screen or null if no form is currently displayed.

Methods in com.sun.lwuit with parameters of type Form
protected  void MenuBar.initMenuBar(Form parent)
          Initialize the MenuBar

Uses of Form in com.sun.lwuit.impl

Methods in com.sun.lwuit.impl that return Form
 Form LWUITImplementation.getCurrentForm()
          Returns the current form, this method is for internal use only and does not take transitions/menus into consideration

Methods in com.sun.lwuit.impl with parameters of type Form
 void LWUITImplementation.setCurrentForm(Form f)
          This method is used internally to determine the actual current form it doesn't perform the logic of transitions etc. and shouldn't be invoked by developers

Uses of Form in com.sun.lwuit.painter

Methods in com.sun.lwuit.painter with parameters of type Form
static void PainterChain.installGlassPane(Form f, Painter p)
          Installs a glass pane on the given form making sure to make it a painter chain only if required by existing painter
static void PainterChain.removeGlassPane(Form f, Painter p)
          Removes a glass pane from the given form, this is the opposite operation for the install glass pane

Uses of Form in com.sun.lwuit.util

Methods in com.sun.lwuit.util that return Form
 Form UIBuilder.showForm(java.lang.String resourceName, Command sourceCommand)
          This method is equivalent to the internal navigation behavior, it adds functionality such as the back command into the given form resource and shows it.

Methods in com.sun.lwuit.util with parameters of type Form
protected  void UIBuilder.beforeShow(Form f)
          This method allows binding an action that should occur before showing the given form
protected  void UIBuilder.exitForm(Form f)
          This method allows binding an action that should occur before leaving the given form, e.g. memory cleanup
protected  java.util.Hashtable UIBuilder.getFormState(Form f)
          Returns the state of the current form which we are about to leave as part of the navigation logic.
protected  void UIBuilder.postShow(Form f)
          This method allows binding an action that should occur immediately after showing the given form
protected  boolean UIBuilder.processBackground(Form f)
          Warning: this method is invoked on a separate thread.
protected  void UIBuilder.setFormState(Form f, java.util.Hashtable state)
          Sets the state of the current form to which we are returing as part of the navigation logic.