Uses of Class

Packages that use TextArea
com.sun.lwuit Main widget package containing the component/container "composite" similar both in terminology and design to Swing/AWT. 
com.sun.lwuit.html The HTML package allows rendering XHTML-MP 1.0 documents including WCSS support. 
com.sun.lwuit.plaf Look of the application can be fully customized via this package, it represents a rendering layer that can be plugged in separately in runtime and themed to provide any custom look. 

Uses of TextArea in com.sun.lwuit

Subclasses of TextArea in com.sun.lwuit
 class TextField
          Allows in place editing using a lightweight API without necessarily moving to the external native text box.

Methods in com.sun.lwuit that return TextArea
static TextArea TextField.create()
          Default factory method
static TextArea TextField.create(int columns)
          Construct text field/area depending on whether native in place editing is supported
static TextArea TextField.create(java.lang.String text)
          Construct text field/area depending on whether native in place editing is supported
static TextArea TextField.create(java.lang.String text, int columns)
          Construct text field/area depending on whether native in place editing is supported

Methods in com.sun.lwuit with parameters of type TextArea
static void VirtualKeyboard.bindVirtualKeyboard(TextArea t, VirtualKeyboard vkb)
          This method is used to bind a specific instance of a virtual keyboard to a specific TextField.
static VirtualKeyboard VirtualKeyboard.getVirtualKeyboard(TextArea t)
          This method returns the Textfield associated VirtualKeyboard, see bindVirtualKeyboard(TextField tf, VirtualKeyboard vkb) method.
static int VirtualKeyboard.getVKBTint(TextArea tf)
          The tint color for the virtual keyboard when shown on top of this text field see the form tint methods for more information
static boolean VirtualKeyboard.isCommitOnDispose(TextArea tf)
          Indicates whether the given text field should commit on dispose
 void VirtualKeyboard.setTextField(TextArea field)
          Invoked internally by the implementation to indicate the text field that will be edited by the virtual keyboard

Uses of TextArea in com.sun.lwuit.html

Methods in com.sun.lwuit.html with parameters of type TextArea
 java.lang.String HTMLCallback.fieldSubmitted(HTMLComponent htmlC, TextArea ta, java.lang.String actionURL, java.lang.String id, java.lang.String value, int type, java.lang.String errorMsg)
          Called whenever a field is submitted to a form.
 java.lang.String DefaultHTMLCallback.fieldSubmitted(HTMLComponent htmlC, TextArea ta, java.lang.String actionURL, java.lang.String id, java.lang.String value, int type, java.lang.String errorMsg)
          Called whenever a field is submitted to a form.

Uses of TextArea in com.sun.lwuit.plaf

Methods in com.sun.lwuit.plaf with parameters of type TextArea
abstract  void LookAndFeel.drawTextArea(Graphics g, TextArea ta)
          Draw the given text area
 void DefaultLookAndFeel.drawTextArea(Graphics g, TextArea ta)
abstract  void LookAndFeel.drawTextField(Graphics g, TextArea ta)
          Draws the text field without its cursor which is drawn in a separate method input mode indication can also be drawn using this method.
 void DefaultLookAndFeel.drawTextField(Graphics g, TextArea ta)
abstract  void LookAndFeel.drawTextFieldCursor(Graphics g, TextArea ta)
          Draws the cursor of the text field, blinking is handled simply by avoiding a call to this method.
 void DefaultLookAndFeel.drawTextFieldCursor(Graphics g, TextArea ta)
abstract  Dimension LookAndFeel.getTextAreaSize(TextArea ta, boolean pref)
          Calculate the preferred size of the component
 Dimension DefaultLookAndFeel.getTextAreaSize(TextArea ta, boolean pref)
abstract  Dimension LookAndFeel.getTextFieldPreferredSize(TextArea ta)
          Calculate the preferred size of the component
 Dimension DefaultLookAndFeel.getTextFieldPreferredSize(TextArea ta)
protected  java.lang.String DefaultLookAndFeel.getTextFieldString(TextArea ta)
          Similar to getText() but works properly with password fields