Uses of Class

Packages that use Image
com.sun.lwuit Main widget package containing the component/container "composite" similar both in terminology and design to Swing/AWT. 
com.sun.lwuit.animations All components are animatable by potential and additional animations (unrelated to a specific component) can be installed on the fly, transitions between forms are also handled as part of this package. 
com.sun.lwuit.impl The implementation package should not be used by developers, it is an internal implementation detail which will break compatibility between major LWUIT releases. 
com.sun.lwuit.plaf Look of the application can be fully customized via this package, it represents a rendering layer that can be plugged in separately in runtime and themed to provide any custom look. 
com.sun.lwuit.spinner Spinners allows picking of simple sequential values similarly to combo boxes but of a much wider value set. 
com.sun.lwuit.tree Tree component for displaying hierarchy based information and its related classes  
com.sun.lwuit.util Utility features that are either too domain specific or don't "fit" into any other packages. 

Uses of Image in com.sun.lwuit

Subclasses of Image in com.sun.lwuit
 class EncodedImage
          An image that only keeps the binary data of the source file used to load it in permanent memory.
 class IndexedImage
          Deprecated. This class should no longer be referenced directly. Use Image.createIndexed instead
 class RGBImage
          An image that stores its data as an integer RGB array internally, this image cannot be manipulated via Graphics primitives however its array is accessible and modifiable programmatically.
 class StaticAnimation
          Deprecated. this class shouldn't be referenced directly, use the Image base class for all functionality

Methods in com.sun.lwuit that return Image
 Image Image.applyMask(java.lang.Object mask)
          Applies the given alpha mask onto this image and returns the resulting image see the createMask method for indication on how to convert an image into an alpha mask.
 Image Image.applyMask(java.lang.Object mask, int x, int y)
          Applies the given alpha mask onto this image and returns the resulting image see the createMask method for indication on how to convert an image into an alpha mask.
static Image Image.createImage(byte[] bytes, int offset, int len)
          creates an image from a given byte array data
static Image Image.createImage( stream)
          creates an image from an InputStream
static Image Image.createImage(int[] rgb, int width, int height)
          creates an image from an RGB image
static Image Image.createImage(int width, int height)
          Creates a mutable image that may be manipulated using getGraphics
static Image Image.createImage(int width, int height, int fillColor)
          Creates a mutable image that may be manipulated using getGraphics
static Image Image.createImage(java.lang.Object nativeImage)
          creates an image from the given native image (e.g.
static Image Image.createImage(java.lang.String path)
          creates an image from the given path based on MIDP's createImage(path)
static Image Image.createIndexed(int width, int height, int[] palette, byte[] data)
          Creates an indexed image with byte data this method may return a native indexed image rather than an instance of the IndexedImage class
static Image Image.createSVG(java.lang.String baseURL, boolean animated, byte[] data)
          Creates an SVG Image from the given byte array data and the base URL, this method will throw an exception if SVG is unsupported.
 Image Command.getDisabledIcon()
          Indicates the icon that is displayed on the button when the button is in the disabled state
 Image Button.getDisabledIcon()
          Indicates the icon that is displayed on the button when the button is in the disabled state
protected  Image Component.getDragImage()
          This method returns an image representing the dragged component, it can be overriden by subclasses to customize the look of the image, the image will be overlayed on top of the form during a drag and drop operation
 Image TextArea.getHintIcon()
          Returns the hint icon
 Image List.getHintIcon()
          Returns the hint icon
 Image Label.getIcon()
          Returns the labels icon
 Image Command.getIcon()
          Returns the icon representing the command
 Image Button.getIconFromState()
          Returns the icon for the button based on its current state
protected  Image EncodedImage.getInternal()
          Returns the actual image represented by the encoded image, this image will be cached in a weak/soft reference internally.
 Image Command.getPressedIcon()
          Indicates the icon that is displayed on the button when the button is in pressed state
 Image Button.getPressedIcon()
          Indicates the icon that is displayed on the button when the button is in pressed state
 Image Command.getRolloverIcon()
          Indicates the icon that is displayed on the button when the button is in rolled over state
 Image Button.getRolloverIcon()
          Indicates the icon that is displayed on the button when the button is in rolled over state
 Image Button.getRolloverPressedIcon()
          Indicates the icon that is displayed on the button when the button is in pressed state and is selected.
 Image Tabs.getTabIcon(int index)
          Returns the icon of the tab at the given index
 Image Tabs.getTabSelectedIcon(int index)
          Returns the icon of the tab at the given index
 Image Slider.getThumbImage()
          The thumb image is drawn on top of the current progress
 Image RGBImage.modifyAlpha(byte alpha)
 Image IndexedImage.modifyAlpha(byte alpha)
 Image Image.modifyAlpha(byte alpha)
          Creates a new image instance with the alpha channel of opaque/translucent pixels within the image using the new alpha value.
 Image EncodedImage.modifyAlpha(byte alpha)
 Image Image.modifyAlpha(byte alpha, int removeColor)
          Creates a new image instance with the alpha channel of opaque/translucent pixels within the image using the new alpha value.
 Image EncodedImage.modifyAlpha(byte alpha, int removeColor)
 Image Image.modifyAlphaWithTranslucency(byte alpha)
          Creates a new image instance with the alpha channel of opaque pixels within the image using the new alpha value.
static Image IndexedImage.pack(Image sourceImage)
          Deprecated. Tries to pack the given image and would return the packed image or source image if packing failed
static Image IndexedImage.pack(java.lang.String imageName)
          Deprecated. Packs the image loaded by MIDP
 Image Component.paintLock(boolean hardLock)
          This method locks the component so it will always paint the given image instead of running through its paint logic.
 Image RGBImage.rotate(int degrees)
          Unsupported in the current version, this method will be implemented in a future release
 Image IndexedImage.rotate(int degrees)
          Deprecated. Unsupported in the current version, this method will be implemented in a future release
 Image Image.rotate(int degrees)
          Returns an instance of this image rotated by the given number of degrees.
 Image EncodedImage.rotate(int degrees)
 Image StaticAnimation.scaled(int width, int height)
 Image RGBImage.scaled(int width, int height)
 Image IndexedImage.scaled(int width, int height)
 Image Image.scaled(int width, int height)
          Returns a scaled version of this image image using the given width and height, this is a fast algorithm that preserves translucent information.
 Image EncodedImage.scaled(int width, int height)
 Image Image.scaledHeight(int height)
          Scales the image to the given height while updating the width based on the aspect ratio of the height
 Image EncodedImage.scaledHeight(int height)
 Image Image.scaledSmallerRatio(int width, int height)
          Scales the image while maintaining the aspect ratio to the smaller size image
 Image EncodedImage.scaledSmallerRatio(int width, int height)
 Image Image.scaledWidth(int width)
          Scales the image to the given width while updating the height based on the aspect ratio of the width
 Image EncodedImage.scaledWidth(int width)
 Image RGBImage.subImage(int x, int y, int width, int height, boolean processAlpha)
 Image IndexedImage.subImage(int x, int y, int width, int height, boolean processAlpha)
 Image Image.subImage(int x, int y, int width, int height, boolean processAlpha)
          Extracts a subimage from the given image allowing us to breakdown a single large image into multiple smaller images in RAM, this actually creates a standalone version of the image for use.
 Image EncodedImage.subImage(int x, int y, int width, int height, boolean processAlpha)

Methods in com.sun.lwuit with parameters of type Image
 void Tabs.addTab(java.lang.String title, Image icon, Component component)
          Adds a component represented by a title and/or icon, either of which can be null.
 void TabbedPane.addTab(java.lang.String title, Image icon, Component component)
          Deprecated. Adds a component represented by a title and/or icon, either of which can be null.
static Font Font.createBitmapFont(Image bitmap, int[] cutOffsets, int[] charWidth, java.lang.String charsets)
          Creates a bitmap font with the given arguments
static Font Font.createBitmapFont(java.lang.String name, Image bitmap, int[] cutOffsets, int[] charWidth, java.lang.String charsets)
          Creates a bitmap font with the given arguments and places said font in the cache
protected  void Component.drawDraggedImage(Graphics g, Image img, int x, int y)
          Draws the given image at x/y, this method can be overriden to draw additional information such as positive or negative drop indication
 void Graphics.drawImage(Image img, int x, int y)
          Draws the image so its top left coordinate corresponds to x/y
 void Graphics.drawImage(Image img, int x, int y, int w, int h)
          Draws the image so its top left coordinate corresponds to x/y and scales it to width/height
 void Tabs.insertTab(java.lang.String title, Image icon, Component component, int index)
          Inserts a component, at index, represented by a title and/or icon, either of which may be null.
 void TabbedPane.insertTab(java.lang.String title, Image icon, Component component, int index)
          Deprecated. Inserts a component, at index, represented by a title and/or icon, either of which may be null.
static Image IndexedImage.pack(Image sourceImage)
          Deprecated. Tries to pack the given image and would return the packed image or source image if packing failed
 void Form.setBgImage(Image bgImage)
          Deprecated. Use the style directly
 void Command.setDisabledIcon(Image disabledIcon)
          Indicates the icon that is displayed on the button when the button is in the disabled state
 void Button.setDisabledIcon(Image disabledIcon)
          Indicates the icon that is displayed on the button when the button is in the disabled state
 void TextArea.setHint(java.lang.String hint, Image icon)
          Sets the TextArea hint text and Icon, the hint text and icon are displayed on the TextArea when there is no text in the TextArea
 void List.setHint(java.lang.String hint, Image icon)
          Sets the TextArea hint text and Icon, the hint text and icon are displayed on the TextArea when there is no text in the TextArea
 void TextArea.setHintIcon(Image icon)
          Sets the TextArea hint icon, the hint is displayed on the TextArea When there is no text in the TextArea
 void List.setHintIcon(Image icon)
          Sets the TextArea hint icon, the hint is displayed on the TextArea When there is no text in the TextArea
 void Label.setIcon(Image icon)
          Sets the Label icon, if the icon is unmodified a repaint would not be triggered
 void Command.setPressedIcon(Image pressedIcon)
          Indicates the icon that is displayed on the button when the button is in pressed state
 void Button.setPressedIcon(Image pressedIcon)
          Indicates the icon that is displayed on the button when the button is in pressed state
 void Command.setRolloverIcon(Image rolloverIcon)
          Indicates the icon that is displayed on the button when the button is in rolled over state
 void Button.setRolloverIcon(Image rolloverIcon)
          Indicates the icon that is displayed on the button when the button is in rolled over state
 void Button.setRolloverPressedIcon(Image rolloverPressedIcon)
          Indicates the icon that is displayed on the button when the button is in pressed state and is selected.
 void Tabs.setTabSelectedIcon(int index, Image icon)
          Sets the selected icon of the tab at the given index
 void Tabs.setTabTitle(java.lang.String title, Image icon, int index)
          Updates the information about the tab details
 void TabbedPane.setTabTitle(java.lang.String title, Image icon, int index)
          Deprecated. Updates the information about the tab details
 void Slider.setThumbImage(Image thumbImage)
          The thumb image is drawn on top of the current progress
static Command title, Component body, Command[] cmds, int type, Image icon)
          Shows a modal dialog with the given component as its "body" placed in the center.
static Command title, Component body, Command[] cmds, int type, Image icon, long timeout)
          Shows a modal dialog with the given component as its "body" placed in the center.
static Command title, Component body, Command[] cmds, int type, Image icon, long timeout, Transition transition)
          Shows a modal dialog with the given component as its "body" placed in the center.
static Command title, Component body, Command defaultCommand, Command[] cmds, int type, Image icon, long timeout, Transition transition)
          Shows a modal dialog with the given component as its "body" placed in the center.
static Command title, java.lang.String text, Command[] cmds, int type, Image icon, long timeout)
          Shows a modal prompt dialog with the given title and text.
static Command title, java.lang.String text, Command[] cmds, int type, Image icon, long timeout, Transition transition)
          Shows a modal prompt dialog with the given title and text.
static Command title, java.lang.String text, Command defaultCommand, Command[] cmds, int type, Image icon, long timeout)
          Shows a modal prompt dialog with the given title and text.
static Command title, java.lang.String text, Command defaultCommand, Command[] cmds, int type, Image icon, long timeout, Transition transition)
          Shows a modal prompt dialog with the given title and text.
static boolean title, java.lang.String text, int type, Image icon, java.lang.String okText, java.lang.String cancelText)
          Shows a modal prompt dialog with the given title and text.
static boolean title, java.lang.String text, int type, Image icon, java.lang.String okText, java.lang.String cancelText, long timeout)
          Shows a modal prompt dialog with the given title and text.

Constructors in com.sun.lwuit with parameters of type Image
Button(Image icon)
          Constructs a button with the specified image.
Button(java.lang.String text, Image icon)
          Constructor a button with text and image
CheckBox(Image icon)
          Constructs a checkbox with the given icon
CheckBox(java.lang.String text, Image icon)
          Constructs a checkbox with the given text and icon
Command(java.lang.String command, Image icon)
          Creates a new instance of Command
Command(java.lang.String command, Image icon, int id)
          Creates a new instance of Command
Label(Image icon)
          Constructs a new label with the specified icon
RadioButton(Image icon)
          Constructs a radio with the given icon
RadioButton(java.lang.String text, Image icon)
          Constructs a radio with the given text and icon
RGBImage(Image img)
          Converts an image to an RGB image after which the original image can be GC'd

Uses of Image in com.sun.lwuit.animations

Subclasses of Image in com.sun.lwuit.animations
 class Timeline
          A timeline represents the motions of animation objects

Methods in com.sun.lwuit.animations that return Image
 Image Timeline.scaled(int width, int height)

Methods in com.sun.lwuit.animations with parameters of type Image
static AnimationObject AnimationObject.createAnimationImage(Image img, int x, int y)
          Creates an animation object instance that can define the animation properties for an image
static CommonTransitions CommonTransitions.createTimeline(Image animation)
          Creates a transition using an animated image object (e.g. timeline object) as an alpha mask between the source/target

Uses of Image in com.sun.lwuit.impl

Methods in com.sun.lwuit.impl with parameters of type Image
 boolean LWUITImplementation.isOpaque(Image lwuitImage, java.lang.Object nativeImage)
          Returns true if the image was opaque

Uses of Image in com.sun.lwuit.plaf

Methods in com.sun.lwuit.plaf that return Image
 Image Style.getBgImage()
          Background image for the component
 Image[] DefaultLookAndFeel.getCheckBoxFocusImages()
          Returns the images used to represent the checkbox when focused
 Image[] DefaultLookAndFeel.getCheckBoxImages()
          Returns the images used to represent the checkbox (selected followed by unselected).
 Image[] LookAndFeel.getMenuIcons()
          Simple getter for the menu icons
 Image[] DefaultLookAndFeel.getRadioButtonFocusImages()
          Returns the images used to represent the radio button when in focused mode
 Image[] DefaultLookAndFeel.getRadioButtonImages()
          Returns the images used to represent the radio button (selected followed by unselected).
 Image UIManager.getThemeImageConstant(java.lang.String constantName)
          Returns a theme constant defined in the resource editor

Methods in com.sun.lwuit.plaf with parameters of type Image
static Border Border.createHorizonalImageBorder(Image left, Image right, Image center)
          This is an image border that can only grow horizontally
static Border Border.createImageBorder(Image top, Image topLeft, Image background)
          The given images are tiled appropriately across the matching side of the border, rotated and placed as expected in the four corners.
static Border Border.createImageBorder(Image top, Image bottom, Image left, Image right, Image topLeft, Image topRight, Image bottomLeft, Image bottomRight, Image background)
          The given top/bottom/left/right images are tiled appropriately across the matching sides of the border and the corners are placed as expected in the four corners.
static Border Border.createImageScaledBorder(Image top, Image bottom, Image left, Image right, Image topLeft, Image topRight, Image bottomLeft, Image bottomRight, Image background)
          The given top/bottom/left/right images are scaled appropriately across the matching sides of the border and the corners are placed as expected in the four corners.
static Border Border.createVerticalImageBorder(Image top, Image bottom, Image center)
          This is an image border that can only grow vertically
abstract  Component LookAndFeel.getTabbedPaneCell(TabbedPane tp, java.lang.String text, Image icon, boolean isSelected, boolean cellHasFocus, Style cellStyle, Style cellSelectedStyle, Style tabbedPaneStyle, int cellOffsetX, int cellOffsetY, Dimension cellsPreferredSize, Dimension contentPaneSize)
 Component DefaultLookAndFeel.getTabbedPaneCell(TabbedPane tp, java.lang.String text, Image icon, boolean isSelected, boolean cellHasFocus, Style cellStyle, Style cellSelectedStyle, Style tabbedPaneStyle, int cellOffsetX, int cellOffsetY, Dimension cellsPreferredSize, Dimension contentPaneSize)
 void Style.setBgImage(Image bgImage)
          Sets the background image for the component
 void Style.setBgImage(Image bgImage, boolean override)
          Sets the background image for the component
 void DefaultLookAndFeel.setCheckBoxFocusImages(Image checked, Image unchecked, Image disabledChecked, Image disabledUnchecked)
          Sets images for checkbox when in focused mode
 void DefaultLookAndFeel.setCheckBoxImages(Image checked, Image unchecked)
          Sets images for checkbox checked/unchecked modes
 void DefaultLookAndFeel.setCheckBoxImages(Image checked, Image unchecked, Image disabledChecked, Image disabledUnchecked)
          Sets images for checkbox checked/unchecked modes
 void DefaultLookAndFeel.setComboBoxImage(Image picker)
          Sets image for the combo box dropdown drawing
 void Border.setImageBorderSpecialTile(Image tileTop, Image tileBottom, Image tileLeft, Image tileRight, Component trackComponent)
          This method is designed mainly for the purpose of creating an arrow that will track a specific component using the image border the tile given would be an arrow like image just like the ones used for the top/bottom/left/right images.
 void LookAndFeel.setMenuIcons(Image select, Image cancel, Image menu)
          Sets globally the Menu icons
 void DefaultLookAndFeel.setRadioButtonFocusImages(Image selected, Image unselected, Image disabledSelected, Image disabledUnselected)
          Sets images for radio button selected/unselected and disabled modes, when the radio button has focus, these are entirely optional
 void DefaultLookAndFeel.setRadioButtonImages(Image selected, Image unselected)
          Sets images for radio button selected/unselected modes
 void DefaultLookAndFeel.setRadioButtonImages(Image selected, Image unselected, Image disabledSelected, Image disabledUnselected)
          Sets images for radio button selected/unselected modes

Constructors in com.sun.lwuit.plaf with parameters of type Image
Style(int fgColor, int bgColor, Font f, byte transparency, Image im, byte backgroundType)
          Creates a new style with the given attributes

Uses of Image in com.sun.lwuit.spinner

Methods in com.sun.lwuit.spinner that return Image
static Image Spinner.getSpinnerHandle()
          The image appearing on the side of the spinner widget to indicate its "spinnability"

Methods in com.sun.lwuit.spinner with parameters of type Image
static void Spinner.setSpinnerHandle(Image aSpinnerHandle)
          The image appearing on the side of the spinner widget to indicate its "spinnability"

Uses of Image in com.sun.lwuit.tree

Methods in com.sun.lwuit.tree with parameters of type Image
static void Tree.setFolderIcon(Image folderIcon)
          Sets the icon for a tree folder
static void Tree.setFolderOpenIcon(Image folderIcon)
          Sets the icon for a tree folder in its expanded state
static void Tree.setNodeIcon(Image nodeIcon)
          Sets the icon for a tree node

Uses of Image in com.sun.lwuit.util

Methods in com.sun.lwuit.util that return Image
 Image Resources.getImage(java.lang.String id)
          Returns the image resource from the file
static Image Effects.reflectionImage(Image source)
          Takes the given image and appends an effect of reflection bellow it that is similar to the way elements appear in water beneath them.
static Image Effects.reflectionImage(Image source, float mirrorRatio, int alphaRatio)
          Takes the given image and appends an effect of reflection bellow it that is similar to the way elements appear in water beneath them.
static Image Effects.reflectionImage(Image source, float mirrorRatio, int alphaRatio, int spacing)
          Takes the given image and appends an effect of reflection bellow it that is similar to the way elements appear in water beneath them.

Methods in com.sun.lwuit.util with parameters of type Image
protected  Command UIBuilder.createCommand(java.lang.String commandName, Image icon, int commandId, java.lang.String action)
          Creates a command instance.
static Image Effects.reflectionImage(Image source)
          Takes the given image and appends an effect of reflection bellow it that is similar to the way elements appear in water beneath them.
static Image Effects.reflectionImage(Image source, float mirrorRatio, int alphaRatio)
          Takes the given image and appends an effect of reflection bellow it that is similar to the way elements appear in water beneath them.
static Image Effects.reflectionImage(Image source, float mirrorRatio, int alphaRatio, int spacing)
          Takes the given image and appends an effect of reflection bellow it that is similar to the way elements appear in water beneath them.